
Sunday, January 31, 2021

Saying thank you and good-bye to The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN)

It's been a crazy day this past Friday, but I manage to make the most of it! The TSX closed down at 17,227.02 points. This left me with a somewhat feeling of an ongoing market correction. It wasn't making any kind of sense to see the TSX hitting on the 18,000 points while we are dealing with a worldwide pandemic. The TSX could go lower. It won't be pleasant if it happens. This past Friday wasn't a good day for the TSX, but I was able to finally sell my The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN). The morning before the opening of the market, Ethereum (ETH) was trading on a high value, which made it obvious that QETH.UN was going to open on a higher value for the opening. While trading QETH.UN, the opening is certainly the most important part of the day. I knew that it was going to be my day. 

I was closely watching The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN) when I notice that it hit on the $37 per unit, and so I quickly place my sell order. This time, the sell order took longer than usual to go through. Usually, when I place a buy or sell order, it goes through and the second after, the buy or sell order had been performed. On that Friday morning, my sell order for QETH.UN didn't happen as expected. My order took time before being performed. I was able to sell at the price I wanted, but I got lucky. After commission and margin fees, I manage to make a little profit of $115.04. This trading move had been less spectacular than the one I performed back earlier on January 4. On January 4, the profit made was more generous, $591.19.

I was happy anyway with this past Friday trade because I wanted to lower my margin debt, and also, I felt that the TSX was taking a more volatile turn. With the money coming from the sell of my The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN), I had been able to pay down my margin, and also registered a small gain, which was all good. I am done trading QETH.UN. With my experiencing with The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN), I can say that it's a fund that is actively traded over the TSX, that's why buy orders, as well as sell orders, are slow to be performed. Back on January 4, I didn't have any problem selling my QETH.UN units, but this past Friday, my sell order was slow to take form. It was so slow that I taught I may have pressed the wrong button or something... I made my little money, $706.23, and it's enough for me. I am done trading The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN).

I find however the crypto world to be interesting. A few days ago, 3iQ Corp announced on their Web site that the Net Asset Value of The Bitcoin Fund (QBTC) was now at 1 billion. I had registered for their Webinar, which will happen on February 4, noon. I will be listening to 3iQ Webinar until 12:38, because at 12:40, on the same day, Derek Foster will be giving a MoneyShow conference. It's free to register.

Following the sell of The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN), my non-registered portfolio closed this past Friday session at $113,716.87, my TFSA portfolio at $104,319.06, and my RRSP portfolio - stocks only - at $53,960.61. My margin debt is now at $47,929.51. I now have close to $650 in cash inside my TFSA portfolio. Currently, I estimate my net worth to be in the $268,000, which is not too bad.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

TFI International Inc. (TFII) continues its road to stardom!

I have to admit, it was quite impressive to watch TFI International Inc. (TFII) hitting on the $90 per share today! This is bringing on amazing value for my TFSA portfolio. TFI International Inc. (TFII) closed today session at $88.66 per share, +2.997%. In my TFSA portfolio, TFII is now at +129.15%. My TFSA portfolio closed on its highest value EVER: $107,058.42. My non-registered portfolio closed today session at $122,219.78, and my RRSP portfolio - stocks only - at $54,411.09.

Currently, my obsession is to sell at profit The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN). Unfortunately, it didn't happen today. However, this little obsession is keeping me busy. I like to watch the relation existing between the value of the crypto Ethereum (ETH) and its dedicated fund, The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN), trading over the TSX.

Once I will be selling my investment in The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN), the value of my non-registered portfolio will still be still higher, but quite close to my TFSA portfolio.

Here are a few numbers to give you an overview of how went my trading day - with no sell yet, but it was a good day anyway:

12:13 pm:

Ethereum (ETH): $1,671.7273 CAN

The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN): $33.93 (-5.64%)

12:41 pm:

Ethereum (ETH): $1,673.94 (-0.44%)

The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN): $34.16 (-4.90%) 

1:22 pm:

Ethereum (ETH): $1,691.2634 (+0.5891%)

The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN): $34.86 (-2.951%) 

2:13 pm:

Ethereum (ETH): $1,712.39 (+1.85%)

The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN): $35.61 (-0.863%) 

2:58 pm:

Ethereum (ETH): $1,700.6129 (+1.1451%)

The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN): $35.37 (-1.53%) 

3:47 pm:

Ethereum (ETH): $1,702.6218 (+1.2646%)

The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN): $34.93 (-2.756%) 

And finally, the closing...

