
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Welcome in my TFSA portfolio Andrew Peller Ltd (ADW.A)!

Today is a special day, its the birthday of Warren Buffett! My investment in Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B) grow of 3.93% so far. Apple Inc. (AAPL) is down of 3.43%. With the recent news, I am just very surprise that loses are not bigger. Imagine that: the EU request Apple to pay 13 billion euros to Ireland in taxes!! We'll hear more about this for sure in the upcoming weeks. Today was a very exciting day on the Canadian market.

I made the switch from ADW.B to ADW.A shares in my TFSA. It will give a little punch to my dividend income. Also good news in term of dividend distribution, Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) decided to be all at my feet and raised its quarterly dividend by two cents a share, to 74 cents a share. Overall, my annual dividend income is now of $6 894.18. Many of my stocks had registered small dividend increased since May 2016. Once it all add up, it make it close to the 7k mark. Very very close. The DRIP also help a lot.

Today biggest news was probably that Agrium Inc. (AGU) is talking about merging with its Canadian competitor Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. (POT). This mean that AGU and POT would link together and become one single big company. This could be good for shareholders, but not that much for farmers. In the meantime, Agrium Inc. (AGU) decided to please me and sky rock just like that. Bang!

Rich can only get richer, even small stockholders. TSX is number 1, just like Dev brand new song.


Monday, August 29, 2016

Welcome in my non-registered portfolio Stornoway Diamond (SWY)! Go go go!

You'll hear a lot from me this week because this past Friday - yes, one day before my birthday - I got a procedure to have remove 2 upper wisdom teeth and I was told it would be better not to do any sport for a week. That happen now when I just very began to be slightly all beef up like Ronda Rousey and that I could eventually make Amir Khadir eat all his teeth. Imagine that he was actually at the Imperial Cinema yesterday evening. He was sitting a few seats away from me, impossible not to notice him. The man should just kick out of Canada in his native Iran. Amir Khadir is a real shame for our nation and just seeing him yesterday ruined all of what should had been a beautiful evening for me, in the luxury decor of the Cinéma Impérial. I cannot understand why in Canada we tolerate immigrants like Amir Khadir who are unfaithful to Canada as a nation and are unfaithful to the Queen. I don't tolerate his extreme arrogance.

To change of topics a bit, I discover a hot new pill: Novo-Profen 600 mg. It take away any inflammation syndrome without a few minutes. Real cool efficient drug which is really needed especially in the morning. I want to invest in the company that made that drug. LOL. If you have any teeth going to be remove, ask your dentist for the prescription of those magical Novo-Profen pills. You'll thanks me later. :-)

There's a lot of exciting things going on for the Canadian market at this time. Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. (ATD.B) continue to acquire new businesses for millions and millions of dollars just like if they were... peanuts. The really recent acquisition of CST Brands for only US$3.7-billion was just not enough!! Alimentation Couche-Tard announced today the acquisition of 53 Circle K Stores Inc. in Louisiana. But we don't know for how much peanuts for this one...

I had invested in Andrew Peller Limited/Andrew Peller Limitee Unlimited Class B Share (ADW.B) back in April 2016. During Christmas time and some other times, we always drink at home some sherry. And its actually how I discovered Andrew Peller Limited, by being a fan lover of Regency Fine Old, name Canadian Apera, Fortified Wine. Its not available in Quebec province. With the cold weather coming ahead, I would like to have a bottle of Regency Fine Old at hand. Anyway, I cannot mix Novo-Profen with that other thing I love, Regency Fine Old.

Since the purchase, the investment had went down of about $300. I was anxious, but I never doubt that Andrew Peller was a good investment. I felt release when it begin to mark capital gain again. But that was only recently. Back on August 10, Andrew Pellar announced in a press release:

"Sales up 5.8% on broad-based solid organic growth and successful launch of new products and categories;
Gross margin rises on revenue increase and cost savings;
EBITA increases 15.2% on revenue growth and improved gross margin;
Net earnings rise 28.2% to $8.6 million or $0.62 per Class A share;
9% increase in common share dividends, seventh increase in ten years;
Board of Directors recommends 3-for-1 stock split; and
Board of Directors approves a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)". 

"The annual dividend on Class A Shares was increased to $0.490 per share from $0.450 per share, and the annual dividend on Class B Shares was increased to $0.426 per share from $0.391 per share."

