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Sunday, August 11, 2013

My debt situation on date of August 11, 2013

$822.77 current balance at BMO MasterCard = no interest, going to be pay next month

$2 201.20 at 9.30% (credit line) = $204.71 in interest

$2 242.54 at for 6 months at 0% (credit card) = 0$ in interest. Expired: November 2013

$11 200 at 2.9% for 6 months (credit card) = $162.40 in interest. Expired: October 2013

$54 101.80 at a low interest rates of 4.25% (margin money coming from my broker account): = $2 299.33 in annual interest

$4 900 at a low interest rate of 4% (credit line rates) = $196 in annual interest

$5 756.39 at low interest rate loan at 5.50% (student loan) = $316.60 in annual interest

TOTAL: $81 224.50
TOTAL in annual interest: $3 179.04

[In date of August 11, 2013]


Liquid said...

Looks good D Girl :) You are well on your way to pay off that high interest credit line and reach your debt payment goals you wrote about last month :D

Anonymous said...

How much of the debt is tax deductible? I.e. used to buy nonregistered securities.e I'm assuming the margin account was used, but not the student line of credit. But what about the 3 credit cards and two lines of credit?


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