4:02 pm:

Ethereum (ETH): $1,695.61 (+0.8862%)

The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN): $35.08 (-2.339%)

Currently, at exactly 7:09 pm, Ethereum (ETH) trades at a good $1,719.74 CAN. We are hitting in the right direction. Right now, I hold The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN) inside my non-registered portfolio. If QETH.UN continues to be weak, one option for me would be to proceed with a contribution in kind with my units and get them transferred inside my TFSA portfolio. Since I didn't contribute to my TFSA so far in 2021, that could be a good option. I am in no hurry to sell QETH.UN, as this little adventure in the word of trading is my little pandemic hobby.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Historic day for TFI International Inc. (TFII), and we are celebrating it with a +32.248%!

This is just: WOW! This actually came as a surprised this morning. I was watching BNN's The Open when Amber Kanwar talked about TFI International Inc. (TFII). I listened carefully because TFII is from my TFSA portfolio. Resulting from the news of an acquisition, TFII closed today's session on a +32.248% gain. Inside my TFSA portfolio, my investment in TFI International Inc. (TFII) is now at +122.49%. My TFSA portfolio closed today's session on it's what I think is its highest value ever: $106,906.33. TFII had been in my portfolio since October 2018.

My non-registered portfolio closed today session at $122,533.26 and my RRSP portfolio - stocks only - at $54,518.40. Also today, my precious NFI Group Inc. (NFI) registered a +4.92% for no obvious reason. Let's go NFI!

On this good day, my investment in The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN) closed at -0.47%. I only need another good day and following what, I will be able to sell QETH.UN for an interesting profit. At a point today, I could have sell QETH.UN for profit. After commission fees and margin fees, I would have made a $70 profit, but I decided that it wasn't enough. I don't mind holding for now. Currently, ETH is at $1,682.94 CAN.

The following are a few screenshots to provide an overview of how the day went for ETH and The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN). Today at the opening, Ethereum (ETH) was in the $1,799.57 CAN, which was quite good. This has a positive effect on the Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN), which open on a strong +10.58%.

While betting on The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN), the opening is the most important part of the day. I would say between the opening and noon, it's the timeframe where you are most likely to be able to sell your units at profit. If you don't get a strong opening for QETH.UN, chances that you'll have to sell at profit are low. Generally speaking, you can consider that if QETH.UN doesn't begin the day on high gains like this morning for example, that +10.58% was quite amazing, you can consider that it probably won't be the day where you'll be able to sell The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN) at profit.

Also, it seems to me that Ethereum (ETH) gains in value during the weekend, like if people were buying ETH because the stock markets are closed or something like it. Also, a period of great gains for ETH is usually followed by some almost automatic losses. Ethereum (ETH) is quite volatile. I can easily image thousands and thousands of investors, big or small, who are betting on Ethereum (ETH), and selling some crypto when ETH reached some peeks in value. IT'S the reason why I keep saying that you should only invest an amount that you feel comfortable losing while trading The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN) or other 3iQ's funds.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Practical tips on how to day trade The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN) and other 3iQ Corp funds

This past Friday session, my non-registered portfolio closed at $121,859.97, my TFSA portfolio at $104,691.26, and my RRSP portfolio at $54,179.70. I now have accumulated over $600 in cash coming from dividend distribution inside my TFSA. I will soon have to think in what to invest that money. Aphria Inc. (APH) closed this past Friday on a good +2.74%.

I previously explain my situation with The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U). Now, since The Ether Fund trades in Canadian dollars, my investment in The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U), which was in US dollars, had been automatically converted into The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN). This past Friday, QETH.UN closed on a nice gain of +8.148%. Currently, Ethereum (ETH-CAD) trades in the $1,812.414, which is really close to its highest value ever reached within the past 52 weeks: $1,864.7079. Early today, Ethereum (ETH) reached $1,864.708, which is quite good. Those are all super good positive signs that tomorrow at the opening, both The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN) and The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U) will open the market with positive gains. I could have sold at profit back on January 19, but my profit would have been quite low. At that time, Ethereum (ETH-CAD) was trading at $1,813.20.

I had been stuck with my The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN) since January 8, but tomorrow, I  may have all my chances to finally sell my units at profit. If not, I will be patiently waiting. My day trade hot move would have been extended for a couple of days, but it doesn't matter much, as long I can make my money. Here's to give you an idea of the correlation that certainly exists between Ethereum (ETH-CAD) and the trading value of The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN) over the TSX.

