
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dividend money is never enough

I was pleased to see that my non-registered portfolio hit the very close 125k. I have earned over $800 in dividend this month. The money is greatly needed as I ranked my BMO MasterCard to the $1 700. I spent on stuff that I need and on stuff that I didn’t really need. One thing for sure, the month of November will be much more minimalist, if I can say. And talking about minimalist, you may want to check out Annie Jean Brewer newest book: Minimize to Maximize. It’s about minimalist. I am not a minimalist but I always like to read about that kind of stuff. Let’s say that in November, I will be minimizing to maximize in December... lol. 

I came back on Sunday evening from a few days away in vacations in New Brunswick. It was fun. I saw my family, I went hunting with my dad (the pictures speak for themselves) and I also confront my late employer in court. Back in September 2011, I accepted a job in New Brunswick. It was promised to me as a permanent position. I was happy to leave Quebec province and Montreal for my hometown. So I moved from Montreal to my X hometown in New Brunswick. But in March 2012, they had to let me go because they didn’t have enough money and were not making enough to cover me. So not even after 6 months of employment, I was laid off, while I had been promised a permanent job. I didn’t earn as much as wanted, but at least I won my cause. And it was very great to hear the director saying that he failed at his duty. It was something of a great satisfaction for me. I got revenge.

I didn’t earn as much as I was expected because in New Brunswick, workers are protected in case of vicious laid off, but not in case of vicious hiring. At the time they hired me, the company had lost more than 145k in 2011 and even more in 2012. So they were not in a hiring mode, but they hired me anyway. The judge didn’t sympathise to my cause, however I win. I am a winner and I fight my enemies and I always win on everything. But you got to be one of those fighters those days. I had paid myself revenge. I had been able to protect and defend myself from the devil and I was extremely pleased. Angels always win, even if they are naughty.

As you can imagine, I was quite exhausted at the end of everything. I wasn’t exhausted at the time, but I began to feel exhausted now and I cannot do very much. But luckily, the weekend is coming in 2 days and I have a feeling that this chita is going to sleep in all weekend long and I won’t be doing much. No more shopping, that’s for sure.

So that’s for the hot news. 

See, I know you never have enough and that’s why I am giving you the right to adore me.
You may or may not adore me, but these days, I adore my portfolio. It’s always a stress to go back to New Brunswick at home because I don’t have a direct Internet access. It’s not that bad, I am able to live without checking in my stocks for a few days because I know that as always, I will be just fine. However, I prefer to keep an eye on the stuff.

I know this have nothing to do with stocks, but I went saw Argo, latest Ben Affleck movie yesterday and it was very very good. I also saw his first movie, The town while back and it was also very very good.

This being said, I have a few thousands to invest but I am too tired to think clearly of my next investment. I would like to earn $800+ a month from my dividend. I am so closed and so far from being there.

I was reading Susan Brunner latest posts about the money show and I found a new stock to invest in: Cineplex. The yield close to 5% but not even. So I was thinking of LNF, BDI, Cineplex and also Jean-François Tardif DCI. I have those stocks in mind. It’s just a matter of time before they came in my portfolio. For Cineplex, I might wait. The stock is at a high value now. I am thinking for now of LBF and BDI, but I will see.  

There's many many choices but its important to pick the best of the best.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gravol pills giving a sleepy feeling still exist

Did you miss me? Its been a while since I post in here. Actually, the month of October has been quite busy for me and I did not make any effort to find time and energy to blog. I am going away on vacations so you won't hear any sounds of me until sometime next week. A lot of things had been going.

First of all, I had been busy shopping. I was tired of having only my running shoes to wear to go to work so I bought a pair of Geox boots. The cost? Very close to the $200. I could have go on something cheaper but I have princess feet: they are very sensitive and I need something very cozy to walk around. If not, my feet hurt and its very painful. I also got a new jacket because what I had was more for the summer than autumn and it wasn't warm. Cost? $40. I got a good deal at Old Navy. And I bought many and many other things like that, including a bus ticket Montreal to XX town in New Brunswick. So my BMO MasterCard now rank at $1 700. I sold my car in New Brunswick for much less than expected and gave the cash to my poor mom who has lost her girl. I am expecting a $300 from her. I NEED IT.

Good news is, after all those spending, I will certainly spend more time online and I will desperately try to make myself interesting to you.

this is all going to go speedy fast because I have 30 minutes left to write before going.

Ok, and now what?

Well, remember that ping-pong credit card balance transfer with TD Visa?