Many good things had been announced and it make me think: what am I doing with Class B shares in my portfolio anyway???? Now that my ADW.B shares are up, I am thinking of selling them and buy instead some Class A shares. By doing so, I will get my hands on 4 extra shares and I will be richer of a few dollars in term of dividend, so why not.

Swarovski crystals are very nice, but diamonds are certainly much nicer. For the first time in years, I had invested in a penny stock. I am always in the search of new stock to invest. Fact that September has 3 paychecks coming on is certainly helping. There's a lot of bad things in Quebec province, like Amir Khadir, but there's also a lot of good - sometimes. And Stornoway Diamond (SWY) is one of them. I jump in today at $1.14. No dividend, but the promise of maybe good cash that can be made. We'll have to see. Encouraging fact at least, Stornoway Diamond (SWY) has a good stock rank on Stockopedia, so stay tune.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

My first post... as a 36 years old!!!

Yesterday was my birthday! It was a beautiful day in Montreal. The sun was out, but it wasn't too hot. Just a perfect summer day like I love them.

I bough a blender - which I wanted for a really long time, but its too boring, you won't get a picture of that I promise. I got manicure (couldn't resist) and.... here come the most interesting part of all... I got a Swarovski necklace with the matching necklace! Swarovski has a line of affordable and good looking jewelry. I wanted to shine, but with small pieces of crystal. 

Why did I treat me that way? Well, money is made to be spend. And a 36 birthday is more significant than 35 and I will explain you why. 20 years (yes 20 years!!!!) past since I celebrate my 16 birthday. And 36 is the more crucial age of all as I only have 4 years left before my 40 birthday! Oh nooo! :-) Its unbelievable! I don't know if I should cry or laugh about it really.

As you know, I had been using Stockopedia for the couple past weeks. I made some good finding that bring on some hot good money. Park Lawn Corporation (PLC) is probably the best finding ever. I never heard of that stock before. I find it while browsing on Stockopedia. You'll see if you register to the Web site, there's a lot of browsing and reading that can be done on the site. And not only does it cover, the Canadian market, but they also provide access to the UK, European and US market. Its strange, but so far, I didn't find any investment pearl - at least one that interest me - on the US market. If it wouldn't be of my idea to invest in Warren Buffett, I doubt I would be holding any US investments right now. I console myself with my new Swarovski jewelries.

What I am looking for while browsing is pretty simple. Its the way I had been picking most of my stock for the past couple months - if not the last couple years. What I try to prefer:
-A stock that been on the stock market playground for a couple of years. 
-A stock that pay dividend, max 5% yield. I don't want of a stock that pay more than that at this time. I had experiences that in the past, if a dividend cut is announced and the yield is currently really juicy - it will affect the price of the stock on the market, which will probably go down.
-A stock that has high rocking chart, that doesn't show too much turbulence in term of value. 
-A stock that survive the stock market crash - its value now exceed the value it has before 2008. There's many companies that haven't been able to go back to their old before 2008 value. But I don't want of any of those stocks. Past results do not guaranteed good future ones, but its more likely that a good that have a good past will also have a good future.

Those simple criteria, dear friends, are not easy to find in a stock. The US stock market is being invade by traders and short seller investors - a damnation for the REAL investors in search of value. And personally, I think its one of the factor that make the US stock market more volatile and less stable than the Canadian market.

Now you understand, the Canadian stock market is the bomb! I can assure you, after browsing several hours, I made another interesting finding on Stockopedia, check it out: Transforce Inc. (TFI).

This year if the 40th anniversary of the Montreal World Film Festival. Since it my weekend birthday, I decided to buy a ticket for the showing of Carole Matthieu this evening. Isabelle Adjani is suppose to be attending. The festival had many problems this year. They usually show outdoor movies, but they don't any this year, which is sad because this had become a tradition. I search for Carole Matthieu on the schedule film online, but Isabelle Adjani movie doesn't come up. So I guess its been cancelled. However, there's another movie schedule for 19 h 40 - so I will be there. In other words, if you want to breathe the same air as the Dividend Girl, just be at the Imperial Cinema at 19 h 40 today. I will be there, Isabelle Adjani or not. Who care about Adjani anyway knowing I will be attending?


