
Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31... really???

I received some really good dividend income recently. So far, I am at $511 for the month of August. My investment portfolio was about to exceed the 125k value when it suddenly drop to $121 019. That’s how it goes these days, the market is unpredictable. For that reason, I am looking forward to decrease my margin. I have over 53k in use on my margin account. I would like to decrease that amount to 50k. 

Thinking about it, it’s crazy how much I have used and reused my margin account money. I made my investment in the Jean-François Tardif fund using some margin bucks, I had purchased my TMX Group Inc. (X) shares using margin $$$. I had paid off my TD credit line using margin $$$, as well as my RBC credit line. I also invested in the Sprott Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV) using margin bucks. So yeah, I love my margin bucks!

The stock market is way too much of a sexy temptation. It’s hard to control the stock impulse. However, I didn’t invest for a little while. Instead, I paid off my RBC credit line. Having a bit of money on the side can be very helpful these days.

The Euro zone is still very fragile and I had a good conversation on the topic with a colleague of mine who’s from Greece. The politicians had ruined their country basically. It’s not the fault of their citizens. But now, Greece citizens are paying the price and things could be very hard for the next 15 to 20 years. They are cutting the pension paid to their seniors and they have like not much to live on, just the strict minimum.

Some parents leave their children to the orphanage to ensure that their kids are going to have, at least, one meal a day. People living in the city of Athens are living in the worst condition because they have no land to cultivate. And people living in villages are poor, but live on the strict minimum. And also, there are a lot of animals around, like dogs because people don’t have any money anymore to pay for their dog meal. They leave their pets in the street. Those dogs are running around like wolves and can be very dangerous. Authorities shoot them to dead. 

Everything seems to be missing in Greece. There’s a part of population that want to leave the Euro. Left and right political party fight. The elected party in Greece is in minority, which is not helping in anything… And of course, we don’t hear about the real fact in the news. No one can really know how things are really really bad unless you go visit Greece or speak to someone from there.

Nothing is resolved for Greece. And fact is, as soon another bad news hit in regarding the Euro zone, the TSX lose points every and single time. It could be interesting to keep the cash and invest when the market will be down. I use to invest every now and then, but now, I may be watching for opportunities giving in a down market, while citizens of Greece are suffering. That's the side effect of an in deep economic depression.

We do live in a crazy word.

My freelance activities are going well so I am really not under a stress. If my full-time contract as an employee stops in September, I won’t be crying. I am a bit exhausted, I worked all summer long and in result of this, we are today… August 31 (September is tomorrow ???) and I am now 32 years old, but don’t worry, I look like in my middle twenties, thanks to L’Oréal and Oil of Olay, my pretty face is wrinkle free and I look hot. Or kind of. LOL. I look young but I guess I look older than a 23 years old. The Senator Rod Zimmer wouldn't be interested by me.

I am currently under investigation to target new quality stocks for my portfolio. I asked Derek Foster to go back in the Canadian stocks game. Would he listens? :00) We'll see. I  need my stock investment guru to go back in the real Canadian stock. No more US stuff ok?!!!


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Pedophile at the Canadian Senate: Rod Zimmer

At an age that senior retired peacefully, Rod Zimmer, at the old age of 69 years old, is married to a 23 years old. What the demoiselle find gorgeous in the old skin of an old man? Probably not the skin, but just the money.

In this case that is very closed of being a pedophile one, Rod Zimmer is not an ordinary senior, F a gorgeous girl in her hot twenties. Rod Zimmer, believe it or not, is a member of the Canadian Senate. An old man dating a young woman is not appropriate. Ad I believe they have been married for one year now. The marriage is obviously not a happy one, as Maygan Sensenberger literally exploded of rage in an airplane while traveling with Mr. Rod Zimmer, her sugar daddy.

There’s stuff that money can't buy.

Monday, August 27, 2012

It's my Birthday


Yup, I am turning 32!