I have the rate of 2.9% with TD Visa BUT every 6 months, in order to keep the order, I need to do a credit card balance transfer, taking the fund from TD Visa to another credit card and from the other credit card to TD Visa and that gave me the rate of 2.9%. I had promotional offer with TD Visa like that for I don't know how long now but certainly for a couple of years - since the first time I start to write about credit card balance transfer on my blog - so go figure how long lol!

Anyway, I call RBC Visa explaining what I wanted to do. My RBC Visa was at 5 000$ - I asked an increased to 8k. Before with RBC Visa, I had a 10k credit card, but it got decreased for them to give me a credit line - which was stupid, but hey, bankers ARE stupid sometimes.

So the perfect me ask and got an increase on my RBC Visa, not of 8k, but of 7 500$. My TD Visa was of close to 8k. I paid the balance, like 300$ and got the whole thing transfer to RBC. Instead of having a credit card balance transfer credit of something like 20% for the interest, I got the one at 11% and something. That cost 20$ a year to have it. I figure I could saved money - because I need to proceed every 6 months with TD Visa transfer see so I took the offer.

That's how RBC Royal Bank help me after giving me a whole lot a shit. - They had increased my credit like interest rate of 3% without any good reasons, BUT they accept to increase my RBC Visa.... GO FIGURE.

My portfolio is going well, I cannot wait for my non-registered to BUST (or bost) let say EXCEED the 125k value.

I am going to court against my late New Brunswick employer. No matter what's going to happen, its going to be SEXY and BE READY.

Being a man, I would be in love with that girl. But I am not a man, that's why I am single.

I had been able to find my Gravol magic pills. I couldn't find any that give sleepiness because they now hide it, you need to ask to the pharmacy staff. Need to give your name and shit. I told the guy, I need the drug for my bus drive. And I got them. I got the Gravol magical pills. Thanks you God because I really taught for a while that they had stopped producing them and I taught about finding someone to sell me weed, I was getting desperate. But after all those spending you know, Gravol pills are very much cheaper than weed. ;) So sorry, the fun will be just for later on.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Black Diamonds are a girl best friends: come on over and discover Black Diamond Group Limited (BDI)

Its already 10 PM so this post won't be very long. I am getting tired after doing a bit of laundry and cooking my lunch for tomorrow. I am trying to safe as much cash possible because next week, I AM GOING HOME. That's right, I am going to New Brunswick for a few days. Maybe you'll be as much excited as I am over a finding of mine. Are you ready? Close your eyes, reopen please...

The precious is name: Black Diamond Group Limited (BDI)

This stock is a real diamond and the way I find this stock is like black magic. BDI has a meaning where I work and I was just standing in front of the TSX home page and I enter BDI and boum! there it was: Black Diamond Group Limited (BDI).

BDI chart from its first day until now is just sensational. Black Diamond Group Limited (BDI) pays a monthly dividend. I LOVE MONTHLY DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION. The yield is a bit low, less than 4%. However, holding a bit of BDI could bring in stability in my portfolio. Even if its a relatively young company, they are well established in their business and already made an acquisition a little while back. Its a company located in the West of Canada.

Its well ranked by TD Waterhouse.

You may want to check on BDI before investing as I didn't perform much search on it, but I really like it so far. I just wonder what's the margin loan value on that one. I may invest in this new one by Friday - maybe.

I have too much I want to invest on, Fts, Leon, gold... some Jean-François Tardif stock....

This will never end.

Have fun on BDI and enjoy!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

More Fortis (FTS) please

Nothing much going on these days. I am stuck in the routine of the everyday life, but its not that bad. At least, I have a steady source of income. But life is basically routine now. The excitement of the "new job situation" is now gone because guess what, the job is not new anymore. However, I enjoy it very much because time pass by very quickly while being at work. I started later in the morning, so I can have extra sleep and I like, I enjoy my beauty sleep. So I wake up, eat breakfast, get ready to got o work, walked for about 40 minutes, stop by the Second Cup and go go go to work. I worked all day, I have an hour lunch, go back home, read on the Web, check on my stocks, go to bed, and the next day, its again the same good thing and oh, I forgot the most exciting part, every two weeks, I get paid, and the money goes straight in my bank account. Could I asked for anything better? For now, I am set and I am cashing in all the cash I possibly can. Cash-ing, cash-ing $$$.

I could always earned more money. I had been enjoying my free time and I really don't want to work at a second job, except my old freelancing.

