
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

And what about selling New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI)

These days, Pierre-Karl Péladeau has such a poor mind that he doesn't even believe in his own political party! Welcome in Quebec, planet of the rich idiots.
It would be nice if the TSX could closed the week at a 15 000 points. Its looking good so far. And in result my non-registered portfolio is at $137 129.99. My Exchange Income Corporation (EIF) stocks are now exceeding the $20 per unit so that's really helping. I keep looking over and over again over my non-registered portfolio. I am now thinking about selling New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI), for no specific reason. I am also getting tired of holding more than 2k inside the JFT Strategies Fund (JFS.UN). Its just that this fund doesn't come with any dividend distribution. I am really at the point where I want to maximize everything. I have no more time to lose, especially with a 137k portfolio.
I think that no matter how awesome he is, Jean-François Tardif is still a Quebecker and is just imply off everything. No interviews, no naked pictures. No nothing. I think the JFT Strategies Fund (JFS.UN) that I hold in my very own portfolio is a flasher. I had been lucky, I had bought my units right from the start and I was able to make a $500 while partly selling my units. But now JFS.UN is basically going no where. I was expecting more from Tardif. Since I am not getting what I want, I am serious thinking about selling this one too.
I used to have several hundreds in profit with WesternOne Inc. (WEQ) and Black Diamond Group Limited (BDI), but its no longer the case and I am just praying for a recovery.
The only few words that came to mind are unfortunately in French and are something like finit l'@stie de niaisage.

1 comment:

  1. I also have shares in NFI.TO. I bought them at $11 so my profit ir around 15% if I were to sell them today. I think they will go beyond $14 because their backlog of busses is getting bigger and they keep and getting new orders.

    If you bought your shares long time ago, there's nothing wrong taking a profit. The current dividend yield is 4.5%. I think you can do better than that.

    For instance, stock like Pizza Pizza (PZA.TO) is constantly going up and has a dividend yield of 5.7% and it's paid monthly as well.

    Anyway, this is just my opinion. Long term, you will do well with both stocks :) good luck!
