
Friday, December 14, 2007

I just received a 50 cents augmentation at my second job

So for now on, instead of 9.50$, I am getting paid 10$ per hour. lol :)

What I used to like about that job it's that the hours were flexible. Right now, it's not the case, and I can only work there 2 days per week, only when I don't work at my other job. So I can only work 13 hours weekly, at 10$, which make 130$, minus taxes... It's make a little extra.

I paid a 900$ debt that I had in my TD credit lign, so any extra money is welcome, especially during Christmas.

I continue my search for the best investment for my RRSP. I also need to open an account at RBC, in order to buy the mutual funds that I want.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I desperately need more growing in my portfolio

In order to spice up my portfolio of mutual funds, I want to add more funds to my "collection". I just enjoy so much receiving the papers that the bank send, I believe it might be something like once every 3 months, about how well did the mutual funds

I put those papers in a luggage that I actually block, but if I continue like that, I might take the whole space of the luggage just in order to keep all those papers. I didn't buy a mutual funds in a long time and now I would like to, but for now, I have that 5 000$ for my RRSP that I need to take care of and it's exhausting me, all those searches. And since I don't make a fortune, I still need to keep sme money for my living. But I don' t expect doing to much expenses in December, because I decide to do so. I have a 900$ and something that I took from my TD credit lign and I expect to pay it all this month. I keep browsing the web by searching for "best investments for RRSP", but nothing come out. I found advisor talking about it, but they don't get to the point, they don't provide the name of any best investments at all. And it's really frustrating. See for example, an article of talking about the subject, having for title Selecting investments for RRSP, right on the topic and it's by James Yih. The article is interesting and everything, but it doesn't go to the point, it's doesn't even propose investments idea. I read many articles like that one over the Web and I am getting to the point where I am asking myself if there actually someone out there who actually know what they are talking about! Everyone talk about those best investments for RRSP, but no one actually names them. Could anyone just write about it? Or am I going to be the first one? Anyway, since I am not a professional, my advices don't really count. But do I really care? I am so use to do everything by myself. But at the same time, I am risking a lot here. I almost feel like I am risking my life. If I fail, what will I do if something bad happen and I find out I pick the wrong funds? Because it's only a matter of that for me. It's not even a matter of do-I-have-the-money-in-oder-to-invest but it's only a matter of choice. So far, I am doing ok, but only ok. I cannot say I am doing very well. I am just at a point right now where I would like to be able to do better, but I just can't.

Dreaming of retirement: Sticking to the plan

It’s so funny that at 27, the only thing I have in mind is to retire early. Some people could eventually not understand, but knowing what I pass through at different work places, I am still lucky to be mentally healthy lol. It will be the second year that I invest massively in my RRSP. I have the money waiting in bank. I now just have to pick the funds that will make me a rich old miss. Because in my mind, it’s all what it is about, it’s about picking the best investment, crossing fingers and just hope it will turn for the best, knowing I can wait for 20 years in order to retire.

Since I am currently working and its look like I might still have that job for the upcoming days… I begin my search for the best investments for my RRSP. I have a 5 500$ to invest, but I might just invest 5 000$. I plan to invest the major part in mutual funds. I get through the analysts pick of the MorningStar and I had pick the following so far:

RBC O'Shaughnessy US Value
TD Dividend Income – I
TD Entertainment & Comm – I
TD Monthly Income – I

And it’s about it for now. It’s look like I will mostly invest in TD mutual funds. From the experience I got in the past, I might no be able to invest in the mutual funds that I want. So I am looking at other alternatives in case I cannot get what I want, as usual.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Where all that money is coming from?

It's too bad, I way too much impress on my savings and on the return I got from my mutual funds. I have been working so hard for my money, from Monday to Sunday, week after week. It's hard to believe what I am able to do with not so much.

I am so close to reach my first 50 000$ goal now! If only I could make a little bit more than what I am having right now. My salaries varies from 9.50$ to 12$ and for 15$ for overtime. It's nothing much after taxes.

I will be able to invest 5 500$ in my RRSP this year after all

It's now my third week as a customer representative for a cell phone company. I have been through a too short 2 weeks training before beginning the job for real. Not that the job is that complicated, but there's a lot of things to learn and it's been a little bit hard on me since I didn't know anything about cell phone before I begin. Basically, the job is about answering customer calls and answers their request regarding the service they have for their cell phone.

The job pay 12$ per hour. Overtime is being paid 15$. I have been able to add my other job with that in my schedule. I did a lot of money during my 2 weeks period at the job as a customer representative because I have been able to work on a full-time at the 2 jobs at the same time. But only for 2 weeks. Once my regular hours came out from the cx representative job, I had hours all over the place, sometimes 10 am to 20 pm, other times 15 pm to midnight, etc... It's harder to put the second job in my schedule, but I hope to work at least 2 full-day per week at the second job, so I will be able to make at last 500$ after taxes. That's what my plan is about for now.

I will now be able to but that 5 500$ in my RRSP. I am currently looking for mutual funds and other in which I could invest that RRSP money.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Looking to put another 4 000$ in term savings redeemable

I have now have more than 9 000$ in my bank account. Since I just start a new day job, I don't want to put the money at risk. So I plan to put another 4 000$ by Monday. It's something I wanted to do for a long time. It's only take a phone call, but there's thing like that sometimes that get hard to do. It's lazyness from my part. Somtimes, the smallest little thing get hard to do. Like activate a credit card...

My RBC credit card is now activated. It took me a couple of weeks, but now it's activated. Since I have more than 5 000$ in RBC mutual funds, I am eligible for a free account that will let me buy any mutual funds that I want. Now, I need to get an apointment to open that kind of account, which hasn't been done yet. I hope maybe by the end of 2007...

I find myself a new day job

I find myself a new day job on my first week of "active" searching. I have to put here "active" because there's been time while I was a job seeker, but I wasn't actively searching. Without putting too muh details here, I will only say that it's a job in call center. Most of the call are in English, which is quite challenging for me. The pay is only 12$ per hour, but until now, it get well with my other job that I have.

