
Monday, March 21, 2011

My portfolio is performing well and I am exhausted

My non registered portfolio is now at 110k+... which mean I certainly might be somewhere or close to or, why not, maybe I am exceeding the 155k in assets right now. No matter how much I own now, it’s just WOW. I usually post an update of my portfolio when I make great gains but lately, I am completely drained. The past week really exhausted me because I had been working like normal in an abnormal situation while trying to get my view on everything. The situation in Japan and Libya caused me a severe stress. I had been trying to understand what exactly is going on and I try to predict the effect on my portfolio. I had been doing so for absolutely nothing at all, as the TMX gains points and seem to be stable. At least for now. But this being said, the situation could change quickly. I decided for now to take it easier and not to focus that much on what’s going on. It’s not that I don’t care, but if I don’t detach myself, I won’t be able to go through another week like the one I pass last week. Because in a way or another, I don’t plan to sell any of my investment anyway, if not just HZU and a few other one just to decrease my margin. The gains realize in my portfolio had been very good. But the question being: will the gains remain? I am confident that I may be able to make my profit out of the HZU very soon. For now, my portfolio had gained in value and the asset remains stable.


  1. Hi Sunny-absolutely love your blog on all things financial. I've been an avid reader since i stumbled on your blog in Jan. I have a tip for you if you are looking an arbitrage situation:
    Universal Energy: UNX; tsx-v is currently at $5.81
    It will get bought out for $6.17
    A nice play here..

  2. Hi Sunny, do you think that now having a margin account causes you extra stress? Have you considered paying off your margin, and going back to a cash trading account? It might be easier for you to sleep at nights ;)

  3. Thanks for stopping by and the stock pick.

    Hi Dividend Ninja,

    At this time, a mix of factor caused my exhaustion. Not even a month ago I was in New Brunswick for the funeral of my uncle, got back home and now, its the Japan catastrophe and revolution in Libya.

    Those 2 events caused me stress as I try to measure the effects on my portfolio. It kept me awake and stress.

    The margin was just one part of factor stress. I was able to sell at profit my units of HZU today. It brought in more than 5k in my margin in fresh cash. It will make it easier for me for now on. I had been lucky so far, I wouldn't like everything to turn out differently.

  4. Bonjour Dividend Girl,

    Je suis tombé sur ton site par hasard. Hier j’ai acheté le plus récent livre de Derek Foster. En voulant en savoir davantage sur lui, j’ai trouvé ton site.
    Bonne idée! Et je dois dire que tes objectifs financiers m’ont interpellé, car je veux aussi obtenir l’indépendance financière jeune afin de profiter de la vie.
    J’ai aujourd’hui un portefeuille d’environ 60 000 $ Je suis un cours de placement en ligne, nommément Pro-Placement, et je suis abonné à une lettre financière indépendante, Cote 100. Je lis aussi Les Affaires, The Globe and Mail, etc.

    À la lumière de ce que j’ai rapidement vu sur ton blogue, ma première observation serait qu’à mon avis e tu pourrais faire encore beaucoup plus d’argent… en réduisant le nombre de tes titres. Tu en as beaucoup! Ne serait-ce pas mieux de les réduire à une dizaine, en te concentrant sur ceux qui sont bien établis et qui ont un long historique de versement de dividendes. Tu n’as pas à sacrifier ta diversification, simplement choisir 4-5 secteurs clés de notre économie et ne garder que les joueurs principaux.
    Cela dit, je te félicite pour ton travail. Tu as saisi le taureau par les cornes et aujourd’hui tu en récoltes les bénéfices.

    Ps Débarrasse-toi de tes dettes ASAP!