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Welcome in USA portfolio Apple Inc. (AAPL)!

USA portfolio sound so funny!

After selling Sprott Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV) in my US account, the search for US investments haven't been easy, even with the help of Stockopedia. The US stock market is so terribly huge. There's so many stocks, its unbelievable and I was completely lost. When I want to invest money, I like short cut. I am not the type who is insecure about picking investments. I am very patient, but I am either way not the type who will spend hundred of hours in research before picking a stock. It need to be quick and easy.

My first real investment in US dollars was in Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B). BRK.B grow by 2.67% so far in my portfolio. Job well done! But the second US investment was more kind of a pain. I was stuck in the immensity of the US stock market with no reference, just really lost. Whatever, I decided that I should continue to follow Warren Buffett footsteps a little bit longer so I did like he did not too long ago. I invest in some Apple Inc. (AAPL) stocks just like Warren Buffett. Just a few stocks. In today world, young investors might be tempt by penny stock investing, day trading, short selling... Its the attraction to the easy money. Different options exist and you are free to do things your way. Its too easy to lose money on the stock market, that's why I decided to stay very conservative in my investment choices. Its the easiest to make money. Its also a strange thing to save max of the poor money made each month to hit it on the stock market, but stock investing is not a passion, its a drug, an addiction that is impossible to get rid of when you are deep into it. Its the reason why I cannot make any saving.

I am keeping my fingers cross my fingers on that  Apple pick. I would like Apple Inc. (AAPL) shares to jump a bit following the release of their new Mac laptop. I guess that's pretty much what everything is hoping for. And I wish it will translate in a couple of hundreds in term of capital gain.

Interesting fact, Warren Buffett will be celebrating his 86 anniversary on August 30 - 3 days after I will be celebrating my.. 36 birthday. Me and "Warren" lol... are exactly 50 years apart!!! Virgos make very sexy and very very smart investors - don't you think so? I like to be romantic.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. historic acquisition

Only 5 days left before my birthday! The countdown continue. I don't think the TSX will hit on the 15 000 points in time for my birthday, but that doesn't really matter. As long the points remain to what it is now, I will be happy.

Today was a historic day for Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. (ATD.B). Couche-Tard is going to buy a US store chain, CST Brands Inc for... US$4.4 billion! I decided to buy a few shares of ATD.B to be part of the moment. I got in at $66.14. ATD.B is my kind of investment. I invest in by using margin money. I want to invest in stuff that I can rely on. When I go away on vacation or whatever else, I want to know that I don't need to worry.

A French comment was post on my blog but the author delete it. I mean, English blog = English comments right? It was a comment disputing the fact that dividend investing is not a good strategy in our current economic situation, that the markets are soon going to be shake up, etc... I had been investing in stocks since 2008. Being strategically dividend oriented pay off. It worth it to focus on good quality stock that pay dividend. Its what actually let me survive each and single stock market crash, and any other small or big disturbances. I love the stock market, but I have other things to go do rather than just being on there and buying-selling, buying-selling... Most investors are not able to achieve much this way. I prefer to invest in stocks that I truly believe in, collect dividend, and take it easy.

A few days ago, I bought some US dollars. I am glad I did.The US stock market is so big that it make it difficult for me to make any investment picks. I am still searching. I may check on Derek Foster portfolio video series for inspiration.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Some new contribution in kind for my TFSA

The TSX went down, but no matter what, my non-registered portfolio climbed to $145 016.50 and my TFSA $41 078.45. My investment in Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B) grow of 3.13%. Nothing to get rich on, but I am just over excited about the US market right now and I must say, I am very curious to find where it can drive me. Now could be a good time to change Canadian dollars into US ones. 

The 30 0000+ jobs that the Canadian market lost in July could play in the balance later on. I read somewhere in the Financial Post that our poor Canadian dollar could go down to $0.74 by the end of the summer. It make sense to be so I am thinking about getting my hands on some precious US dollars very soon. I didn't came with new US investment idea yet from Stockopedia. I have to say I didn't go through that much browsing lately because of the Olympics fever.
I just proceed with a contribution in kind from my non-registered account to my TFSA. I transferred Morneau Shepell Inc. (MSI), Morguard North American Residential Real Estate Investment Trust (MRG.UN), Royal Bank of Canada (RY) and Westshore Terminals Invest Corp (WTE) in my TFSA. Those investments represent $425 in dividend distribution. Its now close to $1 970 in annual dividend that I earn free of tax. With this new TFSA contribution, I only have left 3k in contribution room. With this last contribution, I am finally done with my TFSA account investing for 2016.