I am working from 8 to 16 on the job in the call center and from 17 to 21 on my other job, which is also in a call center. I also work Saturday and Sunday at the second job. So far so good, I am too much tired and stuff, but it get complicated at the ends to organized, but it's not that bad. So I plan to have an income for a little bit more than 600$ after tax in the upcoming 2 weeks.

I just hope it will work out at my new job. I just want to stabilize my situation, I am tired of jobs and contracts searching all the time. If I am still on my day job until the end of December, I will be bale to pay off some credit debts and put 5 000$ in my RRSP. I begin to think where to put my money for my RRSP. The search begin.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Searching for a job

I am currently been doing a lot of search so I can find a job before December. I am getting tired of it. I am ready to do almost everything. It's a good thing I have at least the unemployment benefits because I am really getting tired of all the job seeking thing.

Anyway, so far so good. I got an interview today. I will have one tomorrow.

I should go to bed for now because I have to wake-up tomorrow...

My life as a job seeker for now is not easy.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Getting slowly out of debt

I just paid over 1 500$ in credit card debts today. Outch! I just begin to realize that it's a lot of money! I am proud that it's been paid of. I just had put over 1 400$ in checks that I had and that I couldn't depose because I didn't have the time previously. So now it's done.

I am missing Internet at home so I am at a cafe and I through I should write a couple of lines to shear me up a little. I had spotted a couple of jobs, I just need to apply to them today and give a few phone calls later on. I just hope to be able to find something near a metro station. The great thing about being in
Montreal is everything mostly French, so I don't need to get too nervous about an English résumé. I do have one, but each time, I am anxious it might not be written properly. There's a difference between writing for fun on a blog and writing a professional résumé. Anyway, I will only upgrade my French résumé for now.

The good thing about my situation is that I have, since last June, unemployment benefits. So I don't have to stress that much if I don't find a job right away. I used to have one day job, and an evening and weekend job. I gave up on the day job yesterday for different reasons and I plan to fill something about it because of the different things that happen to me there. I believe I will be able to receive as much as 7 000$ for different things that had happen and that I won't write down here. I have a co-worker of mine who got unfairly fired. I didn’t get fire, but something being unemployed is better than being employed. Anyway, I only was receiving about 400$ after that from that job. I might receive unemployment benefits this week.

Anyway, it's not those small little things that will slow me down for now. I am happy to be able to pay off some debts even if my employment situation is not super great. At least for now.

Monday, November 12, 2007

My mutual funds are all in the red for now...

My mutual funds are all in the red and right now, I didn't make any money out of them. I had more than 10 000$ in mutual funds and I begin to think it might be too much. I begin to worried recently, knowing I can loose everything in a day, or make a few bucks in a day.

For now, since it's all in red, I will try to keep it this way. But I also worried because my situation as a worker is quite not stable and now that my rent is a little bit more expensive than it's use to be, I barely don't know what to do with myself...

I have a job interview this evening. Since I am currently working (I am at my break right now), the recruiter wanted to see me in the evening. So I believe it's a good sign. I will learn more this evening.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How fast will I be to reach my first 50 000$?

I am only missing about 16 000$ and something now in order to reach my first 50 000$ and I am geeting excited about it! My situation is getting back on track I believe. I have a job interview on Monday for a new day job (since my present contract ends on December 4) and I work tomorrow and Friday evenings on what use to be my everyday-of-the-week-evening-job. It will make a little extra. I really need money to cover my moving expenses and everything that come with it. I am getting Sympatico Internet soon. I should get it by next week.

I am getting so use to run everywhere, and when it’s stop, I just don’t stand myself. I am too use to work on the evening. When I get back home, after my day job, I wonder what I am doing here. Why am I not at work? So am checking here and there for another evening job. But I have to say that I am getting use of being off on evenings. I get in bed early and I wake up early enough to eat breakfast and make myself coffee that I can drink before getting to the job. My main goal now is too reach my 50 000 bucks as soon as I can and I can’t afford lossing time and money on a job place that only use me as back up because I am not able to be there on time for the evening shift, whatever the job is about.

Monday, November 5, 2007

My situation on date of November 5, 2007

I had move this Saturday in my new place. The apartment is kind of quite. All my stuff fit in it. It has a few furniture in it, bridge stove, bed, mattress, a small table and 2 chairs. I was quite happy to finally move in. The moving cost me about 130$. Add to that the cost of some stuff that I need to buy, but it didn't cost me more than 200$ so far.

The place is very quite, even if it's not far away from St-Denis. So I believe I have a good deal.

Now, that I am all fix, I can now concentrate in my job search. Unfortunately, for my evening and weekend job, I can only start at 17h in order to be bale to do the evening shift, witch is quite impossible for now. The soonest I can arrive is 17h30... Anyway, every week, it's between 150$ to 200$ that is missing in my pockets and it's disturbing me, knowing that my day job contract will end on December 4. But I am quite lucky, because I have the unemployment insurance that I benefit since last June. But since June, the only thing I got from the unemployment insurance is something like 350$, because I had been working the whole time. So I believe that if I don't work after December 4, I will have the unemployment insurance, which I can receive as much as 410$ weekly. Anyway, for now, I can only work during the weekend on what use to be my evening and weekend job.

Now that I am no more working during evening, I will try to find another evening job. That's the only thing that is going on for me at the present time. I also plan to do some search for my RRSP, where I should put my money for this year. I will try to do better than last year. Last year, I was way too much at the last minute. The goal for me is to be able to find at least another day job that could start on December 10 and than, I will be able to invest the amount I am able to put for this year in my RRSP. So for now, it's all about planning.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Picking the best mutual funds is now easier than ever

I had been checking over MorningStar today and I was quite excited when I find out about their new Fund Analyst Picks.

The site present the picks of their analyst. So no more guessing or searching for beginner. That is the list I had been waiting for!

