
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Welcome in my TFSA portfolio SIR Royalty Income Fund (SRV.UN)!

The TSX closed on a positive note today, but its looking like my favorite stock market is having a bit of trouble to jump over the 16 000 points.

It hasn't been an easy road for Aecon Group Inc. (ARE). I own this stock since October 2017. Before October 2017, I have just no idea that this brilliant Aecon Group Inc. (ARE) was even alive and existed. Ever since Canada rejected the acquisition offer for ARE coming from China, the stock has never been completely a winner stock. ARE never registered great capital gains inside my non-registered portfolio. But all that is about to change. 

Despite its lack of capital gain - remember that this situation had remained the same for about 3 years!!! - I never taught of ARE as being a bad stock pick. Personally, I love those engineering kind of stocks, like WSP, Toromont Industries Ltd. (TIH). TIH is not exactly engineering, but its certainly one of my greatest proud inside my portfolio. Those kind of stocks fit me well. Today, Aecon Group Inc. (ARE) announced record revenue AND an increased of their dividend distribution.With my newest investment, my dividend income, excluding RRSP, is now at $7 488.60.

I finally did it, I had today invested in SIR Royalty Income Fund (SRV.UN)! I made only a small investment. Another great thing I done today was getting my paper ready for my 2018 tax declaration. I hate everything that include paper work, and the taxes are just another one of those pains. I probably going to have to pay something like 3 to 4k in taxes, but I prefer just to pay instead of investing money inside my RRSP. I would need to invest at least 10k to have a real effect on my taxes. And I think its too late now to invest in my RRSP for 2018. Anyway, I am not a fan of RRSP. But we'll get back on the taxes and RRSP topics soon enough.

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