
Monday, May 30, 2011

Fortis (FTS) is taking care of business the right way, welcome to Central Vermont Public Service

Today is an historic day for Fortis (FTS). I had been lucky enough to invest in Fortis (FTS) while its stock value was at 27$. That was back in what I think was 2009. Lucky because it’s not anytime soon that you’ll see Fortis (FTS) at 27$ per stock. That may never happen again actually. Sometime, I can be very very smart.

Here come today the fantastic Fortis (FTS), the proud of the Canadian nation, the Maritimes province and of course, Newfoundland, Fortis (FTS) today made an historic acquisition that is going to drive Fortis on top of  the world. For the first time ever, Fortis (FTS) is going to deliver in the USA. Fortis (FTS) had buy a US company, Central Vermont Public Service for 700$ US million.

Hydro-Québec had tried to buy Central Vermont Public Service but of course, just like it did for NB Power, Hydro-Québec failed and did not win the deal.

Now, Central Vermont Public Service is the exclusive property of Fortis (FTS). Fortis (FTS) will have a lot of work in the upcoming weeks. By buying Central Vermont Public Service, Fortis (FTS) also acquired 230 million US debt of the Central. But as you know, there’s nothing much Fortis (FTS) can’t manage.

Once again, Fortis (FTS) is pushing it right to the top. Go baby go :0)

Need a line of credit? Why you should stay away from BMO Bank of Montreal

I have this 5 000$ line of credit with BMO Bank of Montreal. The line of credit came with a MasterCard banking card. I of course used up all of the 5 000$ for investment purposes. Imagine, my interest rate is only of 4.5%. I got this line of credit while working at BMO Bank of Montreal while working at their Montreal messy call center. Whatever I can get at a low interest rate I take it and use it. Everything is pack in my non registered portfolio, you know that. And I have a good feeling that I might finish the day at 170 000$ or close by in asset. It’s something I will try to figure out tonight when I come back to work.

This being said, I have a good feeling about my investment portfolio, but I don’t have the same good feeling when it comes to BMO Bank of Montreal. As a poorly manage financial institution, maybe the worst in North America, BMO Bank of Montreal manage its line of credit product like if it was a MasterCard credit card. Whenever you withdraw from the 5 000$ that already been used, you pay the monstrous interest rate of 19.5%.

Here’s an example: I had borrowed 5 000$ at 4.5%. The money had been used a long time ago. On each month, BMO Bank of Montreal request the minimum payment of 100$ of that line of credit. Ok, no problem, I can manage a minimum payment of 100$. But where it’s going nasty is over here: the interest rate on the amount you withdraw from the minimum payment is being charge like a cash advance. And for a cash advance with a line of credit, the interest rate is of 19.5%. This is truly disgusting. Knowing that BMO Bank of Montreal request a minimum payment that exceed the interest paid on the loan, user should be able to withdraw from the exceeding payment at the same rate as for the line of credit, 4.5% in my case. See, Bank of Montreal does not worth it.

TD Canada Trust and RBC Royal Bank don’t have such a bad credit line system. With TD Canada Trust, I can withdraw, and the money withdraw is being charge at the same interest rate as for the line of credit. No hassle. With RBC Royal Bank, it’s even better, for their line of credit, I only pay monthly the interest own on the money.

Ok, you might say to yourself that I have too much debt, but too much is barely enough, knowing where the money is. Small investors like myself should had been giving all of the best possibilities in the world and BMO Bank of Montreal, once again, is ruining the perfect scheme. In other world: for your credit needs, go with TD Canada Trust who offer close to a 24 hours a week banking services in their branches or go with RBC. As for Scotiabank, they are extremely difficult to get credit from. Bank of Nova Scotia, just like BMO Bank of Montreal, is poorly managed.

You need to get to know your banker first before jumping in.

All in a girl day trader weekend

It’s been a great weekend overall. I worked at my weekend job, but did not work much online. I prepared my summer clothes, color my hair (it was really needed as my last coloration was in February), I did my nails (in pink of course) and I purchased my usual scratch and wins... And here’s the fun part: I win 50$ at playing Scrabble. I kept a 40$ for myself and pick different tickets for 10$. And surprise, I won another 50$ on Scrabble. I felt lucky, so I purchased a Loto Max and a Loto 649 using my credit card. I did not win on Loto 649, but Loto Max results are for next week... lol... Later on, I went for grocery shopping and purchased another Scrabble. And I won again. I did not check this one yet, but I think I won 5$. If it’s just 5$, I will keep the money for my Second Cup coffee of this evening. I had been lucky. This is very nice because I had left 60$ in cash that I used on my credit card payment. I will only have left less than 300$ to pay on it.

This past week, I was told I was going to be short of work for the 2 weekends last time I call to give my hours, but it seem like I was provided the wrong information as I was on scheduled Sunday and I am on schedule for the next weekend also. Oufff... And I need the money. At this time, I want to add money to my margin account to decrease it. So for now all extra few bucks will go on the margin account.

Basically, here’s my plan to decrease my margin account usage:

-Sell at profit Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF (HOD) and Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bear Plus ETF (HZD).

-Sell a few stocks of Sprott Inc. (SII) at profit. I had been a long time shareholder of Sprott Inc. (SII). For their last special dividend, I had invested in hundreds of new extra stocks. I would like to sell those same stocks because they had been purchased using my margin account money.

-Sell at profit all my holding or partly of TMX Group Inc. (X).

-Sell at profit First Majestic Silver Corp (FR).

Those stock sells could help me to significantly decrease my margin account using. Part of the money could be reinvested in companies that paid a higher dividend, and another part could go to pay off my 10 000$ credit line. Currently, I could sell at profit stocks of TMX Group Inc. (X) and First Majestic Silver Corp (FR). I could even sell a few stocks of Sprott Inc. (SII). But it’s not something I am willing to do in a rush and it’s not an emergency. As for now, I prefer to hold TMX Group Inc. (X) and First Majestic Silver Corp (FR). I am not planning to do any day trading for now in reason of those transactions that are pending. I wouldn’t like to be stuck in a situation where I absolutely need to sell asset just because I am too high on my margin. Also, at this time, the economic situation of Europe is not very good. So better play safe and safe some money. At this time, I have a good feeling about my investment portfolio and I am kind of super relax and my nails look pretty.

I taught this weekend about updating my investment portfolio value but I wasn’t really into it and I spend time reading blog online and I was really out of my head. However, my non registered stock portfolio was closed to the 118 000$, according to the TD Waterhouse balance update. I was a bit shocked, actually. This is the update following my sell of Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bull Plus ETF (HZU), by the way. I was quite happy. Nothing can really stop me at being successful with my portfolio, if it’s not a bad market condition. And a bad market condition may come at anything. But personally, I think the Toronto Stock Exchange should not response to the difficulties in Greece, Portugal, etc. for the simple reason that Canada is not involve in the European Euro mess and I think we should continue in our way without caring. Euro is what f up Europe, Canada has nothing to do in that. We have to protect Canadian interests in this. Europe is far behind everything. French of France among other come here to Canada, stealing jobs belonging to Canadians who had built the economy of Canada from generation to generation. It’s not ok for us to suffer from what’s going on in Europe. There’s different type of criminal and Europe is full of financial criminals, a lot more than Quebec province.