Only one of my mutual funds is in the list. And it's RBC O'Shaughnessy Canadian Equity Fund. Of course!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

When everything seems to go wrong

I wrote this blog title in regard with what have happen lately in my personal life. I have to deal with a moving that's coming early on November 2, a contract ending on December 4 and, like if it wasn't enough yet, trouble at my evening and weekend job.

My moving come at a very bad time. But it's not because I am living on contract that I don't need a roof under my head. As soon that problem is solve, well it's partly solve in a way because I have find myself a place to live, I already pack most of my stuff. I am all ready to go, I just need to actually do the moving. It will be done this Friday.

But even before Friday, I will have to see what's happening for my evening and weekend job. Usually, I was able to give the hours that I could do. I usually do between 20 to 33 hours at that job. I had just learn this evening from a co-worker that the situation had changed and that we were not able to do that anymore and that we had to respect fix schedule if we wanted to work. The problem is that their evening shift start at 17h. But unfortunately for me, until December 4, I cannot be there at 17h. The earliest I can be there is 17h30. And I prefer to say 18h to make sure I don't arrive late.

Anyway, I don't know what much about the changes made because they had a reunion and I haven't been able to attend, since I was at my day job. But they new about it. I guess I will learn more this Thursday, when I will give my hours for next week.

Everything was going fine and I really didn't need a problem like that at this time. I need a flexible evening job. I don't have any problem for Saturday and Sunday, but a problem appear for the evening shift. I need to make an extra 300$ weekly and at that job, I was able to do so. Those extra bucks paid for my living expenses, the rest can go for savings.

I barely know where I am going right now. It's a good thing I had been able to put some money in savings. It's a security, knowing that I have money waiting for me in case of need. All those problems affect my financial situation and I am kind of all stress out right now between my moving, a job that my schedule might had to change and a job endings in December.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

My best picks...

They are :

RBC O'Shaughnessy Canadian Equity Fund: 3 445.13$
[Initial investment: 3 000$]: +445.13$
RBC O'Shaughnessy All-Canadian Equity Fund: 1 174.14$
[Initial investment: 1 000$]: +174.14
Fonds Desjardins Fidelity Frontière Nord MD: 1 337.20$
[Initial investment: 1 000$]: +337.20$
Maritime Life Fidelity True North Seg Fund: 1 137.39$
[Initial investment: 1 000$]: +137.39$
Desjardins Energy and Base Metals Term Savings (Indexed term savings): 636.37$
[Initial investment: 500$]: +136.37$

So far, my best investments are with the Canadian mutual funds.

My worst picks…

They are :

RBC O'Shaughnessy International Equity Fund: 986.70$ [Initial investment: 1 000$]: -13.30$
RBC U.S. Mid-Cap Equity Fund C$: 2258.57$ [Initial investment: 2 300$]: -41.43$
Maritime Life International Equity Fund (Templeton) (closed): 912.43$
[Initial investment: 1 000$]: -87.57$
Maritime Life Trimark Europlus Seg Fund: 881.92$
[Initial investment: 1 000$]: -118.08$

Total of money lost: -260.38$

Those investments make me loose money! I plan to get ride of the RBC O'Shaughnessy International Equity Fund and the RBC U.S. Mid-Cap Equity Fund C$ as soon as possible, once I will recover from the money lost. In the meantime, the money stay where it is. Unfortunately for me, there’s nothing I can do regarding the Maritime Life International Equity Fund (Templeton) and Maritime Life Trimark Europlus Seg Fund since I sign a contract of 20 years for those. I don’t know if the money can be put in another Seg Fund without any lost.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Does money worth the scarified?

I have been deeply thinking about my situation lately and I have to tell, I find myself quite funny with that first 50 000$ things, when you think of it. But at the same time, reaching my first 50 000$ mean so much to me!

But after I reach that first 50 000$, what happen? Will I still working all those hours in order to reach, what can I say, my first 75 000$, and then my first 100 000? Only me can answer those questions and I can already response yes. After my 50 000$, there will be that 75 000$ I will want to reach. If I think of the whole idea in a reasonable way, it’s just making no sense, knowing the number of hours per week I work. But I prefer to keep my stay of mind as wild as possible and forgive about the reasonable part.

Even if my career situation is not super great, I actually have not a steady day job, so in order to make sure I have enough for my living expenses. Because hey, I don’t won’t to take money from that 30 000$ and something I already have for my living. So for now, I usually work between 47-67 hours weekly for a salary (if I combined the 2 jobs) of 12$ per hour. I have been going on like this since last June and I am quite impressed of my result. But this means that if I want to have a good amount of savings per month, I have to keep going on like that. I have got a big crash down when I try to save money by not buying any coffee. That was a mistake from me because I was feeling more than tired, I will say exhaust. But can only coffee alone has that effect on me? I am quite shock. Since I am moving soon, I took some time off from my evening and weekend so I can prepare my moving. I will definitely shop for a coffee maker and a thermo this weekend. I cannot stand the situation any time longer. My only luxury thing is coffee and I cannot live any much longer without morning and evening coffee.

Shopping moving

I have some stuff to buy and I would like to buy them before moving, so I will only have to transport the new things with the things I already have. I have to buy a coffee maker, a thermo, coffee, small vacuum cleaner, a toaster and a few things for the kitchen but nothing much. I should be able to buy the little things at Dollarama. That make extra expenses, but I believe I can pay a little vacuum not more than 40$, a coffee maker for about 25$, 15$ for the coffee, 25$ also for a toaster. I should be able to get it all for less that 120$. Another expensive thing is having the actual moving. I didn’t take care of that part yet but I just hope I will be able to make it happen at a cheap cost. I will be moving on November 2 or 3 and I just can’t wait to be there.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Term savings redeemable: 3.5% rate for 15 months with Desjardins

I have been savings like crazy for the last couple of months and I now have more 10 000 in my bank account, in savings only. Until today, that money was resting in a regular saving account, at a very low interest rate.

