
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year 2016 Investors!

Finally, 2015 is now part of the past forever! 2015 had been very rough. The stock market had been too volatile. There was nothing that could be enjoyed. Until April 2015, everything was super great, but following that... NIGHTMARE. Ohhh my goshhh!

I haven't wrote anything in a little while, I was away on vacation during Christmas week and after that my mom came from New-Brunswick to spend a week in Montreal with me. We have a nice time. As we arrived at Berri-UQAM bus station, we needed to take a taxi to go to my apartment. But there, it was a bit crazy, taxi drivers were fighting to take us. One of them had his hand on my bag and my mother began to freak out as two taxi drivers were fighting over us. I told to the fucker to leave us alone. My mom was disturbed by the incident, but I told her that while facing disturb people like that, you need to scream and fight back. Stuff that she's not use to in our very peaceful, perfect and wonderful New Brunswick province. And to that she replied: what would you had done if he had continue? I told my mom very seriously: I would had punch him in the face! She was surprised by the answer and laugh hard. Ahahah! I always dream to have the opportunity to beat up someone one day, but for a good reason. If someone attack my mother, no discussion, you'll see hell. I have an angelic look, but I am no angel, and I don't have any mercy. I could eventually be an excellent drug dealer, among other.

Now, this being said, this incident speak to itself. In 2016, we'll need to fight in different ways in our life. We'll need to handle the rise cost of food, and probably again in 2016 the volatility of the stock markets. We'll need to spend our money wisely. And more than ever before, it will be very important to save money and pay debt. Its been said that paying down debt is among Canadians top financial resolution for 2016 and its a great thing that it is.  

My non-registered portfolio closed 2015 session at only $121 406.07. To talk seriously, I am getting very tired of the stock market. When I invest, its to shine, not to feel like shit. While investing, I want to feel important and be on top of my game. But lately, nothing good from the market is coming for me so I will need to find love and valuation someplace else.

I am personally getting ready for another difficult year on the market.

1 comment:

  1. This down market simply means that stocks are on sale. Now is the time to get in if there ever was a good time.