Happy Birthday to ME.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Don't let financial institutions like the RBC Royal Bank have control over you

In my life, I always have the last word. When I am not happy I scream (!!), and when an investment doesn't meet my standards I sell. And that's what I had done with my RBC Royal Bank mutual funds: I sell them all. RBC Royal Bank probably think they have the right to increase my interest rate on my credit line of 3% for no reason at all, that doesn't satisfied me and I reply with a punch in the face: I sell my RBC mutual funds and I completely paid off my credit line.

Some says other bank are going to follow soon, going under the same bastard way, increasing  rate for no reason at all. I don't think TD will do the same thing. RBC Royal Bank always been a very fresh and arrogant institution. TD always been the people bank, opening early in the morning (8 AM!!!) and on some days of the week, closing late. Some branches are even open on Saturday. TD had the common sense to watch the middle class and say ok, those people are working from 9 to 5!

RBC Royal Bank started recently services in some branch on Saturday... But they only copied the TD way of doing business. So I think we have to be sensible and responsible enough to make the right choice when it come time to select a bank and a sexy broker.

Banks shouldn't have control over individuals. If Canadians would be smart enough, they will happily flush the RBC Royal Bank like I did. IF you go under the knife - if RBC Royal Bank increased the interest rate on your credit product for no reason, just go ahead and flush the little bunch of F@ckers. RBC will learn the hard way. At a net worth of more than 83k, I am not a customer that is at risk. But RBC wasn't smart enough to figure it out.

Go figure.

And my portfolio just keep increasing. My non-registered portfolio is now $123 919.

RBC Royal Bank can go F@uck itself. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

I know a bank that is going broke: RBC Royal Bank

RBC Royal Bank started by increasing the interest rate on their credit line products and now, RBC Royal Bank is boosting the interest rate on their mortgages. Who's going to do business with RBC? Not me for sure!

Its seem to me like the RBC Royal Bank has participated in the Maple Group but seem to be in a difficult path to avoid the vitality of their contribution to the Maple Group. First of all, RBC Royal Bank started by increasing the interest rate of my credit line of 3%. My response to that? I sold all of the RBC mutual funds that I hold and I paid off my credit line. I won't be doing business with RBC Royal Bank never ever again of my life.

RBC has no right to so, or should I say its not a very elegant moves of their part. The prime rate hasn't change and the RBC Royal Bank is increasing the interest rate on all of their credit products. Does that make any sense to you? It doesn't for me; that's why I decided to flush RBC Royal Bank out of my life.

Fact is, the RBC Royal Bank cannot afford its contribution to the Maple Group. That's what happening at this time. Also, the RBC Royal Bank is under a massive audit right now, trying to save any pennies they can from their businesses with third parties.

Does it feel goodto be part of the RBC Royal Bank as a customer or an employee?


RBC Royal Bank CEO is a sad and stupid clown.

Don't ever put your trust in RBC Royal Bank. If a bank increase its interest rates on various products while nothing has change for the prime rate, well, think well: that bank is evil and only running for profit and profit so they can pay their executive members millions of dollars and be, at the really same time, part of the Maple Group.

I am really right on that one. Be smart and happily flush RBC Royal Bank out of your life. NOW!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

This is a great number: $166 750.25

I haven’t invested my investment portfolio since a little while and the time had come to make a little refreshment. My overall portfolio value is of $166 750.25, which is very good knowing I had cashed in more than 4k through the Maple Group deal over the TMX Group Inc. (X). I am carrying a $83 259.17 on my super strong back J And my net worth is about the same amount, so it’s a pretty sexy half-and-half.

The RBC mutual funds that I used to have in my RRSP had been sold out. I still hold the money in fresh cash, I didn’t have time to reinvest it. But for now, cash will be just fine. And if you have note, we are welcoming a new investment: Geovencap Inc. (GOV). Don’t ask me anything about it because I am really not interested. It’s a stock related to Blue Note Mining (BNT). One more time, the Quebeckers of BNT are trying to save their furnitures. Blue Note Mining simply CANNOT deliver. SO PLEASE, do not invest in BNT or GOV. It will only be a waste of time and money.