This being said, lately, I had been good at following my frugal gold rules. My main rule is to not purchase food outside grocery shopping. It could be seen simple, but it’s easy to cheat on this one. So what I do is that I cook my lunch for the whole week and bring a banana, an apple and a snack bar with me when I leave home. For about 2 weeks, I slack on my food purchase a lot but that’s a goal I had came myself with because I don’t want to rank up at 500$ in expenses of all sort on my credit card every single months. When I leave home for work, the only expense I allow me is a medium Second Cup coffee. I try to avoid my Second Cup coffee purchase, but I find myself starving for caffeine and I felt weak, at some point, really weak. I am allowing me a one Second Cup coffee per day and it’s about all. I can’t believe June is almost there. In my head, we are still in February and I am still at home in New Brunswick. What happen between February and now had passed by without me knowing it.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Nickel is going to rock your world: DNI Metals (DNI) realized a 38.89% gain on May 27, 2011

My investment in DNI Metals (DNI) has been done a long time ago, more exactly on June 17, 2009. On that date, I invested 717$ in the company. Back in 2009, DNI Metals (DNI) was known under the name of Dumont Nickel (DNI). Reading back my posts of DNI Metals made me laugh because back in June 2009, my goal was to kind of day trade Dumont Nickel (DNI). Prior to June 17, 2009, DNI had reached the 5 cents per stock. I taught I could make a quick buy-on-sell. At the time, I didn’t have too much investment experience – even less than now. For me, it appears to be easy to make a profit of DNI. But the profit never came and that’s how I currently hold DNI Metals (DNI) in my portfolio.

In June 2011, I will be celebrating my 2 years investment in DNI Metals (DNI). Nothing really fantastic happens so far for DNI. Sometimes, for X reason, DNI makes some interesting gain, but nothing much that really worth a sell and a cash in money. However, lately, DNI Metals (DNI) had shown up signs of a penny stock becoming something more sustainable.

Many projects are on their way in Alberta. When it comes to DNI Metals (DNI) I find the development extremely slowww. However, I am quite happy with my choice of holding the investment for so long. For a 717$, I am not risking too much anyway. And previously, a reader post something in here regarding DNI, that chances are good that DNI may worth a lot more in a close future. All good news for DNI.

On today May 27, 2011, DNI Metals (DNI) gains a very awesome 38.89% (7 cents). DNI Metals (DNI) closed today at 25 cents. At this time, it’s still worth it to hold DNI Metals (DNI) because interesting developments are on their ways. Also, nickel is in demand. Not as much as silver, but still, it can be interesting to still hold DNI at this time. After all, I already wait 2 years, I won’t mind holding another 2 years if it’s to assist to other prospective development and get rich on nickel. Thank you DNI Metals (DNI).

Friday, May 27, 2011

Strong morning debut for First Majestic Silver Corp (FR)

So far, First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) gains 3.19%. First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) highest value for this morning debut is of 20.13$. I am very pleased. Currently, if I sell my First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) investment, I will made around 50$ in profit in commission. But I won’t sell now because I know this baby have the potential to go up to 25$ and more so I won’t sell for now. In result of this, I don’t plan to perform day trading. Not to forget that I still have Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF (HOD) and Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bear Plus ETF (HZD) pending. I want to sell those 2 at profit, but it don’t seem like today will be the day.

Yesterday had been a great at the Toronto stock exchange, and today seem to be even better. The opening was quite strong and this is good for silver investment. My silver investment in Sprott Physical Silver Trust UTS (PHS.U) is currently at 17.74$. Finally, TMX Group Inc. (X) is kicking some interesting profit, but I don’t plan sell now. Sprott Inc. (SII) is hitting the 9$ per stock. Interesting. 

A couple of days ago, I was selling my long time investment in Yellow Media Inc. (YLO) at something like 4.65$ per stock. Which was a good decision to take because it doesn’t seem like Yellow Media plans to improve itself. Currently, Yellow Media Inc. (YLO) trade at 4.10$... Only stupid academics of McGill University will invest in Yellow Media Inc. (YLO). I am saying stupid because I find it very distusghting from McGill University to ask 20 000$ per year for one of their new MBA. I am not a fan of McGill University and anyone with a bit of common sense will understand that McGill is trying is artificially rank itself to one of the world’s top university. But truly, that’s not by increasing the tutorial fees. Anyhow, learn from the pro (that mean me), don’t invest in Yellow Media Inc. (YLO). The dividend yield is too high and Yellow Media is no longer in position to be able to afford their high yield. And someone who knows about this for sure is Christian Paupe, Yellow Media Financial Chief who has sell, around the same time as myself, all of his holding in Yellow Media Inc. (YLO). On May 17, 2011, Christian Paupe sell 200 000 stocks of Yellow Media Inc. (YLO) at 4.69$. In order words: sell Yellow Media Inc. (YLO) because it’s no longer worth something.

Heather Munroe-Blum, the super dumb bitch who is Vice-Chancellor of McGill University. She’s the one who set up the 20 000$ MBA program and made of McGill University a shame for Canadians. I hope Heather Munroe-Blum prepared herself to lose a lot of money. On May 12, Heather Munroe-Blum purchased 10 000 stocks of Yellow Media Inc. (YLO) at 4.38$. Currently, Heather Munroe-Blum had loss -2800$ on her newest investment. Good for her. That’s the price to pay for her high class stupidity. She now has 38 274 stock of Yellow Media Inc. (YLO) that worth nothing at all. It’s not because Heather Munroe-Blum is the Vice-Chancellor of McGill University that she’s necessary intelligent. Her newest investment in YLO is the proof of that. 

I recently received my Yellow Media Inc. (YLO). The investment turns itself in a DRIP, despite the fact that I had sold my stocks of Yellow Media a couple of days ago. But it’s like that with a DRIP, you sell, but the next dividend payment always comes in form of new stocks. This is how I was left with 6 stocks of Yellow Media Inc. (YLO) in my portfolio. So I call yesterday TD Waterhouse, ordering (yeah yeah) the broker to sell my 6 stocks at market price. And he executed himself after I told him I have a lot of money with you and I trade a lot. Please sell my 6 stocks of Yellow Media. And it work. The broker sell my stocks and that left 24.84$ in my margin account as payment without too much discussion. Because sometime, TD Waterhouse brokers, that being the one mostly working at the Eaton Centre, they don’t know a shit of what they are doing. At least this time, TD Waterhouse didn’t mess up with me. Amen.

Now, enjoy First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) gains and call me genius bitch.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

TMX Group Inc. (X) shareholders to vote on the London Stock Exchange merger

On today May 25, 2011, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice had approved a TMX Group Inc. (X) shareholder meeting and vote on the proposed tie-up with the London Stock Exchange.

I had been a shareholder of the TMS Group Inc. (X) since a couple of months now, I think I qualify to express myself on another way that just blogging regarding the London Stock Exchange merger. Of course, now knowing a French man of the name of Xavier Rolet will be the leader behind both the London Stock Exchange and Toronto Stock Exchange, I will vote against the merger. And I will invite all shareholders to do the same.

I know, at first, I was for the merger of equals with London Stock Exchange, but that was before knowing who was going to be the leader. Also, on a long term, who knows which kind of jerk could be elected in charge of our Canadian Exchange? That’s why the power needs to remain inside Canada. We build a fabulous exchange with the power of our economy, the Toronto Stock Exchange belong to Canadians and no one else. The Toronto Stock Exchange need to remain inside of Canada, for Canadians.