On January 14:

On January 14, while ETH was at $1,530.92, QETH.U was trading at $24.40.

On January 22:

On January 22, while ETH was at $1,562.6571, QETH.U was trading at $25.30. 

It doesn't take much gain coming from Ethereum (ETH-CAD) to make The Ether Fund units gain in value. Trading 3iQ's The Ether Fund is, however, not an enjoyable task. The two buys order that I performed so far on The Ether Fund took long before going through, which is quite annoying. My first sell order was, however, performed smoothly and without any unusual delay. At now 10:19 pm, ETH value is at $1,807.1837. We'll see how it goes tomorrow morning at the opening.

Jim Carrey to Melania Trump on Twitter: Thanks for Nothing

You have to check this out. Jim Carrey is right. What is the heritage of Melania Trump to the US? Jim Carrey has the perfect answer to that: NOTHING. Other than Jim Carrey's post, other things worth being seen: like this, this and absolutely this. I didn't know that Jim Carrey was such a talented cartoonist. This one is quite hilarious! I happen that just yesterday, I watched a Jim Carrey's movie, Bruce Almighty on Slice. I had watched a little while ago the first season of Kidding. I found Jim Carrey to be just amazing in Kidding, very different of everything you might have seen of him before. You need to watch that show if you ever got the chance. And best of all, that great actor is Canadian!

On a sadder note, I had learned this weekend that a relative of mine had died from COVID-19. I didn't know her personally and I don't think I had ever met her. It was the sister of my grandfather. She was 91 years old. It seems like she spent most of her life in Quebec Province. That's probably why I never met her. I guess she may already be living in Quebec when I was born (in New Brunswick). As time pass by, more and more people are dying anonymously from the COVID. Quebec province is the worst place to be for senior citizens, especially for those who have no other choices to rely on CHSLD or other poor quality services. On my mother's side, I am the third generation of women who came here to Montreal for their living. I won't lie, I like Montreal, the city has its charm, I feel safe here. But before being anything for me, Montreal is my cash cow, just like it had been for my mother and grandmother. Be smart, get your hands on the money girl and get the hell out! That's how we play in the family. :-)

And talking about cash cow, tomorrow market opening is going to be a really important one for me. I am going to explain in the next post. Stay tune.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Trading in the $30 per share, Park Lawn Corporation (PLC) is now a big boy!

For the inauguration of Joe Biden, the TSX decided to close this trading day at 18,021.46 points. It was a nice ceremony, very touching. It felt good to see everyone assisting to the ceremony wearing a mask. Seeing Joe Biden and other high ranks politicians all wearing masks, I find it quite respectful. It was annoying to watch Trump and his family moving around without a mask, like if we were dealing with nothing... The members of the Trump family were all so arrogant and disrespectful. Enough to drive everyone crazy.

I think the presence of Joe Biden as President of the United States will make a huge beneficial difference in this world. International relations will from now on be much easier, in a calmer atmosphere and with much more respectful manners. Strangely, it's already beginning to feel lighter, much more viable. Trump's leadership style was way too much aggressive. Way too many Tweets, with information going on all over the place... It was difficult to follow and stressful. While facing difficult times like we are right now, we needed someone like Joe Biden. He's the man of the situation. I know his election is not good for our oil sector, but it's time to move on in other directions.

For the past couple of days, Park Lawn Corporation (PLC) had caught my attention. Today alone, Park Lawn Corporation (PLC) gains +4.836%, for no obvious reason. I own some PLC shares in both my TFSA and RRSP portfolios. I found that great stocks a few years ago on Stockopedia, in 2016. I like PLC! This kind of reminds me of Boralex Inc. Class A Shares (BLX), when it started trading in the $30, in the $40, and finally.. $50... It's almost feeling like it happens like magic, overnight. As for Park Lawn Corporation (PLC), I am also really proud of my Boralex Inc. Class A Shares (BLX).

With today's celebrations, I hope that today was going to be my independent day, meaning that I was hoping to sell The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U) at profit. Yesterday was a good day for QETH.U, and I was hoping to have another good day today at the opening, but it didn't happen. Currently, Ethereum is trading at -2.71%. The market opening is always the most important time. I always check on QETH.U at the opening to see if I am in a good position or not. The only thing I want is to sell at profit, make my money, and bye-bye. But this is now taking longer than anticipated.