For the past couple weeks, I have been cashing on the dividend. I do not have any DRIP, only for the RRSP broker account part. So I am happily cashing in the dividend. I am looking forward to decrease my margin to 50k. Really soon, that goal will be meet.

I would like to invest in some TD stocks. OK, I know what you are thinking. Yes, TD Waterhouse brokers sometimes are pissing me off, but no matter what TD Canada Trust is a good bank. It’s recently been classed within the 20 safest banks in the world. Chances are that TD will soon increase its dividend. And let’s face it, I always got a good service from TD. I may buy some TD stocks real soon.

I don’t get alone very well with TD Waterhouse male broker; it might be just a sexual thing or something going on. LOL. A girl, a guy and some stocks… Got the picture? I am slowly going to broke the bones of those lovely brokers and give them a French kiss.

Anyway, I am doing very very fine. On the stock market, you can count on the Dividend Girl to make some valuable cash and cash in all the dividend of the world.

You are just so lucky to be reading this blog at this moment. I envy you.

Friday, August 17, 2012

My investment portfolio on date of August 17, 2012

Savings: $535.94

Non registered Investments:
Stocks and Units investment portfolio $CAN
Sprott Inc. (SII): $4 493.55
Timminco (TIM): $1
Blue Note Mining (BNT): $12
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS): $5 860.80
Hanwei Energy Services (HE): $18
Methanex Corporation (MX): $2 990.09
Fortis Inc. (FTS): $3 665.67
Pembina Pipeline Corporation (PPL): $12 705
Just Energy Group Inc. (JE): $9 190.24
Pengrowth Energy Corporation (PGF): $1 656
Enbridge Income Fund Holdings Inc. (ENF): $7 915.96
Corby Distilleries Limited (CDL.A): $1 965.35
Davis + Henderson Corporation (DH): $4 207.68
Premium Brands Holdings Corporation (PBH): $8 049.31
EnCana Corporation (ECA): $4 600.96
iShares S&P/TSX Capped REIT Index (XRE): $2 721.18
Horizons Gold Yield Fund (HGY): $1 875.42
Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX): $988.20
New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI): $1 593.28
Exchange Income Corporation (EIF): $8 255.28
Rogers Sugar Inc. (RSI): $599.45
Student Transportation (STB): $1 401.70
Colabor Group Inc. (GCL): $873.12
TMX Group Inc. (X): $381.52
Data Group Inc. (DGI): $2 896.70
K-Bro Linen Inc. (KBL): $2 775
Westshore Terminals Invest Corp (WTE): $5 314.20
WesternOne Equity Income Fund (WEQ.UN): $3 268
Atlantic Power Corp (ATP): $3 275.90
First Majestic Silver Corp (FR): $3 456
Kinross Gold Corp (K): $1 242.73
TransCanada Corp (TRP): $1 139.25
Canadian National Railway Co (CNR): $2 746.20
Firm Capital Mortgage Investment Corporation (FC): $533.60
Sprott Strategic Fixed Income Fund (SFI.UN): $430
Enbridge Inc. (ENB): $1 107.12
Agrium Inc. (AGU): $2 570.36
Canadian Utilities Limited (CU): $1 470.63
Veresen Inc. (VSN): $852.06

Chorus Aviation Inc. (CHR.B): $591.24
Crescent Point Energy Corp (CPG): $920.70
JFT Strategies Fund (JFS.UN): $1 950
Keg Royalties Income Fund (KEG.UN): $708
Geovencap Inc. (GOV): $1.70

TOTAL: $123 270.15

Stocks and Units investment portfolio $US:
Sprott Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV): $1 796.08
Cash: $4.12