The merger project won’t bring anything to Canada. Our greatest proud, the Toronto Stock Exchange and the Toronto Venture Exchange will be governs by foreign authorities. But not only that, the merger is projects that exist only to satisfy the taste of glory of Xavier Rolet. Canada is among the best country of the world, our Exchange is the best and all London know it. They want us, but they can die trying.

Europeans will mess up like they mess up everything in their financial system. We are not Europe, we are Canada. Canadians cannot be part of Europe.

Time has come to fight the evil forces. Vote no to the merger of equals.

The Eric Sprott silver investment is on the road for recovery for Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV) and Sprott Physical Silver Trust UTS (PHS.U)

On May 18, 2011, I decided to invest again in the Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV). At the time, the units worth 16.03$. I invested previously in some Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV) when the units had reached its highest value, the price being around 22$. Following the silver crash, the units went from 22$ to 15$. Seem like the silver investment of Sprott is on its road to recovery. Today is a fantastic day for silver.

Sprott Physical Silver Trust UTS (PHS.U) gain 3.78% and is currently at 17.55$. It’s currently going to be exactly like I expect it, slow and consistent gain until recovery is completed, which meaning until the PSLV and PHS.U reached back the 22$ per unit.

I did not proceed with any day trading on my margin account today despite having the very wonderful Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bull Plus ETF (HZU) over performing. I think the term I used here describe perfectly well the performance of HZU. It’s exactly over performing. Gains can be materializing very quickly in the silver game.

I still have 2 day trading on pending: Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF (HOD) and Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bear Plus ETF (HZD). Until those 2 get cleared, I don’t think I will be day trading. I prefer to concentrate on other activities and monitor my investment portfolio during the day. And don't think you really want me to wear a Louis Vuitton bag by the way.

First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) is performing majestically well. Currently, First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) is at 19.64$! This stock price is currently exceeding the original 19.34$. I could sell now, but won’t and don’t recommend selling any of your First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) stocks at this time because this is just the beginning of a new journey for First Majestic Silver Corp (FR). The company is still young and is under expansion. Don’t forget, First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) produces the purest silver of the world... In order words: be ready for HUGE profit. And I am ready! I plan to stick and hold until this baby reach the 25$ and up. And when it will happen, you’ll thank me. I know, I am that good. :0)

My non registered portfolio had gain over 1 000$ today. This is quite HUGE as well... Silver is still hot. What is not hot however is having the French Xavier Rolet riding around this powerful investment tool that is the Toronto Stock Exchange. Will Stephen Harper continue his inactivity or will he stand up like a man for his country and stop the merger project? A French of France leadership must be avoid.

Currently, TMX Group Inc. (X) is losing 46 cents and stand at a poor 43.42$. Our TMX Group Inc. (X) can do better than that and that will be without Xavier Rolet in the portrait.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Meet Xavier Rolet, CEO of the London Stock Exchange

You might ever heard of Xavier Rolet before, but seem like Xavier Rolet is a quiet man. However, Xavier Rolet is the CEO of the fourth-largest stock exchange in the world: the London Stock Exchange. These days, Xavier Rolet, who earned more than 5 million per year as CEO of the London Stock Exchange, is the man standing behind the idea of a merger of equals between the Toronto Stock Exchange, Toronto Venture Exchange and the London Stock Exchange Group. Through this deal, the Toronto Stock Exchange and the Toronto Venture Exchange will belong to foreign authorities.

Who is Xavier Rolet?

Born in Aix-les-Bains in November 12, 1959. Aix-les-Bains is a small commune of about 30 000 population located in the Rhône-Alpes region in south-eastern France, Xavier Rolet parents were militaries who probably participated in the Algerian war (1954-1962). Algerian war was a conflict between France and Algerian independence movements. During the years that last the conflict, more than 800 000 civilians were killed by the French Armed Forces.

With the royalties earn from their contribution to the French army at the time of the Algerian war, Xavier Rolet parents allow him to study at the best universities of France. Xavier Rolet also earned an MBA from Columbia Business School in 1984 and a post-graduate degree from Institute of Advanced National Defense Studies (Paris) in 2008. This is how Xavier Rolet was able to enroll into expensive schooling.

Here on the Canadian side, the story sounds similar to the one of Brian Mulroney. As 18th Prime Minister of Canada (1984-1993), Brian Mulroney did not find better to do used his influence to accept a cash payment of 300 000$ from Karlheinz Schreiber, a German-Canadian businessman who worked as a broker for Airbus, among other. In the Airbus scandal, Brian Mulroney, who was at the time Prime Minister of Canada, accepted undeclared payment of 300 000$ to promote Airbus inside his government. The money earned on the side helps Brian Mulroney to finance the schooling of his four children: Caroline Mulroney, Ben Mulroney, Mark Mulroney and Nicolas Mulroney.

Why a merger of equals?

A merger of equals will allow Xavier Rolet to protect his own interest. Remember, Xavier Rolet is making his fortune by controlling the fourth largest stock exchange of the world. His interest in the Toronto Stock Exchange is strictly personal. Why? The merger of equals will allow him to realize his biggest challenge: reviving the stock exchange.

No to a merger of equals lead by a French man. I lived in France for a couple of years and I myself experience France people hypocrite and corrosive nature. Have a nice talk with African people, you’ll see that France is responsible for many corrosive events that happen in their history. Jacques Chirac, ex France Prime Minister is currently under investigation. Not to forget Dominique de Villepin who escape prison.

In France, Nicolas Sarkozy son, Jean Sarkozy de Nagy-Bocsa, a 24 years old, had been name head of Epad, the development agency for La Défense. Located in Paris, La Défense is an office centre with an annual budget of more than 1 billion euros. At the time of his nomination, Jean Sarkozy was 23 years old. Is it politically correct for a junior of 23 years old to be in management of La Défense? I don’t think so. Corruption is sign of selfishness and France people are among the worst citizens of the world. France has extremely poor leading figures.

French authorities are well known for being corrupted and Xavier Rolet, in his role as CEO of the London Stock Exchange is a direct extension of French authority’s corrupted nature.

Ever wonder why it’s taking time for the economic world leaders to go through the stock crash even of 2008? It’s because a sexual predator of the name of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, known under DSK, had been in control of the International Monetary Fund since 2007. The International Monetary Fund is supposed to be, according to Wikipedia an “intergovernmental organization that oversees the global financial system by following the macroeconomic policies of its member countries, in particular those with an impact on exchange rate and the balance of payments”. See, the International Monetary Fund had a lead role to play in our economic recovery but lead by a criminal of the name of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the International Monetary Fund fail in its role.

The Toronto Stock Exchange is among one of the healthiest stock exchange of the world. If Canadians want it to remain that way, we need to say away from a merger deal lead by a French man. Quebeckers roots are yes certainly, French.

So far for the day, the TMX Group Inc. (X) title loss 1.04%.

Day trading of March 24, 2011: I sell Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bull Plus ETF (HZU) at 10.22$

I am very happy since today, straight in the early stock trade morning; I had been able to sell at profit my holding of Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bull Plus ETF (HZU). I sell my units at 10.22$. I made a profit of 104.01$ after commission. I am feeling better this way because this sell trade allow me to decrease my margin account usage. I could have wait for HZU to gain higher in value. HZU may probably go higher than 10.22$ in value today, but it could also not be the case. A turnaround is possible and I had experience it once. That’s how I got stuck with HZU, Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF (HOD) and HZD, while those holding were supposed to be sell on the same day. And remember, I am targeting small profit. This help in order to not be stuck in a quick turnaround.

