Believe it or nottttttttt. I am on a US top female investor list. I am on the 10th position.Check it out here. Isn't it just adorable? And notice, I am the hottest out there and there's no picture of me. Its just soooo HOT.
you are not an investor. you are a gambler and addicted and do all the wrong decisions. you are the type of person look at me this is how to get some much debt and fail totally at investing
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I’m a proud French Canadian from New Brunswick with a passion for investing. On August 5, 2009, I hit a major milestone: reaching $50,000 in investment assets. This initial achievement was just the beginning of a lifelong journey toward financial independence. My ultimate aim isn’t necessarily early retirement but rather the freedom to live comfortably, achieve my goals, and enjoy financial peace of mind. Every journey starts with a first step, and for me, that was my first $50,000. Feel free to reach out and say hello at myfirst50000 (at)—I’d love to connect!
how did u came across that?
If you're so HOT, why can't we see a picture?
Only a dumb investor would ever mention you as an investor!
you are not an investor. you are a gambler and addicted and do all the wrong decisions. you are the type of person look at me this is how to get some much debt and fail totally at investing
One would guess that spelling prowess was not a criteria in the selection process!
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