With all that going on, I will be celebrating my 36 birthday in exactly 10 days, so be ready!

Monday, August 15, 2016

August 15, 2016: a date to remember for Acadians

Today was National Acadian Day and on this special day, the only "official" Acadian at Rio Olympic Games, Geneviève Lalonde, finished in 16th position in the 3000-metre steeplechase! Go go go!

Geneviève has a very rough competition today, the weather was very hot this morning at Rio. It was just very fun that her final was today on August 15 and it has been very exciting even for New Brunswickers. Keep watching Geneviève Lalonde. She'll participate to the next Olympic Games in 4 years, in Tokyo. This year, she had to face extreme heat and in 4 years, it will be extreme pollution... What's the point to put top elite athletes to such terrible conditions? It ruin it all. Make athletes compete in proper decent places and conditions, like Quebec City, Montreal... But not in third world countries or where clean air to breathe is just... missing...

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Celebrating 10 years of happy blogging and investing on the Dividend Girl!

Back on August 13, 2007, I was writing my very first post on my blog. At the time, I had a net worth of $11 572.57 and all I wanted was to hit on the $50 000 net worth, which seem to be a fortune for me. I taught it was going to take me forever to reach the 50k, its partly why I name my domain blog It was going to last forever! But oh surprise, I reached the famous $50 000 net worth on August 5, 2009. Easy first round. Even with only $50 000, I was on top of the world.

Next step was naturally. If I was able to reach the 50k so easily, could I possibly make it to the $100 000 net worth without any trouble? Well, it haven't been easy, the markets had been rough and tough, but at the end of 2013, beginning of 2014, I was there, the $100 000 net worth was at my door. 

Now 2 years later, I am sitting on a $167 778.96 net worth and all I want now is a $200 000 net worth. If I could be on the 200k net worth mark by the end of 2017, that would be very great. I am secretly dreaming that it will happen for the end of 2016 but you'll have to keep reading to find out! The 200k seem to be a lot more easier to reach than the 100k, but its all a matter of what will happen with the stock markets. With the help of Stockopedia, investing more over the US market could be the push I need to make it happen faster. One thing for sure, I am not aloud to make any investment mistakes never ever again. It seem like in 2016, I had been at top of the game so far. Its a game, and its a rough one, but there's big rewards at the end.

I won $95 at Loto Max which I happily cash in today and went shopping, all excited. I have a bit left of it, but it mostly went on clothes. I bought a great sweater and 2 pair of pants. At this time of year, I know its a terrible thing to say, but I am in the waiting for autumn to arrive and I am in the wait for the cold weather. I just want autumn to arrive. I have enough of the summer. All my flesh is in the waiting. Please accept my apologizes. I usually feel this way around this time of year. I guess its because I cannot stand the hot weather in Montreal. Enough of the summer! (sorry again).

Over the years and currently, my only financial "default" is not having any cash reserve - but perfection is not from this world, isn't? For me, the choice between investing or saving is way to easy: I invest whatever is available. I am not an example to follow in that matter. I cannot help it, I just cannot leave any money in my bank account. Maybe once I hit on the 200k I will begin to calm down a little, I don't know. For now, I am like a little hamster running and running like crazy in a little cage. lol!

Fact is, the catch with money is that its never enough. The more you have, the more you want. See, once I reached that famous first $50 000 net worth, I could had been smart and told myself ok, now I am going to leave money in my bank account to create a little emergency fund - but of course not! A good amount would be $15 000.

As you may notice, my net worth is now of $167 778.96. Would it be too much to ask for a $170 000 right in time for my birthday? Its now a the count down to August 27. Me and MA$E will be celebrating our birthday! :-)

And other last one.