But really, day trading is not exactly as easy as it seems, but it’s quite possible to make money with day trading, even with margin trading. On May 19, I had borrowed 2961.99$ from my margin account to purchased 300 units of HZU. I sell 6 days later. The interest own on the margin account is of 4.25%. This make around 2.62$ in interest own for that period, not even. So not bad, my trade in Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bull Plus ETF (HZU) had gone very well and I can relax now.

I don’t mind holding Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bear Plus ETF (HZD) and Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF (HOD) for a little while in my portfolio instead of having to sell and lose money... No way, and it’s not going to happen. My overall portfolio that is under margin is strong enough to support my day trading extravaganza. I don’t think I will be able to sell HZD today. Maybe HOD will be good for today.

Now that I had sell Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bull Plus ETF (HZU), I can basically do whatever I want during day time, I am no longer a slave to the Toronto stock market. Become day trading can quickly turn your life into a miserable one, as it’s sometime not possible to sell and acquisition on the same day. At a point, I got extremely tired of the experience. Since I did not “stop working” yet lol, I am still working. During day time, I have an evening job and I usually arrived at home pass 1am in the night. I also work during the weekend at another job. It was my choice to add day trading to my activities. However, day trading will never allow you to take a break from the stock market. You cannot take a one day off or you cannot simply sleep in one morning because you feel tired or what so ever. With day trading, it’s the stock market you get the control of your life. But now, it’s all better for me as I was able to sell at profit one of my major day trading holding.

I am very proud of my holding in First Majestic Silver Corp (FR). First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) is performing extremely well and I am confident that sooner or later, I will be able to make a “majectic” profit out of First Majestic Silver Corp (FR). First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) gains today so far 4.86%, to establish itself at a very comfortable 18.35$. Life is all good. I am posting some pictures I took a couple of days ago at the intersection boulevard St-Laurent and Sherbrooke (that being in Montreal were I am located at this time). There were those beautiful tries with pink flowers. The smell of those flowers was delightful. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

First Majestic Silver Corp (FR): The Purest Silver Company in the World is Canadian

I won’t lie; I first invested in First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) while performing day trading. Previously in May, I had invested in 150 stocks of First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) at 17.96$ and 17.95$. Shortly after, I was selling the 150 stocks at 18.64$ and 18.62$, making a quick profit of 81.51$. Following what, I invested again in First Majestic Silver Corp (FR), purchasing some stocks at 19.34$. My goal was to quickly sell the stocks at 20$. But the 20$ never came. However, I eventually came to the point of realizing that First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) was much more than just a company good for day trading.

Actually, First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) is a very good company to hold because it’s among top players in the silver game. To understand my interest in First Majestic Silver Corp (FR), I will invite you to listen to what Eric Sprott had to say about silver investment last week. Please view the video right here

Ok, so you listen to the entire video and now, you know that there’s not enough in silver to pay investors in real physical silver. That’s the main point of Eric Sprott interview: there’s not enough in silver to pay investors in real physical silver. This is why silver had generated nonstop profit from November 2010 to April 2011. I was in, I had day trade PHS.U and make interesting gain out of it. Previously in May, investors had experiment a silver crash but that’s because someone out there had manipulated the silver price. And could that person be Eric Sprott silver, who had sold out his very own Sprott Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV) units for more than 36 million? It’s seem like not. The drop in silver price had been caused by manipulators who had used future options to lower the silver price. Eric Sprott selling his units of Sprott Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV) has nothing to do with the drop in silver. And me day trading First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) title had nothing to do with the silver crash either... lol... 

This is really just like when some stupid Quebeckers of Montreal call center had fired me from BMO Bank in Montreal in order to make me fail and unsuccessful. Someone out there has the same inspiration for silver. But success and money will come despite the enemies and silver will get on the drive because no one can really stop it from being the investment of the decade. Got it?

Anyhow, the genius Eric Sprott had made his money on silver and I hope he’s happy about it. But can small investors still make money out of silver? Eric Sprott answered to that seem to be yes. And here come First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) as a major silver player, in the investment game.

First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) is a Canadian company based in Vancouver who operates many silver mines in Mexico. In April 2011, First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) had been reward of the title of "Purest Silver Company in the World". First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) reached 97% pure silver and it make FR as the purest silver company in the world. And this is where it’s getting really interesting. Knowing the rarity of silver, having a company in Canada, who can almost reached the level of 100% pure silver, well, if you want my opinion, that’s HUGE.

Also, on May 16, First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) publishes its financial result for the first quarter of 2011. First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) generated revenues of $55.3 million. And it’s looking good for FR to continue that way for the next upcoming months. At this time, First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) does not pay dividend distribution. However, it’s interesting company to hold inside an investment portfolio. And just to let you know, it’s been told that First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) will pay a dividend in 2012.

Knowing the price of silver could possibly hit 65$ by the end of the year and that First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) is the Purest Silver Company in the World, it doesn’t take that of a genius to understand that First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) is the hot stock that you need to hold in your investment portfolio. Get rich on silver or died trying.

Find all this interesting? Well, please visit this page; you’ll probably like it as much as I do. Read on and get rich.

I am now at 165 897.05$

And the only reason why I am at 165 897.05$ is because I had decided to experiment day trading. I had played with 8 065$ in the following: Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bull Plus ETF (HZU) (2 898$), Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF (HOD) (625$), Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bear Plus ETF (HZD) (2 792$) and First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) (1 750$).

I had experimented day trading had following this week, I won’t be tempt to do any day trading anymore until I get my trade completed in HZU, HOD, HZD and FR (until I decided to sell at profit). It’s something I need to experience for the heck of it. I could have sell HOD this Friday as well as HZD, but I decided to wait. I could had sell, but at no profit, even at a little loss. But I decided to hold until a better opportunity come because despite very high of margin account usage, my portfolio is strong enough to support it. I reached the extreme limit of what I could handle. Day trading more at this time would be very dangerous.

Day trading had been fun for the time it last, but day trading during the day does not leave any free time to do anything else during the day. Currently, I still hold HZU, HOD, HZD and FR but I have to say, this situation is not easy to handle because my goal was to sell on the same day when the purchase was made but in 4 times now, my timing was wrong. So will I do day trading again in a close future? NO WAY... Because it’s very disappointing when a sell cannot be done on the same day. Timing the stock market is way too much dangerous. On Friday at a time, HZU AND HZD went down around the same time. But usually, when one is down, the other is up... But that didn’t happen exactly like that on Friday... and also, HOD, I could have sell. At a point, HOD reached the original 6.65$ at which I had purchased it, but if I would had sell at that time, I wouldn’t had made any profit, and on top on that, i would had left something to pay on for the 9.99$ broker commission fee. All this today that what was fun at the beginning turn into something very handicapping, in the sense that I cannot concentrate on blogging or doing anything else during day time now until I sell HZU, HOD, HZD and FR. Because I need to there in front of my laptop to monitor the stock market and see if a price eventually reach my standard and then sell... I could set an automatic sell order of course, but the stock market being so out of control, it could happen I miss the sell by just one cent. Example, I set myself a sell limit price of 7$ for HOD. During the day, HOD hit the 6.99$ and not the 7$, well, too bad, but the sell order if being set for 7$ won’t go through... Frustrating... yes... But also, another problem being a question of timing as well from my part, it could happen a miss a sell opportunity because I am not quick enough but so far, I had been pretty good for that part and TD Waterhouse trading platform is extremely reliable, really excellent for day trading.