I finally did a call today that will give me 105$ (before tax, unfortunately). I have call at Desjardins to invest 3 000$ at 3.5% for 15 months. If it’s happen I need the money or I find a better interest rate someplace else, which I already find with RBC since a long time now, but anyway, that 3.5% will do the thing for now, I can take out the money at anytime with a term savings redeemable. Those take out need to be at least of 1 000$ each, which is a good deal. I plan to add another 3 000$ to that first 3 000$ tomorrow. That will make 6 000$ at 3.5%, which will provide me a return of at least 210$. At least, the money will not sleep in a super low interest rate. RBC offers a 4% interest rate saving account.

I previously take of a credit card with RBC and I didn’t even activate it. I plan to do that tomorrow. Time is passing too quickly and it’s like I am running everywhere to organize the whole thing. After I activate the credit card, I only need to make a phone call, I want to make an appointment in order to open an account with I will be able to buy mutual funds by myself.

My funny posts about money

The title of my last post makes me laugh, but only after reading it a couple of days later. Paying 520$ per month for a place, when all charges are included are not that much. It's just it appears to be expensive for me at first because so far, I have been renting room, or small studios when I was in France. So having a 1 and a half of my own is quite exciting for me and I am finally going to be alone! No more bathroom sharing! It was about now.

But it's true that 520$ is a lot a money, knowing that I have to add to that at least the cost for Internet. I plan to manage anyway and I think it won't damage too much my dream of reaching my first 50 000$ in savings as soon as possible. But it represents a big step for me. But does a difference of 120$ + Internet (maybe 35$), can really make a difference?

I choice to response no to that question in order to stay motivate.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Moving in an expensive place on November 2

I had to move for different reasons. The rent I have now was 400$, all included, with Internet and telephone. My new place is 520$ all charhe included, furnished, but without Internet, telephone and cable. The place is cute and very clean. the only thing I really need is Internet. I plan to see who things will be and if I can manage not having Internet at my place. I don't know who long I am going to be able to stand having not a direct access to Internet. If I am lucky enough, maybe I am going to be able to catch the Wireless. I will see.

I had such a bad time too find a studio or 1 and a half just for me. I had visit so strange, dirty and weird place. The weirdest place that I found was in a building, like a motel, 550$ all included, cable, Internet, telephone, furnish, elecricity and all. It wasn't so bad, but it was next to an erotic place. Right before that I had visit the place at 520$ and I decided to take that place. It's located near metro Mont-Royal and I just like that area so much. A least, I am going to live in a place that I like.

It's a month per month deal. I plan to stay for a long term, but if something happen and I find the job in my dream someplace else, I won't get stuck by a lease. I have to mov, find a new day job for December and find someone who will move me at a fair price. I don't have any furniture, but a lot of personal stuff. 520$ is a lot of money, but I couldn't look for places any longer, I am exhaust.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

No coffee week

Knowing I am spending so much just in coffee, I decide that next week will be my first official "no coffee week". Which mean I won't spend a dime on coffee for the upcoming week, which officially start tomorrow, Sunday.

It's not that I am a coffee addict, but I have my little daily grind and it's hard to get off it. Anyway, I have been thinking on ways to reduce my expenses and it's one of the ultimate uncessary expense that I want to eliminate forever of my life. But I won't say no to a weekend coffee, but an everyday coffee is gone forever, and hello 1 300$ in my pockets.

Anyway, I have to stuck to plan. Since I had paid an extra 65$ in my metro pass since I lost it a couple of days ago, I have o recover from that lost a way from another. And I don't know why I should allow myself to so much expenses, knowing I make so little working so hard.

And I have a few personal problems to deal with, I have to find another place to live, if possible for the beginning of November. So my moving will make an extra expense, but I think it won't cost that much because I don't have any furniture of my own. My rent and eveything might cost more than 400$ per month, but I cannot live where I live right now. Anyway, I notice a couple of affordable place here and there, so it won't be so rough at the end. I am still planning to put the max in my RRSP in January, so it won't change a thing.

After my moving, I plan to do 33 hours straight after my moving, so it will make a crazy November. I have done this so this week, 33 hours (evening and weekend job) and 37.5 hours (week days job) and it's something that can be done. But I only have Sunday morning for the grocery and stuff. Anyway, for next week, I took a couple of evening off, knowing I have to visit some places so I can move. But I didn't visit no places yet.

Paying 1 049$ in bills

I have just made several checks to pay my bills. I had made a down payment of 900$ for a credit card. I have been checking my expenses on that credit card and I have so much little expenses, here and there. One little expense + another little expense + another make, at the end, a lot of money.

In past 10 days, for exemple, I spent over 65$ in coffees and eating out and other. I am trying very hard to cut the expenses. It's take a lot of me because I am use to buy 2 coffees per day, or at least one, but mostly 2, one when I get up in the morning and the other one I take is in the end of the afternoon, just before starting my evening job. 1.75$ for the coffee in the morning and 2.50$ for the coffee in the evening. It's make 4.25$ per day, 21.25$ for a week, and add to that a coffee per day on Saturday and Sunday too because I work on those days... For a big total of 26.25$. And I am not talking of the take out food, coffee only. 26.25$ per 52 weeks = 1 365$. It's way too much.

Anyway, this week, I slow down a little, I didn't buy a coffee every morning. My goal set up for next week is a no coffee week. Knowing I cannot work more than I am presently, the only thing I can do for now is cutting my expenses. But it shouldn't be that bad knowing I am all set up for winter clothes, I will have the same as last year, since they are new from last year.

I am a little bit depress because my day shift is very boring. There's not too much going on with that job and I am getting bored. Anyway, the contract is ending at the beginning of December and I can't wait! I know I should be happy, knowing that working at the 2 jobs I have, I made near of 700$ after tax. But I cannot stand being at a work place without being working.

I hate the life I have right now because of that. I just want to work, no matter what is the job, call center or whatever. I just need a day job that pay at least 15$ per hour, that make me work and I will be fine. I want to have 2 jobs, it's keep me going, but I need to do something during those working hours.