TOTAL: $1 800.20

Tax-free savings account (TFSA)
EnerCare Inc. (ECI): $26.07
Dumont Nickel Inc. (DNI): $862.50
Sprott Physical Silver Trust UTS (PHS.U): $2 329.68
Cash: $4.75

TOTAL: $3 223

RSP investment portfolio:
Sprott Canadian Equity Fund: $4 627.34
Claymore Gold Bullion ETF (CGL): $4 887.48
EnCana Corporation (ECA): $2 256.24
Emera Incorporated (EMA): $7 584.22
Sprott Physical Silver Trust UTS (PHS.U): $776.56
Cash: $6 003.02

CIBC Dividend Growth Fund: $561.86
CIBC Emerging Markets Index Fund: $298.16
CIBC Monthly Income Fund: $1 052.99

Energy and Base Metals Term Savings (Indexed term savings): $577.30
Natural Resources Term Savings (Indexed term savings): $502.06

GIC National Bank: $1 242.70
GIC Plus TD: $500

Maritime Life International Equity Fund
(Templeton): $584.15
Manulife Simplicity Growth Portfolio: $878.84
Maritime Life CI Harbour Seg Fund: $1 061.14
Maritime Life Fidelity True North Seg Fund: $1 012.92
Manulife GIF MLIA B World Invest: $631.76

Great-West – various: $1 957.04
Various other mutual funds: $675

TOTAL: $37 795.87

Social Capital at Desjardins Membership share: $40

Savings + Stocks, units, mutual funds + Tax-
free Savings account + RRSP + Online Income
$166 750.25

My debt situation on date of August 17, 2012

$7 875.45 at a low interest rate of 4.75% (RRSP credit line rates) = $374.08 in annual interest

$4 900 at a low interest rate of 4% (credit line rates) = $196 in annual interest

7 900.38$ on a credit card at a low interest rate of 2.9% (result of a credit card balance transfer) = 229.11$ in annual interest

6 593.61$ at low interest rate loan at 5.50% (student loan) = 362.65$ in annual interest

5 000$ at 8.75% (credit line) = 437.50$ in annual interest

$10 000 at 9.30% (credit line rates) = $930 in annual interest

$54 162.26 at a low interest rates of 4.25% (margin money coming from my broker account): =
$2 301.90 in annual interest

$1 827.47 at 0.99% for a year (with American Express) = $18.09

TOTAL: $83 259.17

TOTAL in annual interest: $3 481.83
[In date of August 17, 2012]

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A $122 303.87 that look very great

My non-registered portfolio is at a very great $122 303.87. My book value is of $124k. I have over 15k available on my margin account. And I have 51k borrowed on the margin. The data are quite good. I would like to decrease my margin to 50k over the next few months. It won’t be now, because I have some plans ahead for my fabulous margin money.

Today was a very great day on the market. The TSX exceed the 12 000 point. I hope it will last. With the acquisition of Maple Group over the TMX Group Inc. (X), I had cashed in several thousands of $$$ this week. I am really not in a rush to reinvest that money, especially now that the market is on a super peak.

Currently, I only have less than $2 800 to pay on my RBC credit line. You remember the one at 9.30%? Well, I had decided that tomorrow will be the day. I will pay off my RBC credit line using my margin money. I am currently waiting for a paycheck for my freelance work of close to $900. I also have like $220 available on another credit line. I will be able to reapply a bit more than a 1k on my margin account really soon. And following what, I would like to have not more than 50k in used on my margin account. So I will have just a 1k to reapply in there. All pretty realistic goals.

My contract may end in September, so I need to be extra careful with my next money moves, even if I am going to touch unemployment. Better be careful with money these days. And strangely, as said, I am not in a rush to reinvest. I am just happy to have a little cash flow to rely on. I have received something like $200 in dividend money lately. I haven’t time to enter any dividend on my we will all it calendar. I am quite busy and I am really into dark when it come my next investment move. Too busy and tired. My bad side of the past days coming from right there.