I had been doing some freelance on the side, but I haven't done much for about 3 weeks. That one is nothing really steady. I may be able to make maybe top 2k a year on it, and probably even less. But it should be enough to pay for my extravagances like shopping... shopping and shopping. At this time, I would very much like a new purse because mine is not a very pretty purse. My mom picked it for me but since there's not too many stores at home, I guess she did the best she could but I don't like it. Its a boring black purse but at least its large enough to carry an umbrella and all the girl stuff..

In my last post, my portfolio used to be at $124 652.31 and now, the same portfolio is at $123 524.62. Its not a surprise, I knew it was going to be rough BUT I like a TSX on the high and I LOVE to have those nice gain that actually exceed my initial investment value. See what I mean? Its a good time to invest in blue chips. Fortis (FTS) will never go down much, but I will like to invest a bit more in Fortis. The Leon of Derek Foster didn't moved, quite stable in the value. Isn't a bit strange for a furniture store? I don't get it. But anyway, Derek Foster always has the best stock pick. Go go go Derek Foster.

So I guess its all for now. I don't have anything else to say. If not that there's only 2 days left before the weekend (yes, I count the days). ALWAYS.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dividend income are for playmates who like it easy

Following my new investments in HealthLease Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (HLP.UN) and Bombardier Inc. (BBD.B), my non-registered is at $124 652.31 and my book value is of $124 607.97. Not so bad knowing that involved a portfolio with a flop of 4k in Timminco (TIM). I am on th right track. I was thinking of investing more in Fortis (FTS). Such a great stock.

I was wondering about my dividend income so I took time to proceed with the enormous calculations aand my new annual dividend income is of $7 028.80. For 2013, I would like to hit the $8 400 (for the magic $700 per month). I didn't wrote anything about it but Susan Brunner post a review of ATP and its not a good one. Its almost like ATP has stuff to hide. Its not very normal. I have more than 3k invested in ATP and I am seriously thinking of decreasing what I own in the company while I can still do so and sell at profit. But if I do so, it will decreased my dividend income. Fortis doesn't pay as much as ATP in dividend.

For retail investors, dividend income is a huge deal. But dividend is not all. The investments need to of quality. I am scared that ATP will get sooner or later in trouble for whatever reasons. A guy from Just Energy is from ATP. Is that good or bad. Susan doesn't like one or the other, but I like both just because of the juicy dividend and now, I am where I want to be; I am exceeding the 7k in dividend income. Happy? Yes, but... Is ATP a good investment at all?

It take a fortune in cash to be able to generate a great passive income from dividend investment. My silver investments are slowing gaining in value, so its not time to sell.

In other words: dividend investment is HARD and more complex that it appears. High dividend yield are tempting, but be aware of all stuff paying more than 8%: its RISKY stuff. I am aware, and I am now facing some tough love dividend choices. Safety or dividend income? Can I have both PLEASE? Someone!


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Welcome in my portfolio HealthLease Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (HLP.UN) and Bombardier Inc. (BBD.B)!

It’s now official: HealthLease Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (HLP.UN) and Bombardier Inc. (BBD.B) are now in my portfolio! My non-registered portfolio is at a very good $124 842.99. I am loosing count of my dividend, but I guess I am now at 7k or very closed now. Td Waterhouse should incorporate a tool for investors on the go who want to have a quick idea of how much they are going to earn in dividend. That would be nice and for once, TD Waterhouse could eventually incorporate something useful for once. You know, something to help investors. Do you understand? LOL. 

My portfolio is doing well these days. My non registered portfolio closed yesterday session at $123 074. The money advanced on the margin is of a very fat $50 486.40, and the money left, meaning the money available on the margin is of $17 551.54. A 17k left is very good. What I try to maintain as amount is 15k, but the higher the better.

I have some money left and I am very tempted to invest in a few stocks of DirectCash Payments Inc. (DCI). I also had been looking at what Derek Foster hold as Canadian asset in his Revised edition of The Lazy Investor. Derek Foster doesn’t hold much in Canadian dollars, but there’s at least one stock that seem to be interesting: Leon's Furniture Limited (LNF). DCI and LNF are both on my dream stock lists.

Leon’s is terribly boring, like do I really care about furnitures? I don’t care, but I am going to invest in it anyway, ONLY because it’s a stock hold by Derek Foster. Hey, I didn’t care much about linen when I first invested in K-Bro Linen Inc. (KBL) and KBL is now among my top stock performer. Thank you Susan Brunner (I find the stock on her blog). Watch out Leon's Furniture Limited (LNF): YOU ARE NEXT.