I don't know what will happen next and I don't know if I should look for a job right away or wait until December or until November. I am not to good at those things.

O'Shaughnessy Asset Management

By checking the report of RBC O'Shaughnessy International Equity Fund, I just read that the manager behind the O'Shaughnessy funds, James O'Shaughnessy, will open soon his own firm, call O'Shaughnessy Asset Management.

We will learn more by the end of 2007, according to Morningstar. I can't wait to see if the firm will offer new funds. It will be great if there will be difffent O'Shaughnessy reaching Australia, England, China, etc...

That way, I wouldn't need to put my money anywhere else. Because even if my RBC O'Shaughnessy International Equity Fund didn't do well, I understand it's International Equity and it's seem quite hard to get a good fund in International Equity.

RBC O'Shaughnessy International Equity Fund still in red

I gave a quick look at my fund. All of them are in green (no money loose, only gain), except the RBC O'Shaughnessy International Equity Fund. I begin to really hate that fund. Or not that fund, but the International Equity Fund.

It's been more than 90 days since I buy my parts and I will sell as soon as I will recover from my lost. In date of today, October 5, 2007, my $$$ in the fund is of: 996.61$. I initially invest 1000$ in that fund back in January 9, 2007. In date of day, my lost are of 3.39$. I didn't make any money with the fund and I really don't like it. I will say it in my words: the fund suck.

And since the 1 000$ in that fund wasn't put in RRSP, it is not tax efficient.

I am now more concern about tax when it come to mutual fund.

I take a look at the Morningstar's report of RBC O'Shaughnessy International Equity Fund and they don't seem to like the high fees of the fund. To the high fees, add to that the low result. I am definitely looking to sell this fund.

I am looking for efficient mutual fund. I guess I will follow what say the Morningstar, or at least take a look of what they have to say regarding different funds.

I lost my credit card and metro pass on Tuesday morning

And it was really awful. It was this last Tuesday morning and I had put my credit card and my metro pass in my jeans pockets. I get up early that morning, so I was able to leave home sooner than usual. Maybe that's the things who make me loss my card.

Anyway, once in my way out outside, I check for my card that I have put in my pocket because I wanted to buy an orange juice and a muffin at the McDo that's just at the metro station where I take the metro. But for a reason or another, both cards were no longer in my pocket. I came back to me room and check around, but I couldn't find them. So in a hurry, I took some change to pay the metro and I took a CIBC credit card statement that I had with me.

While waiting for the metro, I did a quick call at CIBC and I told them that I had lost my card. Everything had been done very quick, just in time so I can take the metro. Anyway, I call again CIBC later on in the morning telling them I wanted to make sure with them that the card had been cancel, and it did. So I don't have to worry any longer for that card.

But what cost be was the lost of my metro pass. I had to repay 65$ in order to have a new card. And it make an extra 65$ expense. It came at a very bad time because I spent a little money, I just arrive from the movies. I watch the new Resident Evil and it was quite nice. I am trying so hard to save money and that 65$ lost is a big lost for me. It's like nothing can just be all right for once in my life. I was doing so fine, I did my lunch every single day of the week, and I really try to make things work and I am really trying to save my money.

It's hard to get organized and make things work in other to be abl to save money. I will be working at my part-time job 37 hours this week, so I might recover from the lost. I am working this Monday, an 8 hours shift. Anyway, I learn my lesson. No more card in my jean pocket. Never again.

I didn't find my credit card or my metro pass still. I believe I might really lost them somewhere.

Monday, October 1, 2007

My mutual funds are doing great

If the summer haven't been a good season for the mutul funds, maybe this autumn is going to be super great!

My RBC mutual funds are all in green. Even my RBC O'Shaughnessy International Equity Fund is in green, which is quite something, because I noticed the fund had some problems to catch it up, if I can say. International Equity Fund is my my favorite one. But because it's a O'Shaughnessy fund, I might keep it in my portfolio, just to make sure I have something else than the good Canadian mutual funds.

I won't expose the result for the mutual funds and I didn't calculate them because it take me some times and then, I have to recalculate all of my earnings, for my 50 000$ goal, which is quite something for me and I am not much as an accountant, just a girl trying to reach her first 50 000$.

I am very impress with the result of my portfolio right now. Can the credit crisis might now be behind us? I just cross my fingers. So far, the result are so good that I feel that I have a somewhat of a very rich portfolio, only one that can have the richess among us. But only with my little savings, I have been able to make a lot of money and it's mean a lot for me.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Save save save

I just did my lunch for the week. Time is passing so quickly and there's nothing I can do about it. I am keeping a track of my expenses. I have been burning money away by eating out, and a lot on coffes.

Earlier this morning, I buy myself some tea to avoid the weekly coffee expense. I hope I will be able to avoid the coffee expense. Since I cannot make more money that I am doing now, I cannot work more, I have been trying to cut on where I know that I can cut.

I can certainly cut on McDo and coffees and other fast food. I just have to stick to the plan. But I find it quite difficult to cut off like that on things I am so use. But it will be better for my pockets and for my health. Not that I eat MCDo and fast food everyday, but I am use to buy whatever I want whenever I want. And knowing that I finish my day work contract on December help me to do all the savings that I can do until December and further.

I have been writing down my expenses and for this wekend, I spent about 165$ on food and my metro pass for October. I am keeping a track of the expenses to see where I can cut. It will be quite difficult for me to cut on coffees and food, but I know I can do it. With the money save, I would like to pay myself a gym pass.

I took it off this Friday from my evening work. I want to spend more time for myself and I want to look if I can check for ways to make money via Internet so I can reach my 50 000$ quicker. I will do after my evenings spend at job and this Friday evening. It has been a long time since I didn't do nothing for a evening and I know there's ways I cna make money online, I just have to focus on them. I know a litle about them but I just didn't have the time to invest in it. Maybe 2 evenings off per week will help to get started over the Web.

