
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The troublemaker stock EnCana Corporation (ECA) is getting better... at least for now

Today, one of my troublemaker stock, EnCana Corporation (ECA), gains close to 10% today to close the day at 20.75$. Still far from the original 29$-30$ I place my investment on, but still, a capital gain is much appreciate.

With all that, my non-registered portfolio closed today session at 117 154.45$. Only 1 086.414 is missing before I recover from my internal portfolio capital loss. This is very good.

DNI Metals Inc. (DNI) closed today session at a fantastic 55 cents, which is boosting my TFSA value. Look like somebody around here is going to make a lot of cash! And that person, well, you know, it’s me!! It’s very great because I had been holding DNI for a really long time now and I finally getting results. Those are quite exciting time. My dividend income is doing well for the month of January.
Canadian National Railway (CNR) has increased its dividend by 15%! CNR dividend is now of 1.50$ per stock. Great news coming from CNR.

At this time, I would very much like to see my silver units in PHS.U, among other, to gain in value. My experience with silver had been rough. In November 2011, everything was fine for silver but things began to change in the Spring of the year 2011 and currently, silver is not doing extraordinary well. I wanted to register a nice capital gain on silver but it just didn’t happen the way I expected... However, I was bright enough not to invest too much in silver, so the fact that silver is down is not affecting me that much. I hold silver like anything else inside my investment portfolio. You know when a girl is for good. Don’t expect the silver sh*t prouttttttt of Eric Sprott to slow me down.

Tonight is pay night. I have a couple of expenses to cover of course in prevision of February. Next big thing ahead for the Dividend Girl is the RRSP contribution. From my calculation, I had made around 45k in 2011. I want to review that income to see if I have to make a RRSP contribution for 2011.

I am quite busy at this time with work, my portfolio and my new art class, if you see what I mean. Talk again later.


  1. HI Sunny...the DNI stocks , is a penny stock...what did yu pay for it to start with? i bought a small share of a company called Magic Software Enterprises and i find it more fun with the little guys and like Twin Butte Oil...i have made more on it than a couple of bigger stuff.

  2. You better sell half portion of the DNI holding rather than wait until reach $1, and take some profit. Then, you will be happy if the stock move either direction.

  3. Glad to see your doing well. I may not always agree with you but I must confess that I enjoy reading your updates. Thanks again.

  4. Sunny , if you could sell the amount paid for, u could be playing with house money.