My investment portfolio on date of August 12, 2016

Non registered Investments:
Stocks and Units investment portfolio $CAN
Timminco (TIMNF): $0.26
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS): $7 679.70
Blue Note Mining Inc. (BLNMF): $0.01
Methanex Corporation (MX): $3 797.61
Fortis Inc. (FTS): $4 874.82
Pembina Pipeline Corporation (PPL): $19 275.46
Just Energy Group Inc. (JE): $6 365.60
Enbridge Income Fund Holdings Inc. (ENF): $11 437.74
Corby Distilleries Limited (CSW.A): $2 562
Davis + Henderson Corporation (DH): $6 614.18 
Premium Brands Holdings Corporation (PBH): $28 115.20
EnCana Corporation (ECA): $2 600.10
iShares S&P/TSX Capped REIT Index (XRE): $2 557.94
New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI): $4 779
TMX Group Inc. (X): $484.80
K-Bro Linen Inc. (KBL): $4 320
Westshore Terminals Invest Corp (WTE): $4 047
WesternOne Inc. (WEQ): $28.50
Kinross Gold Corp (K): $1 017.74
TransCanada Corp (TRP): $1 549.50
Canadian National Railway Co (CNR): $7 362
Enbridge Inc. (ENB): $1 518.44 
Agrium Inc. (AGU): $3 053.96 
Canadian Utilities Limited (CU): $1 630.86
Black Diamond Group Ltd (BDI): $121.25
Emera Inc. (EMA): $1 211.50
Cineplex Inc. (CGX): $1 262.50
BCE Inc. (BCE): $1 389.96
Stella Jones Inc. (SJ): $930.20
Saputo Inc. (SAP): $1 724.40
Lassonde Inc. (LAS.A): $2 101.60
Loblaw Companies (L): $865.92
Morneau Shepell Inc. (MSI): $1 653.30
Royal Bank of Canada (RY): $3 204
Savaria Corporation (SIS): $2 628
Morguard North American Residential Real Estate Investment Trust (MRG.UN): $1 980

TOTAL: $144 745.05

Stocks and Units investment portfolio $US:
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B): $1 156.39
Cash: $74.87

TOTAL: $1 593.87 CAN

Tax-free savings account (TFSA):
EnerCare Inc. (ECI): $56.79
Dumont Nickel Inc. (DNI): $12.92
RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust (REI.UN): $976.85
Sprott Inc. (SII): $2731.53

AltaGas Ltd (ALA): $1 026.30
CT Real Estate Investment Trust (CRT.UN): $1 529
Canadian National Railway Co (CNR): $3 272
Exchange Income Corporation (EIF): $7 665.70
Firm Capital Mortgage Investment Corporation (FC): $548.40
Brookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P. (BIP.UN): $2 902.95
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners L.P. (BEP.UN): $1 209.90
JFT Strategies Fund (JFS.UN): $1 839.50
Laurentian Bank of Canada (LB): $961.80
The North West Company Inc. (NWC): $1 511
Andrew Peller Limited/Andrew Peller Limitee Unlimited Class B Share (ADW.B): $1 680.60 
Barrick Gold Corporation (ABX): 
Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce (CM): $1 505.10
Hydro One Limited (H): $2 569.44
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD): $1 142.20
Boyd Group Income Fund (BYD.UN): $2 446.20
Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (CAR.UN): $ 2163
Keg Royalties Income Fund (The) (KEG.UN): $1 414.70
(DCM): $16.50
Cash: $201.48

TOTAL: $40 511.06

RSP investment portfolio: 
Emera Incorporated (EMA): $12 115
EnCana Corporation (ECA): $1 312.20
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD): $1 713.30
Barrick Gold Corp (ABX): $1 409
Stella Jones Inc. (SJ): $4 651
Telus Corp (T): $2 183
Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. Class B Subordinate Voting Shares (ATD.B): $480.08
Royal Bank of Canada (RY): $1 602
Savaria Corporation (SIS): $1 752
Thomson Reuters Corporation (TRI): $2 171.20
Park Lawn Corporation (PLC): $3 060
Richards Packaging Income Fund (RPI.UN): $813.45
Cash: $50.80                                                                   

CIBC Dividend Growth Fund: $731.10
CIBC Emerging Markets Index Fund: $478.10
CIBC Monthly Income Fund: $1327.62

Energy and Base Metals Term Savings (Indexed term savings): $577.30
Natural Resources Term Savings (Indexed term savings): $502.45