Today at BNN Bloomberg's The Open, Adam Johnson, founder and author at Bullseye Brief, was a guest and he said the following, which capped my attention: "Markets like clarity". Really? From my perspective, it's mostly the complete opposite: markets like chaos. Maybe with Joe Biden, markets will start to like clarity. It's just that we had been put on steroids for the past 4 years with Trump. We'll need a period of adjustment to understand what is going on. For me - despite being a tiny little small investor - having Biden as President is like a stress reliever. It's a revelation,

This morning at The Open, Adam Johnson explained that for his investments, he always sets a price to sell, and he always partly sell his investment once his set price is being reached. I find that tactic being quite interesting, but I cannot imagine myself partly selling stocks like Park Lawn Corporation (PLC) or Boralex Inc. Class A Shares (BLX) that I care about. I guess Adam Johnson's way of doing it for professionals that don't live for their stocks. I have other things to do in life other than selling my babies. No no no.

I had talked a lot about The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U), which trade in US dollars. Recently, 3iQ launched an Ether fund, but that trades in Canadian dollars - The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN). 3iQ TV commercial plays once in a while at BNN Bloomberg. I hate it when I hear their: "If you like gold, you'll love Bitcoins...." Thanks to the Bank of Canada, interest rates are remaining unchanged, which makes it easy to invest on margin if needed. No matter what, you should invest your money carefully. Yes, I decided to invest in The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U) - but it's only to sell it as quickly as possible at profit. I have no real interest in QETH.U. For the first time in my life, I am investing like a man: no feeling, no interest what so ever. Only for money. And while dealing with crypto, you should do the same, and only invest an amount that you can afford to lose. It's better to stay on the safe side when it comes to stuff like The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U) or The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.UN).

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Surprise! My net worth is now at $274,298.23 - highest net worth value EVERRR!!!!

Wow! While looking at my portfolio, even if I had The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U), I taught that I had my chances to be in quite a good position, that I had quite some money in there. Fact that I had received my paycheck last week is helping my cause. I now have $4,338.76 in cash. Since I had invested in The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U) using margin money, my margin debt had increased to $53,340.78. Eventually, that debt will decrease once I sell what I own in The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U).

With a net worth of $274,298.23, I am getting closer and closer to my $300k goal! I am now only missing $25,701.77. If we can remain in a good stock market situation, I may easily be on a $300,000 sooner than expected. We'll have to see.

Tomorrow is an important one, as Joe Biden will finally become the President of the United States. Bye-bye Trump, FOREVER please.


My debt situation on date of January 19, 2021

Margin account debt: $53,340.78 @ 4%

Annual interest: $2,133.63

On the date of January 19, 2021

**For a complete update regarding my debt, click on the label "Debt situation" located at the right column of this blog.

My investment portfolio on date of January 19, 2021

Cold cash: $4,338.76

Stocks and Units investment portfolio $CAN
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS)
Methanex Corporation (MX)
Fortis Inc. (FTS)
Pembina Pipeline Corporation (PPL)
iShares S&P/TSX Capped REIT Index (XRE)
New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI)
TMX Group Inc. (X)
K-Bro Linen Inc. (KBL)
TransCanada Corp (TRP)
Canadian National Railway Co (CNR)
Enbridge Inc. (ENB)
Emera Inc. (EMA)
Saputo Inc. (SAP)
Loblaw Companies (L)
Savaria Corporation (SIS)
WSP Global Inc. (WSP)
Aphria Inc. (APH)
George Weston Limited (WN)
Telus Corp (T)
Power Corporation of Canada Subordinate Voting Shares (POW)
The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U)
TOTAL: $125,318.57