I just cannot help it, I have to try.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I am not too far from my goal

I am only missing 19 052.67$ to reach my goal, which is too reach my first 50 000$. I hope I will be able to get the 19 052.67$ by the end of the year 2008. That will be really great. But I won’t be too disappointed if I am not able to do so. If not, I might easily be able to make it by 2009, without too much difficulties. I am looking for Internet’s program that could help me reach my goal so it can accelerate the progress.

RRSP Money

Energy and Base Metals Term Savings (Indexed term savings): 585.02$

National Bank:

CPG: 1 102.90$


TD CPG : 1 513.97$

Maritime Life International Equity Fund (Templeton) (closed): 914.94$
Manulife Simplicity Growth Portfolio: 1 012.50$
Maritime Life CI Harbour Seg Fund: 1 100.19$
Maritime Life Fidelity True North Seg Fund: 1 136.68$
Maritime Life Trimark Europlus Seg Fund: 901.21$

Great West:
Various: 1 539.50$

Total of RRSP money: 9 806.91$

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Segregated funds of Manuvie

Last year, for my RRSP, I invest in segregated funds. It's seemed to be a good solution at first my RRSP. It's still is, at least for me. I have been reading, previously before about segregated funds, but they don't seem to be that much popular. One of the reasons for this is the high MER fees for the segregated funds. Some can reach 3.75%.

The reason why I invest with them is because I choose, for some funds, the "capitalisateur" option. I know in a year they will give an extra few bucks on the fund in a couple of years and the initial placement is 100% protect. I am a little bit confused about the "capitalisateur" option because I did that placement almost a year ago and I didn't really get through the documentation. Anyway, at the time, what was important for me is that the initial deposit was 100% protect for 2 segregated funds I pick. For the 3 other one, the initial investment is protect at 75%.

I read in Canadian Business that it wasn't a smart thing to invest in segregated funds because of their high fees. I post a new thread in Canadian Business. My posts can be see under "myfirst50000". I had post a thread were I call segregated funds "distinct funds" because in French, segregated funds are call "fonds distincts". It's just hilarious. I am practicing my English online in a very funny way. Or maybe should I write in French, but it will be very less challenging...

The question that still remains for me tonight is: which placement to choose from for my RRSP?

I am asking the question quite early, but I would like to place the money in RRSP at the beginning of January 2007. There's still time, but last year, I was busy like I am right now and I have wait at the last minute to place my money in the RRSP and it was quite frustrating after that to wait for the paper for the tax and everything.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My search for RRSP solution continue

I just don't want to be stuck like last year, being at the last minute to invest in my RRSP. I might try to invest in December. My day contract will end on December 4, so I will have time after that to do the little things I need to do.

Last year, for my RRSP, I went to Manuvie and I buy distinct funds. I sign for a period of 20 years. I will a future post on distinct funds and I will explain further why I pick distinct funds last year for my RRSP.

On of the reason is that I am searching for risk free investments for my RRSP. Since I don't have right now a stable situation, I have been going on like that on contract since I graduate, I am looking for risk free, capital guarantee investment. And exception for that might be Canadian dividends. The BMO Dividends appears to me to be a good one. I might invest half of the amount in Canadian Dividends (in a mutual fund) and the other half in a save money pocket product.

I continue my search for capital guaranteed product and it's exhausting me, since I don't want to rely only on advisor advice for this. It's my money and I want to make sure I am making the right decision. I have something like more than 5 000$ to play with for my RRSP. The question that still remains to me is: where should invest my RRSP money?

I know distinct funds fees are pretty high, but since a contract is sign, that include a specific period of time (for mines, I sign for about 20 years if I remember), I felt more safe about the investment.

Money in mutual funds still remains mysterious for me. I know the money is put at my name, put where's really the money? Is there a risk it can be stole? That's what I am really concern about. But at the same time, after noticing that some mutual funds have millions and millions put in them, I told myself that if their some many people who invest money in mutual funds, that's mean that they are safe products. But am I right? By safe product, I mean no one can touch the money except me, and that the money I gain from the funds remains mine, even if it's not money that I have in my bank account.

I am having the same scaring thoughts about stocks. What if the system crack down and loose everyone name and amount of money the people had made so far. Can this is something that could happen at any time? I just think too deeply and stocks and mutual funds still remain mysterious for me, even if I had bought my first mutual fund in 2005. I am just a beginner trying to make my way out, but comforting me by saying that millions of other person are doing the same thing as me and are making money not only from mutual funds, but also stocks, there should be no fear. The only thing is the fear remains and I believe it will still remains until I truly understand what stocks and mutual funds are really about.

Monday, September 24, 2007

About my RBC Global Resources Fund

On August 31, 2007, I invest 1 000$ in the RBC Global Resources Fund. Back then, we were still in the credit crisis and I wasn't sure if it was a good time to invest. I listen to my little voice and I invest a little 1 000$. It does appear to be one of the best decisions I have ever made.

On August 31, I buy a total of 28.39 units of the RBC Global Resources Fund at 35.2159$. That was in August 31, 2007.
Now, in date of September 24, 2007, I made a total of 65.39$ with the RBC Global Resources Fund.

I just like mutual funds and I just don't understand why people try to avoid so many fees when buying mutual fund and I don't understand the "couch potato" thing, when people buy e funds or try to buy funds having the lowest fees. Focus should be put on how much the manager is able to get from is fund and not the fees.

I have a good example I can take from my Fonds Desjardins Fidelity Frontière Nord. this is the first fund I buy, back in 2006 I believe. I buy each part at 13$ and something, and now each unit worth 17,966$. I have made 1291.95$. I made 291.95$ with the fund, in date of today. The fees might be more than 2% for the fund, but I have here a really good Fidelity fund, and my money is well protecting in here. Does my money would be doing as well in a lower cost fund? I don't think so.

I will aloud any manager to take as much as 3% of my money if they can give me a fund that will be able to take it if I can say whenever the "bourse" crash down. Because of my lack of knowledge in stocks, I prefer to buy mutual funds, feel secured about my money and pay high fees. The fees for the RBC Global Resources are 2.40% or 2.18%. And I really don't care.