All this could be seen as very stupid coming from my part but fact is, I was looking to generate small profit only to add to my dividend income. But now, everything is pretty much out of control.

Well, not exactly because if you ask me if I can do a profit out of Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bull Plus ETF (HZU), Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF (HOD), Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bear Plus ETF (HZD) and First Majestic Silver Corp (FR), well, my answer is yes, definitively, I will be able to generate a profit out of those investments. I am very confident about that. It’s just it’s something very difficult because during day time, I need to monitor minute by minute all of those 4 investments to see if a good sell opportunity is presenting. While doing so I cannot blog, I cannot write article for HubPages, I cannot go to the library, I cannot go take a walk to the park. I have to stay home dirty in my pyjama and all day long, all I do is refresh, refresh, refresh. Sound interesting? Truly not. Especially now with the wonderful weather we are having now in Montreal. But this was the price to pay for the willingness to make money from day trading. Do I enjoy day trading now? No, truly not. After spending the day in front of my laptop, I have to go to work for my evening shift. Hello misery!

There’s no easy way and my day trading experience have basically become a nightmare. I am not afraid to say it as clearly as that. But, the nightmare is not that bad. I do what I wanted, which was to experience the day trading and I personally needed to go through this because the temptation to make money was way too high. It’s something I may do again however, but with one investment at a time. Like right now, I am stuck with 4 day trading investments and it’s kind of becoming too much. So if it happens I want to satisfy myself again with a disturbing sense of wanna-make-money-from-day-trading ever again, it will be one investment at a time. Not 4 at the same time. Never again ok, never again.

I had been a bit disturb by my fantastic Sprott Canadian Equity Fund who had loss more than 1 000$ in value. I am basically back close to the original 7 000$ I invested in the fund back in 2008 and I don’t like that at all. Also, my portfolio had loss some great value because my fantastic Sprott silver had loose value. I hold Sprott silver in my RRSP, TFSA and now, in US dollars. So yeah, Sprott silver all the way, ok, but I want profit. Is that hard to understand?


But you have to understand me. I had been holding Sprott silver since November 2010. Between November 2010 and April 2011, silver had rock my world. I had purchased, sell, purchases Sprotts ilver units. I was in heaven. My units hold in Sprott Physical Silver Trust UTS (PHS.U) worth SO MUCH at that time! It was so fantastic. From 22$ to now the 16$ per units, yeah, the silver correction had hurt the value of my portfolio.

I was very happy when I listen to Eric Sprott latest interview (that you can listen in post below). All what he said make so much sense, was making so much sense that the only thing right I find to to was to invest in Sprott Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV) again. And so I did, and I don’t regret it. Silver will gain value again, but it could be at a much lower rhythm than before. When silver will hit again, my portfolio will hit the net worth of 90 000$. I am just waiting for that to happen

Regarding my investment in Sprott Canadian Equity Fund that went from 8 000$+ to the current 7 000$+, well, I don’t really know what to think about it. It could be the sign that the market is not doing well and that another correction is on its way but I don’t really know what to think. However, Sprott Canadian Equity Fund is one of my top performers. I couldn’t imagine my investment portfolio without it.

I taught about selling what I hold in TMX Group Inc. (X) in order to decrease my margin account usage but it’s really not the time to sell TMX Group Inc. (X) because the company had refused the Canadian offer that been done in other to acquire them. This meaning that the deal with the London Stock Exchange is still ongoing and I am very excited because if it continue like this, TMX Group Inc. (X) could eventually reached the 50$ per stock and when it happen, hello big cash for me.

Patience will eventually pay off when it comes to TMX Group Inc. (X) as well as my experiment with day trading.

Knowing that, I have a major announcement to make. I know, I am crazy, but on my Friday, I invested again in Exchange Income Corporation (EIF). Why? Well, according to a source, Exchange Income Corporation (EIF) could eventually hit the 25$ per stock so I could not resist. I invested again in Exchange Income Corporation (EIF). But this is the last of the last, I will no longer invest for a little while, I am totally totally done.

Me and investment, is like famous Hollywood people and plastic surgery: it’s being done, done and redone. Never get enough. But now, I have enough despite knowing I can get what I want.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My investment portfolio on date of May 20, 2011


Non registered Investments:
Stocks and Units investment portfolio CAN$
Sprott Inc. (SII): 8 503.92$
Timminco (TIM): 80$
Blue Note Mining (BNT): 38$
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS): 6 258.43$
Hanwei Energy Services (HE): 67.50$
Methanex Corporation (MX): 3 077.64$
Fortis (FTS): 3 560.96$
Pembina Pipeline Corporation (PPL):
10 447.29$
Just Energy Group Inc. (JE): 9 655.65$
Pengrowth Energy Corporation (PGF): 2 812.20$
Enbridge Income Fund Holdings Inc. (ENF): 6 093.75$
Corby Distilleries Limited (CDL.A): 1 720.10$
Davis + Henderson Corporation (DH):
4 149.36$
Premium Brands Holdings Corporation (PBH):
6 972$
EnCana Corporation (ECA): 6 585.20$
iShares S&P/TSX Capped REIT Index (XRE): 2 320.78$
Horizons Gold Yield Fund (HGY.UN): 1 890$
Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX): 1 874.76$
New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI.UN): 1 889.04$
Capital Power Income L.P. (CPA.UN): 1 919$
Exchange Income Corporation (EIF): 7 157.40$
Rogers Sugar Inc. (RSI): 1 605.12$
Student Transportation (STB): 1 373.60$
Colabor Group Inc. (GCL): 2 158.32$
TMX Group Inc. (X): 4 450.06$
Data Group Income Fund (DGI.UN): 3 991$
K-Bro Linen Inc. (KBL): 2 235$
Westshore Terminals Invest Corp (WTE.UN): 5 020$
WesternOne Equity Income Fund (WEQ.UN): 2 280$
Atlantic Power Corp (ATP): 1 473$
Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bull Plus ETF (HZU): 2 898$
Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF (HOD): 625$
Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bear Plus ETF (HZD): 2 792$
First Majestic Silver Corp (FR): 1 750$

TOTAL: 119 724.08$

Stocks and Units investment portfolio US$:
Sprott Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV): 2 522.99$
US cash: 4.12$

TOTAL: 2 527.11$ US

Tax-free savings account (TFSA):
EnerCare Inc. (ECI): 22.65$
Dumont Nickel Inc. (DNI): 474.38$
Sprott Physical Silver Trust UTS (PHS.U): 3 272.16$
Cash: 2.28$

TOTAL: 3 771.47$

RSP investment portfolio:
Sprott Canadian Equity Fund: 7 090.59$
Claymore Gold Bullion ETF (CGL): 3 272.16$
EnCana Corporation (ECA): 3 260$
Emera Incorporated (EMA): 6 651.84$
Sprott Physical Silver Trust UTS (PHS.U): 1 090.72$
Cash: 65.08$

CIBC Dividend Growth Fund: 580.41$
CIBC Emerging Markets Index Fund: 402.59$
CIBC Monthly Income Fund: 1 049.17$

Energy and Base Metals Term Savings (Indexed term savings):
Natural Resources Term Savings (Indexed term savings):