Stocks and Units investment portfolio $US:
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B)
General Mills Inc. (GIS)
Cash: $67.19
TOTAL: $3,723.27 US: $4,745.68 CAN
Tax-free savings account (TFSA):
Dumont Nickel Inc. (DNI)
CT Real Estate Investment Trust (CRT.UN)
Canadian National Railway Co (CNR)
Exchange Income Corporation (EIF)
Brookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P. (BIP.UN)
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners L.P. (BEP.UN)
Andrew Peller Limited (ADW.A)
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD)
Boyd Group Services Inc. (BYD)
Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (CAR.UN)
Data Communications Mgmt (DCM)
Morneau Shepell Inc. (MSI)
Royal Bank of Canada (RY)
Park Lawn Corporation (PLC)
Toromont Industries Ltd (TIH)
BCE Inc. (BCE)
Boralex Inc. Class A Shares (BLX)
Richelieu Hardware Ltd. (RCH)
Savaria Corporation (SIS)
Northland Power Inc. (NPI)
Calian Group Ltd. (CGY)
Canadian Utilities Limited (CU)
WSP Global Inc. (WSP)
Granite Real Estate Investment Trust (GRT.UN)
Cargojet Inc. (CJT)
Nutrien Ltd. (NTR)
TFI International Inc. (TFII)
Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce (CM)
SIR Royalty Income Fund (SRV.UN)
Aecon Group Inc. (ARE)
Brookfield Asset Management Inc. Class A Limited Voting Shares (BAM.A)
Metro Inc. (MRU)
Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. (ATD.A)
Fortis Inc. (FTS)
CGI Inc. (GIB.A)
TMX Group Limited (X)
Brookfield Infrastructure Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BIPC)
Brookfield Renewable Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BEPC)
Suncor Energy Inc. (SU)
Rogers Communications Inc. (RCI.B)
JFT Strategies Fund Class A Units (JFS.UN)
Cash: $584.78
TOTAL: $104,846.47

RSP investment portfolio: 
Emera Incorporated (EMA)
Ovintiv Inc. (OVV)
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD)
Telus Corp (T)
Royal Bank of Canada (RY)
Savaria Corporation (SIS)
Thomson Reuters Corporation (TRI)
Park Lawn Corporation (PLC)
Richards Packaging Income Fund (RPI.UN)
Toromont Industries Ltd (TIH)
CAE Inc. (CAE)
CGI Group Inc. Class A Subordinate Voting Shares (GIB.A)
Boralex Inc. Class A Shares (BLX)
Quebecor Inc. (QBR.B)
Logistec Corporation Class B Subordinate Voting Shares (LGT.B)
Brookfield Renewable Partners L.P. (BEP.UN)
Leon's Furniture Limited (LNF)
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS)
Brookfield Renewable Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BEPC)
Cascades Inc. (CAS)
JFT Strategies Fund Class A Units (JFS.UN)
Cash: $127.39
Total: $54,144.47

CIBC Dividend Growth Fund + CIBC Emerging Markets Index Fund + CIBC Monthly Income Fund: $3,295.22

Energy and Base Metals Term Savings (Indexed term savings): $577.30
Natural Resources Term Savings (Indexed term savings): $502.45

NBI Income Fund: $1,418.34

Manulife Fidelity NorthStar GIF CAP
Manulife Simplicity Growth Portfolio 
Maritime Life CI Harbour Seg Fund
Maritime Life Fidelity True North Seg Fund
Manulife GIF MLIA B World Invest
Total: $7,971.08

Other various: $20,429.50

TOTAL: $88,338.36

Social Capital at Desjardins Membership share: $35
Online money: $16.17
Savings + Stocks, units, mutual funds + Tax-free Savings account + RRSP:

On the date of January 19, 2021

Today, Ethereum CAD (ETH) reached its highest value ever: $1,818.876!

Yesterday, it's been said on BNN that in 2020, rich got richer. Rich people had highly benefit from 2020, despite the pandemic. I am certainly not in the "rich" category, but 2020 certainly was a good year for my finances. I closed the year 2020 on a $259,661.24 net worth, which at the time was my highest net worth value ever. I am now even exceeding that highest net worth value by closed to 10k. No need to be rich to fully take advantage of the stock markets. TSX is certainly the most beautiful place to be on earth, especially in time of a pandemic. At least, I will remind of all this that on the year I celebrated my 40th birthday, I reached my highest value ever. I am still 40, and I hope that until I turn 41, I will get a good stock market, and a new highest net worth value ever. It would be too nice to hit on the so wanted $300,000 net worth before I hit on the *old* 41. So let's go baby! For me, the real richness only begins with a $300,000 net worth so you can understand why I am so excited. However, I am always in somewhat a state of excitement when it comes to my baby stocks and the TSX, I cannot help it. Especially these days, the stock market is a fun place to be.