So it’s about all for the good money news. Getting rich and richer despite a sexy bad taste of humor.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

TD Waterhouse Brokers: Sexy voice, but bad customer service


What I had been waiting for so long finally happen: I had received my $50 per stock for my TMX Group. Owning less than 200 stocks, I taught TD Waterhouse would had the common sense it take to sell all of my TMX Group see at $50, but NOT. Don't expect too much from TD Waterhouse. TD is part of the Maple Group, so they are not really reliable anymore.

I have more than 90 stocks of TMX Group Inc. (X) that got sell at $50 per stock, but I have a few stocks remaining in my portfolio while I wanted ALL of my XXX stocks to be sell LOL. See what I mean? Maple Group is only garbage and I told so to the TD Waterhouse broker. I was talking to a smoothhhh voice, but not an intelligent one. I wanted a $9.99 credit so I can sell the remaining left of TMX Group sh@t. But the TD Waterhouse monster broker REFUSED to credit me 9.99 so I can freely sell the salvation stocks of TMX Group remaining in my portfolio.

I am really disappointed at TD Waterhouse and I am SERIOUSLY thinking about switching of broker.

Monday, August 13, 2012

RBC Royal Bank is a criminal bank: DON'T DEAL WITH RBC

RBC Royal Bank is far from being a reliable bank. First of all, back in March, I had received the following news: for no reason at all, the interest rate on my credit line had been increase of 3%. I always paid on time, I never missed one single payment. My response to the f@ckers? I SOLD OUT ALL OF MY RBC MUTUAL FUNDS. It’s not anytime soon that I am going to invest again with RBC Royal Bank. Never of my life that is going to be very longgggggg and very healthy is you see what I mean $$$ am I going to invest with RBC Never Ever Again. I am about to transfer the fund to TD Waterhouse (I am just missing the F statement that need to be F print out). LOL ahaha (this is supposed to be a diabolic laugh).

And now, the bunch of losers of RBC Royal Bank have to pay 500k to the victim of Earl Jones.


The case of Earl Jones was pretty scary. Some really rich has lost a wholly bunch of money. Earl Jones wasn’t even a financial planner. He was just a poor man good at playing the I-know-all-the-stock-market-trick.

I wrote it many times before, there is no real stock knowledge. The stock knowledge doesn’t exist.

So basically, you are going to invest, and you are going to keep the fingers CROSS all the way because NO ONE knows what will happen NEXT. Got it? From the time you get it for real, you are on the road for a successful $$$ investment portfolio. Get it real.


See, Quebeckers are among the poorest and the most taxable people on Earth. In result, their people are pretty dumb. Never put your faith and trust in Quebeckers.

Latest example would be SNC-Lavalin.

You just have to see how Quebeckers handle the student strike. They make lost thousands and thousands of dollars to students coming from New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, etc… Are those poor students going to be refund? HELL NO. Don’t count on it. Quebeckers are among the most hypocrite people you’ll ever meet. Trust me on that one.

To be successful on the Canadian stock market, don’t invest in Quebec companies. I lost hundred and hundred on companies like Timminco (TIM), Blue Note Mining (BNT) and Colabor Group Inc. (GCL). Quebeckers are cheaters and liars and are very well represented in the persona of Jean Charest.

Canadians shouldn’t do any business with Quebeckers. They are dumb enough to believe that they can do better by their own, by being a country of their own. GO FOR IT MY BUNCH OF IDIOTS. Quebeckers are not reliable and they have been cheating on the Canadian country like forever now. It’s time for Canada to move forward, to say goodbye to the little bunch of F@ckers. It’s time to move forward for a stronger Canada, without having to deal with parasites.

One of the reasons why I started my business is that I hope that Canadians will be intelligent enough to leave Quebeckers behind. I am dreaming of a Canada without Quebec and that dream is going to happen soon. And I am going to make a whole bunch of money on that dream.