Following what, I am doing to invest in a boring blue chip, one of those who are something very strong for my portfolio, but pay little in dividend. And following what, we are not doing to be done yet so stay tune. I am tempted by a gold investment.

Lately, Gordon Pape has named my Claymore Gold Bullion ETF (CGL) as being among the best gold investment you can hold. I know it’s not Claymore anymore, but I don’t like the idea of holding it in term of iShare. I like diversification you know. Anyhow, now you know where Gordon Pape is getting his stock picks from: from the Dividend Girl baby.

Monday, October 1, 2012

HealthLease Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (HLP.UN) and Bombardier Inc. (BBD.B)

Now that I have – at least for now – a stable job, I am desperately trying to get myself on a schedule. I need to organize myself. It’s really not that easy. Not easy at all. I didn’t get my Quebec ID’s yet, I didn’t transfer my RBC RRSP money over to TD Waterhouse yet. All kind of things like that. And it makes me wonder, what I had been doing lately? Well, I had been shopping, I went to the movies, I walked downtown and in the Old Montreal, I went to the bookstores...

Like yesterday for example, I was at the Second Cup on Ste-Catherine and I saw that man, a look alike Denis Gagnon the couturier, just that his glasses weren’t that big and he was taller. When the gorgeous enter the coffee shop, I was like oh lala, what a hot guy. It was the version more virile and masculine of Denis Gagnon. Because as you know, Denis Gagnon is gay. I don’t have anything against gay men, I just find it very sad, that lost for the female society lol. There’s all kind of man on earth.

Models look alike are certainly not very hard to concentrate on. I am going to turn into a Samantha of Sex in the City and scream loud and clear: Do you want to F? LOL Remember that seem where Samantha practices yoga and than suddenly, she cannot take it anymore and she wanted to the guy and asked him... do you want to F (she first said it not very clearly) and then at the end, she YELL it. LOL. That Samantha was so a terrific pal. So funny! Could you imagine that in real life, just a life of I want and I do. Interesting.

So no, I haven’t been that busy, it’s just that all the crap went on the side and I like it that way. SO FREE. One thing for sure, with all that shopping, I won’t need anything for a while so I can now begin to exclusively concentrate on things that really matter before going broke, like doing my nails ahah and blog like crazy again ok youhouuu. Lol. I haven’t much in my wardrobe and it was all so terribly needed. I better look with clothes on than naked unfortunately. (But that only being at this time).

A girl who has a lot of freetime for helself can really think of a bunch of crazy thing!

With all that, I finally set up myself to buy some stocks of HealthLease Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (HLP.UN). I am not available at all during daytime so it’s kind of hard to pick the right timing to invest in HLP.UN. I won’t invest in it as much as Pattirose, but that’s because I find the other Jean-François Tardif stocks so interesting. I am thinking of adding on BAD and DCI as well. I would very much to earn the equivalent of $700 per month in dividend and I would like to make $200 from my HubPages and online, for a total of $900. Quite realizable without too much trouble at all. I like it easy you know. I haven’t post anything new on HubPages for quite a while and I miss it. Those crazy little articles have been fun to write. If you haven’t check me out on HubPages yet, please do so NOW.

It’s now official, tomorrow morning, HealthLease Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (HLP.UN) will be from my portfolio. Easy as that. Isn’t awesome? Lately, other than my idea of investing in a REIT, I had been thinking of investing in Bombardier Inc. (BBD.B). The stock is pretty cheap and pay a little dividend yield of 2.719%. I would like to invest a small amount in it and later on sell the stock when it will be on the high. The price is right now. Later on, the stock could reach its old 2008 value, who knows.

I really have a crush on Bombardier Inc. (BBD.B) at this time. Bombardier sold some private jets lately. I am always running up on some awesome deal and from my perspective, BBD.B is a good deal. I really have nothing to lose on that one.

BBD.B could turn as good as my investment in Chorus Aviation Inc. (CHR.B). I made what, closed to an increase value of $100 or so on CHR.B. I was planning to do a quick buy-and-sell on CHR.B, but hey, at the price I paid the investment, I am willing to hold. I am that hot market player just like I would be someone how hold so much cash, but it’s not the case. Fact is, the middle class is on the best position to enjoy freely the stock market. Do I love the stock market? Oh yes and the stock market loves me too. It’s been 5 years of pure money love this year as I started investing in stocks in 2008. Rough pleasure. Its is what it is.