Today, at BNN Bloomberg's The Open, Amber Kanwar shared a little interesting story. First, according to Amber Kanwar, Birkenstock and Crocs are ugly shoes. I couldn't agree more. It seems like the sector of ugly shoes is booming. The fact that more people work from home is probably helping the cause. Amber Kanwar shared an interesting story about herself this morning. When she was 25, and had her first adult job, Amber travel to Paris, where she bought an expensive pair of Louboutin shoes. I totally understand her interest for Louboutin. Their shoes are little piece of arts. Louboutin's signature red soles are quite glamorous. However personally, those types of shoes had never been in my taste, so there's no danger that I will ever spend thousands on a pair of shoes, even if I hit my so wanted $300,000. Like Amber, I prefer comfortable shoes, but not too ugly ones. Amber continued her anecdote saying that now with 2 young kids, her Louboutin are pretty much in their boxes most of the time...

Yesterday evening, the TSX was closed, obviously, but Ethereum (ETH) is trading at $1,689.50 (9:46 pm Eastern Time). Yesterday, ETH was giving the impression it was on the road to reach out its highest value ever. At now 8:43 am, on January 19, ETH trades at $1,781.92. And I even have better news, today, Ethereum (ETH) reached its highest value ever: $1,818.876. I unfortunately miss the happy event, I wasn't in front of my computer when it happens.

Currently, I don't hold directly any Ethereum (ETH) crypto, but I indirectly own some ETH via the Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U). I wanted to keep it quiet, but a long-time reader had the impression that something was going on behind me and Ethereum (ETH). And he was right! His blogging name is Liquid Independence. You can read him here. Today, Liquid launched his first YouTube video. You can watch right here.

I wanted to keep this move in The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U) a quiet one, foe many reasons. One, I have the right to keep some financial stuff to myself - I certainly do not have the obligation to write about ABSOLUTELY everything that concerns my finance or portfolio. However, I must admit that it feels somewhat weird not doing so. After all, I had been blogging about EVERYTHING that concerns my portfolio, my personal finance for almost half of my life now... (This blog of mine is celebrating this year it's 15th birthday!) Also, I don't want to actively promote The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U). This is a play trade, and not a serious investment for the long term. Nothing regulated the crypto-world, it's a dangerous world, and no one can know for sure what is next for Bitcoin and Ethereum. Also, I wouldn't like my readers to become market slave. It's more fun to be an investor because while holding to quality assets, you always have your peace of mind. You just need to check on everything, but for me, that required less energy than the actual trading real deal.

While trading, like doing the kind of move on The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U) is not exactly easy because this fund is super volatile. Yes, it is easy to buy or sell shares in your broker account, but while trading just for trading, you need to add the volatility factor - and a bunch of factors as well. Sometimes, everything won't go as smoothly as plan and the story I am going to write next is a perfect illustration of "problems" that may show up among the way, and problems that you never expected that could even happen!!!!

So it all began this way. On January 8, at the opening, I decided to buy some units of The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U). The idea was to buy and sell quickly. :-) I waited to 2 long minutes, my order wasn't getting processed! So I cancel it. However, the cancel order didn't work, the order went through anyway!!! So I decided to be a good player and keep it in. This means that, yeah, I had been secretly holding on to The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U) since January 8 inside my non-registered portfolio. Currently, The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U) has a margin value at TD Waterhouse. Since January 8, the road haven't been easy with QETH.U. At one point, I was experiencing a capital loss of over $1,000 in it! It didn't feel good, but I knew I was going to recover. And so it did. Today at the opening, The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U) registered some heavy gains. I continue to hold for now. Currently, I am at -1.51% on QETH.U. In the crypto world, everything evolved quite quickly. We are experiencing some heavy gains, and sometimes heavy losses, but that's an environment that is extremely beneficial for traders. I feel comfortable holding The Ether Fund Class A units (QETH.U) for now.

All I can say is to never desperate over anything. Always play an amount that you feel OK losing, just if a bad luck had to happen. In other words, when you trade, it's at your own risk. You remain the only person responsible for your actions. That's why I like it. See, I am my own boss on the TSX. My stocks, my decisions.

Monday, January 18, 2021

My best stock performers of all time - since 2008

I love my stocks!

Along with my series of posts that explained what a margin account is and how it works in the real-life situation, the following post is probably going to be one of the topmost valuable posts for the year ahead, if not, EVER. The following consists of a complete review of my current holdings, on the date of December 31, 2019. I only review the stocks that I had been holding, on the date of December 31, 2019. I didn't include in this review the few mutual funds and others that I hold inside my RRSP portfolio because frankly, they are worthless. The real value remains in stock. Only stocks have what it takes to push your net worth to the top.