GIC National Bank: 1 251.85$
GIC Plus TD: 500$

Maritime Life International Equity Fund
(Templeton): 676.31$
Manulife Simplicity Growth Portfolio: 931.48$
Maritime Life CI Harbour Seg Fund: 1 113.26$
Maritime Life Fidelity True North Seg Fund:
1 072.70$
Manulife GIF MLIA B World Invest: 670.01$

Great-West – various: 1 834.72$

RBC Canadian Dividend Fund: 577.10$
RBC U.S. Mid-Cap Equity Fund C$: 2 062.03$
RBC Global Resources Fund: 1 183.69$
RBC O'Shaughnessy International Equity Fund: 678.13$
RBC O'Shaughnessy All-Canadian Equity
Fund: 1 223.48$
RBC Global Precious Metals Fund: 967.08$

TOTAL: 39 209.92$

Social Capital at Desjardins Membership share
for 3 accounts: 40$

Savings + Stocks, units, mutual funds + Tax-
free Savings account + RRSP + Online Income
165 897.05$

My debt situation on date of May 20, 2011

9 099.27$ at a low interest rate of 4.75% (RRSP credit line rates) = 432.22$ in annual interest

4 900$ at a low interest rate of 4% (credit line rates) = 196$ in annual interest

7 841.32$ on a TD Canada Trust credit card at a low interest rate of 4.9% (result of a credit card balance transfer) = 384.22$ in annual interest

7 580.28$ at low interest rate loan at 5.50% (student loan) = 416.92$ in annual interest

5 000$ at 8.75% (credit line) = 437.50$ in annual interest PAID OFF

10 000$ at 7.52% (credit line rates) = 752$ in annual interest

44 944.96$ at a low interest rates of 4.25% (margin money coming from TD Water house): =
1 910.16$ in annual interest

TOTAL: 84 365.83$

TOTAL in annual interest: 4 091.52$
[In date of May 20, 2011]

Friday, May 20, 2011

Celebrating Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) first dividend distribution as corporation

Holding Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) in my portfolio had been a blessing. If I would sell what I own of Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) at this time, I would be making a profit of more than 400$! Back in January of this year, following an exchange with the mountain lion hero, I decided to invest in some stocks of CFX. CFX had been waiting for me for quite some time actually.

The mountain lion hero mentions Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) in one of his email but I never took time to look more closely than that into the company. In beginning 2011, I began to trade more in order to increase my dividend income. And it’s at that time that I remember the email of the man. And then, I took time to review the companies he was mentioning. Capital Power Income L.P. (CPA.UN), New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI.UN) and Colabor Group Inc. (GCL) were among those companies. And of course, Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX). Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) dividend yield may be at time around 10%. Before its conversion into a corporation, Canfor dividend yield was more than 20%.

I had been amazed by Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX). My investment gain value very quickly. Yesterday, I had received Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) first dividend distribution as a corporation. Time to celebrate!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Welcome again Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV) in my investment portfolio!

Following my day trade with Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bull Plus ETF (HZU) (which I was very happy about by the way!), I decided to take a 1 000$ CAN and transfer it into US dollars. My 1 000$ in Canadian dollars worth 1 010.92$ in US ones. The exchange generate a profit of 10.92$, which is more than enough to cover one purchase commission of 9.99$.

Following Eric Sprott interview with Max Keiser that you can view in the previous post, I did what any investor would have done: I invest again in Sprott Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV). Last time, I had invested in PSLV when it was at its 22$ 52 last week highest. As always, my timing was perfect... Shortly after, some sources came with the news that Eric Sprott had sell some of his Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV) units, cashing in some enormous profit, something of the like of 36 million... Of course, the genius reinvested the money, but in other silver investment. Following what, the Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV) was hitting down the 15$ per unit...

Despite the desperation, today, I invest again in Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV) and I am very happy with the investment because I now own a mix of units purchase at 22$ and now, 16.03$. So overall, the new acquisition of today will equilibrate the whole thing. I won’t tolerate losing money on silver. That’s why I invested today again in some fresh new units of Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV).

My investment in Sprott Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV) is for the long term. Hopefully, my investment will double in value and this will happen very soon ok? I am done with selling, purchasing etc.... I want to concentrate on my HubPages. I have better things to do in life than just refreshing, refreshing, refreshing lol...

At this point, my investment portfolio, in US and Canadian dollars is absolutely perfect. I didn’t post an update of my investment portfolio for quite some time. If it happens that the TSX finish up today, I will to update my investment portfolio tonight.

About New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI.UN)

If like me you hold New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI.UN), my best recommendation is to HOLD. A reader asked me what I plan to do with this one, since NFI.UN had drop in value. I decided to stick to New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI.UN) because it’s a leader in its industry. NFI.UN has the technology required to build bus transportation. They had handled very important contracts for public transportation in the past (for New York City, among other). Investors are crazy to be alarm because the company lost a 10% profit or something like it.

Once the situation in the US will become more stable, NFI.UN will raise in profit again. It’s very clear in my mind. Of course, it’s not fun to see a title going from 12$ to 9$. The case of New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI.UN) is not like Yellow Media Inc. (YLO). New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI.UN) will go up again. But when it come to Yellow Media Inc. (YLO), I doubt the company will ever reached its old 6$ per stock. I only sell stocks in case of necessity. Selling YLO was a necessity. And when it comes to NFI.UN, I think the company had good chances to go through this difficult time without too much problem. I could be wrong, but I really like NFI.UN. And New Flyer is a cool name.

And now Colabor Income Fund (GCL)

I also have the same philosophy when it come to Colabor Income Fund (GCL). Despite recent drop, I prefer to hold for now. GCL made some interesting acquisitions lately. Profit are going to come later or sooner. Colabor Income Fund (GCL)? HOLD :0)

Today, I day trade Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bull Plus ETF (HZU)

Today, I wake up early because yesterday was the day were I could had sell what I own of Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bear Plus ETF (HZD) but I miss the opportunity since I did not wake up. As excuse, all I can say is that I finish work at midnight, arrived home at 1am and go to bed usually around 2am. Yesterday, Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bear Plus ETF (HZD) hit the 7.92$. I could had sell the units I had purchased at 7.79$, but I miss the boat. Same thing with Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF (HOD)... I could had sell HOD at profit yesterday, but there also, I miss the boat. The morning is really a good period for day trading, I know that now.

However, sometime, things happen for a reason, maybe I will be able to make a bigger profit on Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bear Plus ETF (HZD) and Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF (HOD) than the ones I could had made yesterday.

Today, I wake up at 9am, just on time to eat breakfast and make myself some coffee before the Toronto stock market open. Today, my goal was to catch up with my flop of yesterday. Today, I wanted to sell HZD and HOD at profit. But it did not happen. Currently, both HZD and HOD are down... but Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bull Plus ETF (HZU) is up...

I could not resist trading silver again on margin trading alias day trading... so I jump, purchase 200, just 200 units of Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bull Plus ETF (HZU) at 9.47$ and I sell at 9.70$, for a cutty profit of 26.02$ after commission... I am done for the day with day trading.

It’s looking good for First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) who’s currently up of 4%. I have hoped to make a profit out of this one. Maybe not today, but at a later date, certainly, just like for HZD and HOD.

When HZD is down, HZU, PHS.U and other guys are ups. Knowing that, day trading on silver is possible and interesting.

