
Friday, June 11, 2010

My stock investment portfolio in date of June 11, 2010

1 000$

Non registered Investments:
Stocks and Units investment portfolio
Sprott Inc. (SII): 1 812.80$
Timminco (TIM): 102$
Blue Note Mining (BNT): 30$
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS): 5 304.24$
Hanwei Energy Services (HE): 123$
Methanex Corporation (MX): 2 263.94$
Fortis (FTS): 2 925.60$
Pembina Pipeline Income Fund (PIF.UN):
7 300.80$
Just Energy Income Fund (JE.UN): 9 676.81$
Yellow Pages Income Fund (YLO.UN):
2 703.33$
Bell Aliant Regional Communications Income Fund
(BA.UN): 2 543$
Pengrowth Energy Trust (PGF.UN): 2 051.76$
Enbridge Income Fund (ENF.UN): 4 101.30$
Corby Distilleries Limited (CDL.A): 1 570$
Davis + Henderson Income Fund (DHF.UN):
1 641$
Premium Brands Holdings Corporation (PBH):
2 594$
Cash: 0.34$

TOTAL: 46 743.92$

Tax-free savings account (TFSA):
RBC O’Shaughnessy Canadian Equity Fund:
2 646.75$
The Consumers’ Waterheater Income Fund
(CWI.UN): 1 840$
Sprott Canadian Equity Fund:
5 033.67$
Dumont Nickel Inc. (DNI): 373.75$
Cash: 54.09$

TOTAL: 9 948.26$

RSP investment portfolio:
Claymore Gold Bullion ETF (CGL): 3 748.42$
EnCana Corporation (ECA): 3 463$
Emera Incorporated (EMA): 5 052.02$
Cash: 9.67$

CIBC Dividend Growth Fund: 492.13$
CIBC Emerging Markets Index Fund: 387.48$
CIBC Monthly Income Fund: 988.84$

Energy and Base Metals Term Savings (Indexed term savings): 546.25$
Natural Resources Term Savings (Indexed term
savings): 502.06$

GIC National Bank: 1 170$
GIC Plus: 500$

TD Canadian Bond: 113.96$
TD Monthly Income: 103.44$
TD Emerging Markets: 75.98$
TD Energy: 80.81$
TD Precious Metals: 109.61$
TD Latin American Growth: 89.08$
TD Entertainment and Communications: 102.70$
TD Dividend Growth: 194.79$
TD U.S. Mid-Cap Growth: 98.66$

Maritime Life International Equity Fund
(Templeton): 570.91$
Manulife Simplicity Growth Portfolio: 823.74$
Maritime Life CI Harbour Seg Fund: 980.35$
Maritime Life Fidelity True North Seg Fund: 941.66$
Maritime Life Trimark Europlus Seg Fund: 552.60$

Great-West – various: 1 753.62$

RBC Canadian Dividend Fund: 499.39$
RBC U.S. Mid-Cap Equity Fund C$: 1 749.67$
RBC Global Resources Fund: 817.95$
RBC O’Shaughnessy International Equity Fund:
RBC O’Shaughnessy All-Canadian Equity
Fund: 1 001.85$

GIC Canadian Market: 1 000$

TOTAL: 29 052.01$

Social Capital at Desjardins Membership share
for 3 accounts:

Savings + Stocks, units, mutual funds + Tax-
free Savings account + RRSP + Online Income

86 832.62$

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sunny - have you ever thought about getting rid of many of your redundant RSP mutual funds and consolidating your RSP account? Seems like you have a lot going on in there...many, many small investments. Just a comment.

    Keep up the hard work on your dividend will pay off!