GIC National Bank: $1 307.98

Manulife Fidelity NorthStar GIF CAP B: $1 213.69 
Manulife Simplicity Growth Portfolio: $1 230.82
Maritime Life CI Harbour Seg Fund: $1 185.98
Maritime Life Fidelity True North Seg Fund: $1 511.64
Manulife GIF MLIA B World Invest: $1 080.57

Other various: $7 530.42

TOTAL: 51990.7

Social Capital at Desjardins Membership share: $35
Pending online income: $102.44
Savings + Stocks, units, mutual funds + Tax-free Savings account + RRSP:
$238 978.12

Saturday, August 13, 2016

My debt situation on date of August 12, 2016

$4 900 at 4% = $196 in annual interest

$66 299.16 at 4.25% = $28 17.71 in annual interest
Total of debt: $70 299.15

Total: $71 199.16
[In date of August 12, 2016]

*For a complete update regarding my debt, click on the label "Debt situation" located at the right column of this blog.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Searching for US investments on Stockopedia

Surprise! In this super hot weather that I just can't stand anymore, it look like the TSX really want to hit on the 15 000 points after all! My non-registered portfolio close at... $145 490.79 and my TFSA, $40 718.13. I won't be posting any portfolio update. However trust me, I keep looking and browsing and from all angles, my portfolios look very good! Imagine, I even have left close to 30k in margin money! When the markets are up, I am in heaven. Today hot weather is what ruining everything.

My investment in Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B) gain $25.53 - in US dollars please. Nothing much, but its still represent 2.21%. I am quite amaze by Keg Royalties Income Fund (The) (KEG.UN) which gain 12.27% - and I had been holding it only since June. SIS, BYD.UN are both doing very great. Richards Packaging Income Fund (RPI.UN) is about the only recent stock investment that is not going sky rocket high. I keep writing about this one, but Park Lawn Corporation (PLC) is also doing very great, up of 8.46% since July 14.

Now could be a good time to buy more US stocks. I know it must feel weird reading this, especially coming from a little girl who always said that she was going to get rich on Canadian stocks but hey, only fool don't change of idea right? And why is that? Canadian dollars gain a bit on US one. And, I had been secretly browsing US stocks for the past couple days, not as much as I would because I am dying in the heat, but yes, I had been browsing US stocks on Stockopedia!

So far, here're some quick observations:
US quality stocks pay very little in term of dividend. Its actually hard to find a quality US stock that pay at least 3% yield. Most of the stocks that pick my interest on first chart sight pay less than 3% in dividend yield - if not close to nothing!!! Absolutely terrible.
US market is SUPER rich of many many good, very expensive, quality stocks.
US quality stocks are very expensive.
I find many US companies being hard to understand what they are actually doing. Canadian market is more understandable. There's many US companies that are complex and out of reach.
Canadian stock market is very small compare to US one - very unfortunately.

As you know, Stockopedia offer a special ranking feature and the list of US stocks with a good ranking is quite very long!!!!!

I am not done with my search yet, but I will come back with a list of US stocks soon! I feel I currently have the best of what the Canadian stock market can offer me in my portfolio. That's why I begin to look down south.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Once again, upcoming contribution in kind for my TFSA

My latest investment - my first ever real US stock investment - in Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B), had gain an encouraging $8.09 (got to start somewhere). My non-registered portfolio closed today session at $143 962.64 and my TFSA portfolio, at $41 123.13. I must be pretty close to the 170k net worth right now. Those are good results, but they were expecting since the TSX is now exceeding the 14 700 points. Can the TSX hit on the 15 000 points for my birthday on August 27? Why not!

I love when the TSX is all sky rocket high, no doubt about that, but this time, I am a bit confuse. I stop trying understanding the markets a long time ago. Simply because it exhausted me. It suck all of my energy. And it more than annoy me. Recently, its been announced that our unemployment rate in Canada raise to 6.9%. In July,  Canadian economy lost 31 200 jobs! Since that announcement had been made, the TSX just keep on going. Its so contrarian to what we should expect, clear of all common sense. With so many jobs lost in July, things are looking really bad - but what the heck, my portfolio is hitting on its highest value EVER. Go figure.

Maybe its the Olympic effect. I read that the stock markets use to mark points, just like our athletes during the Olympics Game. We have 3 Athena princess coming from New Brunswick who will compete at Rio: Genevieve Lalonde at the 3000-metre steeplechase (August 13 - it should be her lucky day, since August 13, I will be celebrating... my 10th anniversary as a blogger!!!), Catharine Pendrel at the mountain bike (August 20) and Mandy Bujold at boxing (August 12). Watch out for the Acadian ladies!

