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Sunday, July 7, 2019

Contribution in kind for my TFSA: Aecon Group Inc. (ARE) and ATCO Ltd. (ACO.Y)

I just updated my monthly expense for the month of June. For the month of July, just be ready to probably see no saving at all or really little because I have a 2-week vacations coming up and it's going to be happy spending time! I also recently pay for the renewal of my driver licence (exactly $84.69!!). Following July, August and September are going to be quite easy and on low spending, as well as the month of  October, even if I always visit home in October for the hunting season. My October vacations are usually quite inexpensive.

For 2019, I still had several thousands left in contribution room for my TFSA. That's because the year before, I sold a couple of my stocks that I was holding inside my TFSA, and I got the money transferred in my non-registered to pay down my margin debt. I decided to take my Aecon Group Inc. (ARE) and ATCO Ltd. (ACO.Y), and got them both transferred inside my TFSA. I am curretly not experiencing a gain on both of them. We are almost there when it comes ot ARE. As for ACO.Y, that stock had been a bit more difficult to hold, but I like it anyway. After this, I still have a couple thousands left in contribution room for 2019. The plan would be to save a couple thousands by the end of the year and invest that money inside my TFSA.

In result of that recent move, my non-registered portfolio closed this past Friday session on a tiny $117,192.32‬, my TFSA portfolio now standing strong at $77,822.57, and my RRSP portfolio - stocks only - is now at $45,827.44. Currently, I have abit more than $700 in cash in my TFSA - that money came from dividend earnings. In my RRSP stock portfolio, I have bit over $400 in cash, also coming from dividend distribution. So what should I get? I don't know for sure. It could be the fault of the nice weather we had for the last couple days in Montreal, but I don't have my mind on investment right now.

The month of June 2019: budget in review

Fix expenses:
Rent: $680
Internet + cable: $82.93
Cell: $40.24
Gym membership: $14.38
Insurance: $7
Total: $824.55

Grocery: $367.59
Coffees: $29.42
Eating out: $203.60
Wine: $34.50
Total: $635.11

Highlights: $137.97
Hair cut: 63.24
Total: $201.21

Jean coat: $112.68
Purse #1: $5
Purse #2: $73.58
Total: $191.26

Cleaning products: $35.61
Lottery ticket: $6
Laundry tickets: $30
Personal care products: $243.66
Total: $315.27

Toal living expenses: $2,167.4‬0
Margin debt interest rates: $225.35
TOTAL EXPENSES: $2,392.75‬

Non-registered dividend: $566.07‬
TFSA dividend: $163.68
RRSP dividend: $49.43
Paycheque: $2 643.24
Items sell on Kijiji: $84
TOTAL INCOME: $3,506.42

MONEY SAVE: $1,113.67‬

Thank you

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