Thank you Mr. Chris Beer.

[Chris Beer is the main manager of the RBC Global Resources Fund]

A 4% savings account with RBC

It's seemed like RBC have it all! Good mutual funds, 10 000$ credit card and... high interest savings account!

If I will not use the 10 000 credit card I had with them, I will, instead, open a savings account. The interest is of 4%. On 9 459.13$, it's make a return of at least 378.37$. I can definitely add 378.37$ to my actual 28 704.03$ (in date of September 24, 2007). It' quite amazing that I have so much money. Having 28 000$ is like having a little fortune for myself.

But surprise, with that 378.37$, I can happily say that I have 29 082.40$... I don't have it yet, but hey, I have to motivate myself in a way in another, so I hope no one will mind if I change the actual 28 704.03$, for 29 082.40$... I am changing it right away... And I am forgiving the tax once again...

I learn that with PC, I could have a free bank account, but they don't offer it to Quebec residents, which is really too bad.

Same thing with ING Direct. ING have start offering mutual funds, but they only expose this offer in the English version of their Web site. It's because they do not sell mutual funds to Quebec residents. Being in Quebec is very frustrated for me because I pay more tax in my non RRSP investing and their are some good offers that I am missing.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I have 9 459.13$ sleeping in my bank account

I now, it's awful, I have thousands and thousands of dollars who are currently inactive. It's very bad, knowing that the money, put at 4.75% could give me 463.06$. But the real question that I have been asking myself is: how I was able to save so much! I am quite impress I have to say. And I am quite tired too. I have problems to stay awake starting at 11h in the morning. And the coffee at the coffee machine is not great and there's no place to buy coffee around. Its bushes all over the place. I have free transportation to get to the job.

I am quite busy and I will be until December. Until there, I will have to continue to work at 2 jobs at the same time, doing 33 hours at one and 37.5 hours at he other one. It's not as bad as it look since I can sleep in Sunday morning. It's just that I do not have too much time to deal with other things, like, for example, looking for an account that will keep my money save and will provide a high interest. I want to be able to have access to the money at any time, whenever I need it. And doing my laundry and my grocery can be quite challenging, especially when I decide to sleep in on Sunday. I begin to work at 12 on Sunday. Anyway, the work schedule is crazy and I am quite excited about my mutual funds. I made over 900$ by doing nothing except investing. I just knew that my mutual funds would get better. I just hate the summer that we had.

I have a ING account, but I don't want to use it. So I keep waiting, and I keep loosing money. I am waiting to see what RBC will have to offer when I will open an account with them and after that, I will see.

It's still easier to give a call to Caisse Desjardins and ask for the rate they have for one of those placement that you can have access to your money at anytime. Last time, I had a 2.5% with Desjardins and I could have access to my money at anytime. I just needed to give another call so the interest and the money go back in my regular account to access to the money.

As you can see, I am still a beginner and I have too much to do with my little money.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My Money News

Regular savings:

Bank account: 9 459.13$
ING Direct: 289.44$
TOTAL: 9 748.57$

Value of my non RRSP Mutual Funds:

RBC Global Resources fund: 1 050.61$
RBC U.S. Mid-Cap Equity Fund C$: 2 302.03$
RBC O'Shaughnessy Canadian Equity Fund: 3 418.03$
RBC O'Shaughnessy International Equity Fund: 971.87$
RBC O'Shaughnessy All-Canadian Equity Fund: 1 153.34$
Fonds Desjardins Fidelity Frontière Nord: 1 306.06$

TOTAL : 10 201.94$
Initial value: 9 300$
Total of money made in mutul funds: 901.94$

Money put in RRSP: 9 042.96$

TOTAL: 28 704.03$

PS: The money made in RRSP Placement is missing. I only provide the initial amount of money that has been invest.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

My first 10 000$ credit card

I just received last week my first credit card of 10 000$. I received it from RBC. RBC is like my favorite bank right now. I don't plan to use that credit card. The interests are very high, 18.9%, just like my CIBC Visa that I currently used for my regular purchasing. I will leave that credit card in my drawer. I use it to buy everything, from groceries to the latest biography of Brian Mulroney that I just met today at the library Renaud-Bray in Montreal... lol

The Visa Caisse Desjardins offer a credit card at 9 and something percent interest. I ask for a credit card with RBC because since I have more than 5 000$ with them in mutual fund, with a credit card, I can have a free bank account and a special account where I can buy my mutual funds by myself. I will no longer need to get through a representative, which is great, because every time I went to buy a fund that I really want and that I am excited about, I am having problems. Representatives have to respect different % in the mutual funds you buy, so you cannot always have the funds you want. It's the rule, but let's breaks them and makes things on my own little way.

For example, the first fund I buy was RBC O'Shaughnessy Canadian Equity Fund. I gave 2 000$ on that first time. Later on, I put another 1 000$ in the fund, just before it's close to new investments. After that, I wanted to buy the RBC Global Resources fund, but I was told I couldn't. Anyway, it gets very annoying and last time I went to RBC, I had to buy a US mutual fund so I could buy my Global Resources. I had too much put in Canadian funds I was told. But yeah, Canadian funds aren't the best of the word? I believe they are.

I hate my RBC O'Shaughnessy International Equity Fund and my RBC U.S. Mid-Cap Equity Fund C$. I will get rid of those as soon as I can. For one, the International Equity Fund, the 90 days period is over so I can sell it whenever I want. But in date of today, the initial 1 000$ I invest in it only worth something like 971.14$. So I won't sold it now, I don't want to loose any money. I just hate the situation. I dislike International Fund. I also have distinct fund that buy at Manuvie and unfortunately, I have buy also there International distinct funds and I have to say I regret. I know I have to buy something else than Canadian fund, but International and US funds are just not that great. I also plan to get rid of my US fund in Canadian $ as soon as possible. But for that fund, I have to wait for 90 days or something like that before selling it. It's really killing me.