My non-registered portfolio of  $143 962.64 bring an unused margin of $27 648.14. And this is really great because I have left 14k in contribution room for my TFSA. Like usual, I am targeting some investments I hold in my non-registered to proceed with a contribution in kind for my TFSA. I am looking for stocks within the lowest capital gain. And currently, with a gain a $17.01, Morguard North American Residential Real Estate Investment Trust (MRG.UN), and a margin loan value of $504, MRG.U could be a good candidate. And also Savaria Corporation (SIS), Morneau Shepell Inc. (MSI) and Royal Bank of Canada (RY). Those stocks alone could bring a 9k+ TFSA contribution and take off a 5k on my margin loan value. It can be handle.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

In my RRSP portfolio, Park Lawn Corporation (PLC) is a rocking star

The weather is very hot these days in Montreal - too hot for my taste. I had been hitting to the gym after work almost every day this week. At least, I exercise in the comfort of air conditioning. Better enjoy the heat anyway because the end of August is coming and so is my birthday! The count down continue until... August 27. Be ready.

My newest investment in Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B) didn't grow yet, but I was happily surprise for another reason. My Morguard North American Residential Real Estate Investment Trust (MRG.UN) stocks finally went up. Just a bit, but maybe MRG.UN is going in the right direction. All of my recent investments are doing well. RPI.UN is down a little, but only of $13.29. Among my recent acquisitions, I highly recommend Park Lawn Corporation (PLC). PLC gain 6.4% since it hit on my RRSP portfolio. The activity sector of PLC is very particular, but I think its the fact that its so particular that make this red rose grow grow grow! I can only recommend Park Lawn Corporation (PLC) to anyone searching for their portfolio red rose.

When I came back from my vacation in New Brunswick, there's one thing I was craving for: a good expresso! I got my expresso, but after that, done over. I no longer buy my daily coffee on my way to work. I had been watching my expenses very carefully since I came back. To do so, I work with a cash envelop. My weekly allowance is of $125. That cash allowance doesn't include my rent ($650), my Internet ($45.34), cell phone ($40.24), gym membership ($14.38) or banking fee ($3.45). My allowance represent a $500 to cover all extra living expenses like grocery, a few expressos and other during the month. Its nothing much, but I still have a bit more than $100 left to finish the week. This is really helping me to control my budget. Fact is, the less you spend, the less you want to spend.

As you can imagine, as my birthday coming, all the money save during this month is probably going to fly away over some clothes, make-up, wine and... a cigar??? lol And maybe, a new investment. I need good luck with that.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Welcome in my US portfolio Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B)

I had sold my Sprott Physical Silver Trust ET (PSLV) units, as you know, and the sell felt like a real  release. The sell left over a little sum of money in US dollars. I wanted to invest that money, but I have no idea what to invest in, so many choices! Well, the stock was pick easily when I read that Warren Buffett was offering to share his tax returns along with Trump's. I wish that will happen soon. I don't care much about the tax returns of Donald Trump, but I am very curious about Warren Buffett!

And this is how, like magic, that my very first exclusively USA stock investment idea came to me. I was going to invest in the company of the Oracle of Omaha himself! Today, I invested in Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B). I would had preferred to invest in BRK.A, but one stock alone of that one currently worth $215 300!!!!!!

It doesn't look like Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B) pay any dividend and I was only able to purchase a few stocks today. If I am lucky, maybe one day that investment I made today will worth $215 300! I guess that the best way to get a tiny bit of the best of Warren Buffett is to invest in
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B).

I started using Stockopedia a little while ago. Its an amazing tool that have a lot to offer. I wrote about it in previous posts. One of Stockopedia coolest feature is the Buffettology-esque Historical Growth Screen. For the Canadian stock market, ONLY 5 stocks come out, and I own 3 of them in my portfolio. I never heard of the 2 other stocks, and they are not really catching my interest. Want to know which 5 stocks are making it in the Buffettology-esque Historical Growth Screen? To find out, try the free trial of Stockopedia.

In other words, for now, I am still browsing to search for my next Canadian everything.