
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Brian Gallant is stealing the show at Tout le Monde en Parle. Way to go Brian!

New Brunswick economy never been on a golden road, and it seem like now more than ever, my hometown province is suffering from the current financial environment. Its a fun game when you have to leave your province just to be able to have a job and earn some money. At least, a compensation is coming forward for your favorite Dividend Girl as I am soon going to fly to Cuba Varadero for a week of sun, sea and beach.

New Brunwsick Prime Minister Brian Gallant was at Tout le Monde en Parle this evening - a popular French Quebec show. He was there to talk about Energy East project. He had an interesting talked. Oil need to travel in some ways. If its not pipeline, it will be by train. I know my home province is desperately in need of jobs, but I am not ready to accept Energy East project just because it will create jobs in New Brunswick. I cannot believe that we are still today rely so much on oil. No matter what, I am very proud of Brian Gallant, he did a nice job with that interview, New Brunswickers are being nicely represent. His job is so hard. New Brunswick has to deal with a lot of issues. Energy East is an easy solution for New Brunswick lack of economical prospect, but Brian Gallant needs to seek help somewhere else. There's no easy solution.

In the meantime, the TSX is not going through an easy time. I would just like to see a more stable stock market environment. It would make me feel less powerless. My non-registered portfolio is now at $124 348.94. Not too bad, I seen worst days.

I didn't have time to call back TD Direct to find out about JFT Strategies Fund (JFS.UN) dividends that I never earned. Back in December 18, 2015, this was the announcement made for JFS.UN:

"For the Fund listed below (JFS.UN), the Estimated Special Distribution will be paid on or before January 15, 2016, to holders of record on December 31, 2015. The Estimated Special Distribution will be paid by the issuance of units of the Fund, and immediately thereafter, the issued and outstanding capital of the Fund will be consolidated such that the number of issued and outstanding units of the Fund does not change."


I understood from this that I was going to earned direct dividend. But it seem like I can only dream. It was too complicated for the JFT Strategies Fund (JFS.UN) to please its investors.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Again, JFT Strategies Fund (JFS.UN) playing with my nerves

Sorry to begin this new post this way, but I still didn't received my JFT Strategies Fund (JFS.UN) dividend. Tomorrow, I am going to call again TD Direct and this time, I am going to push over the use of my sweetest, sexiest kitten voice ever and BEG for my dividend. PLEASE SIR. PLEASE!

One thing for sure, I am not going to give up on my JFT Strategies Fund (JFS.UN) dividend.

Another short post.