According to Eric Sprott, silver is the investment of the decade

Recently, Eric Sprott had been interviewed by Max Keiser. In the interview, Sprott explained his sell of Sprott Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV). His explanation confirmed what I taught. I hold both PSLV and PHS.U in my portfolio. I invested in PSLV just before the silver crash, a couple of days ago. I still hold PSLV and PHS.U in my portfolio in date of today and I don’t plan to sell. This interview is very informative and it provides good info for small investors like myself who want to take advantage of silver investment.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Be ready, TMX Group Inc. (X) is on fire

My experience with day trading had been a positive one despite the fact that I still hold on date of today several investments that were supposed to be sell on the same trading day. They are: BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF (HOD) (buy at 6.65$), Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bear Plus ETF (HZD) (buy at 7.79$) and First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) (buy at 19.34$). Currently, BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF (HOD) is at 6.37$, Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bear Plus ETF (HZD) at 7.23$ and First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) at 17.30$. Because those 3 holdings are not penny stocks, chances are I will, on a later date, sell those 3 investments at profit. And that’s the reason why my day trading adventure had come to an end.

On May 12, Google Blogger platform experienced some technical difficulties and because of that, some interesting Anonymous comments had been lost. I had been able to retrieve one of them. One of those comments that I now believe been erased was saying that I had sell BA to invest in silver (that happen several months ago, so you can consider that the comment was coming from a long time reader!) and that I had turn myself into a speculator instead of an investor and so on. Wow... Back in November-December 2010, silver was hot and was climbing and gaining in value like crazy. It was natural to wanted to follow the silver flow. I mean who wouldn’t like to make easy money on silver anyway? I don’t regret my move, trading silver on Sprott Physical Silver Trust UTS (PHS.U) had been quite fun and enjoyable.

But overall, if you consider between being an investor, making thousands of dollars by buying and holding or being a day trader making less than an hundred dollars per day, well, I prefer to be an investor and stick to what I do best, this being buying and holding. Day trading is fun and exciting but it required a lot of attention and it can really burn you from the inside. For the couple of days I concentrate myself on day trading, I was in front my laptop, doing nothing more than trying to time the Toronto stock market. And it burns me. This being my own experience, other people can handle it, like DVDguy, for example. So why, would you asked me, why did I start day trading? Well, everything related to the stock market is hot and sexy. It’s too bad, but having the opportunity to make quick and easy cash, I could simply not resist. The temptation was way too high. I still have my dream stuck on day trading, but with those 3 pending sell order in BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF (HOD), Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bear Plus ETF (HZD) and First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) I will say I had calmed down. Day trading is the opportunity to make quick and easy money from the stock market. Why should I stay away from the opportunity? This being said, I will continue to focus mostly in investing rather than day trading.

Obey to the impulse...

Lately, I had been told as being impulsive by a reader. My investment in TMX Group Inc. (X) was certainly an impulsive one. The announcement of a merger with the London authorities a couple of months ago captivated me. I did not hesitate; I invest in some TMX Group Inc. (X) without thinking, using monopoly money. I wanted to be part of the deal. I knew the TMX Group Inc. (X) stock value was going to gain in value. And it did. Today, TMX Group Inc. (X) gain more than 6%. If I would had sell my TMX Group Inc. (X) stocks today, I would had made more than 300$ in profit. Am I going to sell now? No way. Things are just getting more interesting for the TMX Group Inc. (X). Also, another dividend payment is on its way for TMX Group Inc. (X). Investing is a great thing, but answering to my “impulses” is what had paid best to far. No way I could have known for sure what was going to happen with TMX Group Inc. (X). You have to keep in mind that as a human being, all the answers are in you, you just need to listen to yourself, keep grounded and if you are more or less equilibrate well, listen to the impulse lol... It’s quite very something that I wasn’t describe as impulse before actually.

Actually, it’s not about obeying to the impulse, but more about satisfying the impulse. And when I get a comment of the like “you don’t know what you are doing” well, to that I am tempt to answer that’s right, I don’t know what I am doing, but I know how to obey the impulse.. lol.

Great gains for Data Group Income Fund (DGI.UN)

Anyhow no matter what it is, for the past couple days, another investment of mine had performed extremely well: Data Group Income Fund (DGI.UN). I had invested in Data Group Income Fund (DGI.UN) after a reader send me an email, saying he was investing in EIF and DGI.UN and both were about to make fantastic gains. I did my own reading of course and find both companies very great. I invest little money in both companies and so far so good. Same thing with Westshore Terminals Invest Corp (WTE.UN) and WesternOne Equity Income Fund (WEQ.UN), who both were suggested by 2 other readers.

This being said, Data Group Income Fund (DGI.UN) had extremely made very good gains and it was about time. For a while, I had considered Data Group Income Fund (DGI.UN) as being one of my troublemaker stocks. But of course, it’s not anymore.

More about First Majestic Silver Corp (FR)

I wanted to wake up early this morning to listen to the Conference call giving by First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) concerning the financial results of this first quarter. But it did not happen. FR made more than 20$ million for this first quarter. I still have hope to sell First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) at 20$+. But the title seems to be volatile, which is good, but I cannot wait for the title to gain in value again. There’s still hope for this trade to be completed soon.

Day trading yes, but moderately.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The ABC of Day trading with TD Waterhouse

Despite being stuck with some stocks that were supposed to be hold for one day for dy trading purposes, I did it again. This time, the profit is extremely tinny because as you can imagine, I sell in a rush. I made 7.02$ (!!) from day trading Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bull Plus ETF (HZU). Despite what I wrote yesterday, I trade again today. Day trading can quickly become addictive and no matter how little the profit is made, it’s a profit made out of nothing. I may not totally closed the door behind day trading, but at this time, I am stuck with 3 trades that were supposed to be sell on the same day for a little profit: Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF (HOD) (buy at 6.65$), Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bear Plus ETF (HZD) (buy at 7.79$) and First Majestic Silver Corp (FR) (buy at 19.34$).

Tips and tricks for day trading using TD Waterhouse platform

My experience with day trading had been a constructive one. If you are tempt by day trading, what will follow describe the way I did the day trading in the past couple of days.

Where to start in you TD Waterhouse broker account

15 minutes following the opening of the stock market, at 9:30am, I usually begin my day by looking over the section “Markets & Research”. At the right column, take a look at “TSX Comp” under “Company movers”. You’ll see right there all the top performers for the day. You’ll only day trade stocks that appear on that section. Why? It’s because the ultimate goal is to make easy profit on a quick buy-and-sell scheme. It does not always happen on the same day. For that reason, you’ll trade only quality title and avoid penny stocks.

My best advice: for day trading purposes avoid penny stocks

On the section “Company movers”, many penny stocks will appear. Don’t trade anything located below 5$. Why? From what I experience so far, I found penny stocks even more volatile that all of the rest of the stock market. The stock market being already volatile enough, you don’t want to create a more volatile trading environment for yourself by picking penny stocks. Because as a day trader, you want to put all the chances of the world in your trade. That’s why you’ll avoid penny stock.

Avoid the one time hit wonder stock

Ok, you saw what the possibilities are for your day trading. You avoid the penny stocks. One stock (I will give an example) Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bull Plus ETF (HZU) is up of 5%. Good. But before day trading HZU title, you’ll verify the trading volume to make sure you’ll not get stuck in a one hit wonder.

To place that verification, I use Enter the ticket HZU in their search engine. Verify the column “#Tr”. It’s currently say 1 400. You are good. The fact that the title being highly trade will make it easier for you to make a profit out of a quick buy-and-sell trade.