I am interest in China, Latina and Precious Metals Fund. RBC should offer China and Latina Fund. I have an eye on the China Fund of HSBC. The one of BMO seem to be great to. For Latina, CIBC seems to have a great one. Also TD.

Now that I have a RBC credit card, I just need to fix an appointment to open a bank account and the other special account, all for free. But that can wait, I don't need it now. I still have money to invest, but I am too busy with other thing for now. I just can’t wait for my first 50 000$. When I will reach my first 50 000$, everything will be a lot easier because the amount of money made on the 50 000$ will be a great return.

Monday, September 10, 2007

My savings until November 2007

I plan to be able to save around 4 000$ here by November 2007. By November, by savings should reach the 31 543.58$. I can't wait to be there. Unfortunately, after November, I won't work at my second job any longer, since my second job is a contract. I just can't wait to find myself another job. I hope it's going to be fine.

New best buy

My new August 2007 mutual funds:

RBC Global Resources Fund: 1 000$
RBC U.S. Mid-Cap Equity Fund C$: 2 300$

Those are ad to my previous investments:

RBC O'Shaughnessy Canadian Equity Fund: 3 000$
RBC O'Shaughnessy International Equity Fund: 1 000$
RBC O'Shaughnessy All-Canadian Equity Fund: 1 100$
Fonds Desjardins Fidelity Frontière Nord: 1 000$

Total of non RRSP investment: 9 400$

I am just putting here the amount of the initial investment in here. I prefer not to calculate what they worth now, because are of those funds above are in red right now. I am closing my eyes for now and I will check the value of my funds when they will be back in green.

Update regarding my credit

I have been working very hard those past couple of weeks. I did a few thing that could have make things bad for my credit, but I do not care that much. I don't plan to buy a house or condo anytime soon. I believe my credit record will be fix one of those days. I never get my credit check. It's the neck thing I have to do on my list.

Credit update:

Consolidation with AE at 7.99%: 2 200$
TD Visa: 0$
TD line of credit: 0$
CIBC Visa: 1 600$

I have 3 800$ in credit debt.

I just make the minimum payment on my CIBC Visa last month because I wanted to keep my money to buy new mutual funds at the Royal Bank. I have put 4 300$ in investment in August. I plan to make a payment of 1 000$ on my CIBC credit card. I am also planning to close my TD Visa because of the financial fees. The credit card debt should be soon be lower, at 2 800$.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My favorite mutual fund: RBC O'Shaughnessy Canadian Equity Fund

I like my RBC O'Shaughnessy Canadian Equity Fund!

Unfortunately, the fund is now close to new investor. I am very proud to have it in my portfolio! I begin with a first 2 000$ in November 2006 and later on, just before the fund close, I put an extra 1 000$ into it, in January 2007.

My only regret is that I haven't been able to put more money into it. I could put an extra 1 000$ or 2 000$ at the time, but what is done is done. There might be other great mutual funds out there where I can put my money, I just need to find them. Right now, I have an eye on the BMO Greater China Class and the RBC Global Resources Fund. I have been checking the RBC Global Resources Fund since a couple of days now, knowing the stocks are getting down, and the price of each unit is now 34.3236$, which is less then 35$ or the 40 and something each part worth last July.

Anyway, in date of July 16, 2007, my 3 0000$ investment in RBC O'Shaughnessy Canadian Equity Fund gave me a return of 555.87$! I just cannot say how much I was proud of the return! But now, in date of today, August 15, my 3 000$ now worth 3 185.46$. Even if the markets are going down, I didn't loose any money of my initial investment.

What's important for me, for a long term basis, is to be able to say to myself: I didn't loose any money with the product and I have a good return on my money for a long term basis. It's the reason why I prefer for now mutual funds.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Freelance mode or doing anything and everything for money

Last week, I made, after deductions, 1 050$ in one week! I work 40 hours in a job, 40 hours at another job. I can easily make 1 000$. I just have to work 80 hours weekly.

My mutual funds (non RRSP)

So far, I have invest my money in 4 mutual funds.

Here they are, with the original amount I invested in them:

RBC O'Shaughnessy Canadian Equity Fund: 3 000$
RBC O'Shaughnessy International Equity Fund: 1 000$
RBC O'Shaughnessy All-Canadian Equity Fund: 1 100$
Fonds Desjardins Fidelity Frontière Nord: 1 000$

Total: 6 100$

Planning to get ride of the smallest amounts of my credit cards debt any time soon

Which include:

AE: 11.50$ at 18.50%
TD Credit line: 56.64$ at 10.50%
TD Visa: 19.58$ at ?

Total that will be pay off: 87.72$

After what I will stop using the TD credit Line and the TD Visa once there will both at 0$. And maybe I will close the TD Visa. I have too much credit. In total, I have 3 credits card and one credit line. And it’s too much.

My basic monthly expenses

Rent (all included): 400$
Metro pass: 65$
Minimum payment on student loan: 158.54$
Minimum payment on credit cards: 100$
Living expenses: 500$

Total: 1 223.54$

Monday, August 13, 2007

Overview of my financial situation on date of August 13, 2007

Student loans: 12 369.03$ at 8.750 %

Credit card debt:
AE: 2308.66$ at 7.99%
AE: 11.50$ at 18.50%
TD Credit line: 56.64$ at 10.50%
TD Visa: 19.58$ at ?
CIBC Visa: 419.47 at ?

Total credit cards debt: 2 815.85$

TOTAL DEBT: 15 184.88$

Total of money put in my RRSP so far: 9 042.96$

Non RRSP investments:
Money put in non RRSP investments: 6 100$

ING Direct: 288.76$
Savings: 11 325.73$

Big total (RRSP + non RSP investments + savings - debts) in date of August 12, 2007:
26 757.45$ -
15 184.88$ = 11 572.57$

Almost there…. I am half away of my 50 000$ and I think I can easily get there. Why? Because I am a hard worker and I have really few expenses. In 3 months from now, in November 2007, I believe I will have a total of 33 000$ in cash flow. With all that money, should I pay my debt or invest the money in mutual funds?