A one hit wonder stock is a title that has a low trading volume. Suddenly, the title gain in value. Sometime for no reason. Many of them appear as Company movers of the TSX.

Example: a couple of days ago, Mercer International Inc. (MRI.U) appears in the Company movers column. Mercer International Inc. (MRI.U) was making interesting gain on that day. I verify MRI.U trade volume, and it was low. It may have been of what it is now, something like only 1, I don’t exactly remember. However, a low trading volume is not good for titles your willing to trade for day trading only because less a title is being trade, less are your chances to be able to generate a quick profit out of a buy-and-sell.

Another example I can come with when it comes to low trading situation is Corby Distilleries Ltd (CDL.A). When I first start investing in CDL.A, I had purchased stocks at something like 15.35$. For a long time, CDL.A value remain the same, at 15.35$ or around. That was partly due to the fact that Corby Distilleries Ltd (CDL.A) is barely trade.

So far, those 2 main guidelines: no penny stock and a quick verification of the trading volume have helped me to generate a small income from day trading. Day trading yes, but under condition. Another tip would be not to invest too much in the same trade. The more you invest, the more your chances of making a huge profit increase, but that come with a higher risk. Focusing on small profit instead of larger one may help to keep your day trading real.

Happy day trading!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I sell part of my Davis + Henderson Corporation (DH) stocks

Too much of the same thing is not a good thing, especially for monopoly money fan like myself. I sell 100 stocks of Davis + Henderson Corporation (DH) today at 20$+ because those were stocks that been purchased using margin money. I still hold some DH stocks inside my portfolio.

I wanted to sell some stocks of Premium Brands Holdings Corporation (PBH) as well, but currently, PBH is performing extremely well and finally, I have up about selling even one stock of PBH. I am currently at 36 000$ on my margin account, for a 110k investment portfolio value. I used 5 000$ to pay off my credit line and currently, 31 000$ for investment purposes. At this point, my margin usage is reasonable and I feel better this way. And no, I won’t sell Premium Brands Holdings Corporation (PBH) now. Premium Brands Holdings Corporation (PBH) is on its way to reach a permanent 17$ per stock. I want to be in when it’s going to happen.

I am not looking to sell Premium Brands Holdings Corporation (PBH), but I would certainly like to sell, at profit of course, my stocks hold of TMX Group Inc. (X). This investment represents more than 4 000$ by its own. One sell, the part of my margin account on use will only be of 32 000$. Nice. I am not on a rush to sell TMX Group Inc. (X). And when I am going to sell, it’s going to be at profit.

This being said, my precious Sprott silver hold in Sprott Physical Silver Trust UTS (PHS.U) and Sprott Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV) is doing down again. FR went down as well. When it comes to PHS.U and PSLV, those 2 are investments made for the long run. When it come to First Majectic Silver Corp (FR), it was different, I wanted a quick buy and sell... and a profit but it doesn’t went the way wanted for that one. However, First Majectic Silver Corp (FR) will eventually go up again and when it does, I will be in.

Today, I trade Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bear Plus ETF (HZD)

Today, I needed to sleep and I slept, wake up, open my laptop, eat my cereals... And here it was, the TSX loss 200 points, but my Horizons Silver was up. I needed to do something about it. I buy some units of Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bear Plus ETF (HZD) at 6.80$ and a few minutes later, I sell at 6.90$, making a 20$ profit after commission. Nothing major, but for those types of investment, I prefer to stick to small sum of money. I prefer to focus on small profit instead of big ones. A 20$ is a nice extra pocket money. The reason I sell so quickly is in reason of the market situation. Currently, the TSX loss more than 200 points. Also, not to forget that I still hold my investment in First Majectic Silver Corp (FR). I wanted to sell at 20$, but currently, FR is down of 8%. I guess focusing on small profit, even extremely small lol... may be the way to go. Overall, it’s been a good experience. I am confident First Majectic Silver Corp (FR) will go up again. Which mean that I “day trade” enough for today. The market is real ugly right now.

I think I may had forgot to write about it, but this last Friday, I also invest in some units of Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF (HOD) at 6.65$. I still hold HOD at this time. I prefer to warn you: HOD is not as easy to hold as HZD or other silver ETF. It’s not easy to make a quick buy and sell on HOD.

I still hold Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF (HOD). HOD seem to be one of those ETF who performed well in a bad market situation. I may be able to sell at more than 20$ profit lol by the end of this week.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Welcome, Atlantic Power Corp (ATP) in my investment portfolio!

I sell some stocks of CDL.A who don't pay that much in dividend anyway (but title stable - that's why I left some stocks of CDL.A in) and I reinvested in some stocks of Atlantic Power Corp (ATP). Title is stable, being rate as low risk by SPBrunner right here. I also borrowed from her another investment that had been in my portfolio for a little while now, K-Bro Linen Inc. (KBL). On top of all that, ATP yield is of more than 7%. Perfect stock for a New Brunswicker, don't you think so?

When margin account money becomes monopoly money: the case of TMX Group Inc. (X)

I had a fun time today with my trade in Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bull Plus ETF (HZU). It’s just something I am doing for the fun of it and I do not trade much on each trials. At this time, I am stuck in with my First Majectic Silver Corp (FR) investment. I did not invest that much on this one either. Just my investment lost value in one day instead of gaining some. But I cannot be a winner on each and single of them knowing who I am. A small investor trying to make quick little gain. Well, that’s risky. But my way is safe, I find, despite the craziness. A 30$ gain in one day. Yep, I am happy about it. Yeah :0)))

Currently, I am working at restructuring my portfolio. Following my sell of Toronto Dominion Bank (TD), another stock that I hold and doesn’t pay much in dividend is TMX Group Inc. (X). My investment in TMX Group Inc. (X) was an impulsive one. I am from those who got over-excited with the merger news. And bang, that’s how overnight I invested in TMX Group Inc. (X) using monopoly money (that will be my margin account money of course). No doubt that TMX Group Inc. (X) is a good investment, but it’s a good investment for those who have real cash in their broker account and not monopoly money. I really like to name margin account money monopoly money because that’s really what it is. Margin money is monopoly money. Believe it or not. That money exists because for now, what I have in my portfolio actually worth something. Currently, my non registered portfolio is at 113k. I want to sell TMX Group Inc. (X). Not because it’s not a good investment, but because it’s being hold on... monopoly money lol... So far, I had been lucky, but luck is like youngest, it could disappear just like it had come. But my investments are not only about luck. There’s a bit of common sense in what I do or try to do.

However, this being said, I would like to sell TMX Group Inc. (X). I am only looking forward for the title to gain. And it’s looking good. The X is exceeding the 41$ right now.

Today, I am trading Horizons BetaPro COMEX Silver Bull Plus ETF (HZU) – Part 2

I had sold my HZU at 11.81$, making a profit of 30$ after commission. Not huge profit, but a profit is a profit and I am not exactly looking for extraordinary gain. Gains, as little they are, are welcome. Buying and selling on the same day is a must, knowing I am using margin money. I use just a couple of thousands at a time. If it can generate a small profit, that’s good. Take it this way, a 30$ is enough to almost pay my cell phone bill... :0)

I still have First Majectic Silver Corp (FR) under process so I wanted to do a quick buy-and-sell today before leaving to work, as I have to leave earlier today. I hope FR will hit the 20.10$ before the end of the week.