Absolutely nothing can beat up the returns of good quality stock. The following below want to be a complete illustration of that. If you hold a good quality stock for the long run, you can expect good returns! The earlier you start, the better. Of course, nothing is guaranteed in this investment game. I hope this review will be helpful.

Below, I exposed the following information:
Stock name: it’s overall return in my portfolio. Which portfolio. Inspection date and related post, if found, on my beautiful blog. Enjoy!

Brookfield Renewable Partners L.P. (BEP.UN): +305.90%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: January 2019.
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners L.P. (BEP.UN): +291.78%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: April 2015.
Methanex Corporation (MX): +262.60%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: March 2010.
Canadian National Railway Co (CNR): +251.62%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: September 2011.
Richards Packaging Income Fund (RPI.UN): +249.25%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: July 2016.
TMX Group Inc. (X): +202.60%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: February 2011.
Cargojet Inc. (CJT): +159.22%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: October 2018.
Brookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P. (BIP.UN): +153.79%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: June 2015.
WSP Global Inc. (WSP): +135.39%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: June 2017.
Calian Group Ltd. (CGY): +105.81%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: April 2018.
Boralex Inc. Class A Shares (BLX): +105.00%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Boralex Inc. Class A Shares (BLX): +104.47%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: October 2017.
Park Lawn Corporation (PLC): +98.15%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Northland Power Inc. (NPI): +98.08%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: September 2017.
Thomson Reuters Corporation (TRI): +97.81%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: June 2016.
Brookfield Renewable Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BEPC): +92.76%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
K-Bro Linen Inc. (KBL): +91.50%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: March 2011.
New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI): +89.10%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: January 2011.
Toromont Industries Ltd (TIH): +88.92%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Toromont Industries Ltd (TIH): +86.99%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: February 2017.
George Weston Limited (WN): +85.34%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Brookfield Renewable Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BEPC): +84.92%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Fortis Inc. (FTS): +82.52%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Canadian National Railway Co (CNR): +80.72%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Emera Incorporated (EMA): +80.11%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: March 2010.
Brookfield Infrastructure Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BIPC): +77.34%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Park Lawn Corporation (PLC): +77.23%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: October 2016. 
I first invested in PLC in my non-registered portfolio, later on, I proceed with a contribution in kind and had my PLC shares switched into my TFSA portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Savaria Corporation (SIS): +76.56%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (CAR.UN): +75.68%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
WSP Global Inc. (WSP): +75.48%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Loblaw Companies (L): +72.01%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD): +70.43%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: February 2013.
TFI International Inc. (TFII): +69.29%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: October 2018.
Morneau Shepell Inc. (MSI): +69.28%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Brookfield Renewable Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BEPC): +60.54%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B): +60.39%. US portfolio. Inspection: August 2016.
Exchange Income Corporation (EIF): +60.17%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
CAE Inc. (CAE): +56.30%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: June 2017.
Emera Inc. (EMA): +49.99%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: January 2013.
CGI Inc. (GIB.A): +48.00%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Savaria Corporation (SIS): +46.50%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Saputo Inc. (SAP): +43.30%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Telus Corp (T): +42.92%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: March 2013.
Enbridge Inc. (ENB): +38.20%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: November 2011.
Granite Real Estate Investment Trust (GRT.UN): +37.83%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: August 2018.
Royal Bank of Canada (RY): +32.27%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: June 2016.
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD): +31.67%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Quebecor Inc. (QBR.B): +31.01%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: December 2017.
General Mills Inc. (GIS): +27.67%. US portfolio. Inspection: March 2018.
Leon's Furniture Limited (LNF): +27.40%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: September 2019.
TransCanada Corp (TRP): +27.24%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: August 2011.
Power Corporation of Canada Subordinate Voting Shares (POW): +26.19%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: April 2020.
Brookfield Asset Management Inc. Class A Limited Voting Shares (BAM.A): +19.77%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Royal Bank of Canada (RY): +19.19%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS): +17.03%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
TMX Group Limited (X): +14.27%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Pembina Pipeline Corporation (PPL): +13.53%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
iShares S&P/TSX Capped REIT Index (XRE): +13.22%. Non-registered portfolio. Inspection: November 2010.
JFT Strategies Fund Class A Units (JFS.UN): +10.27%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: October 2020.
Rogers Communications Inc. (RCI.B): +6.72%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS): +6.72%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: March 2020.
CGI Group Inc. Class A Subordinate Voting Shares (GIB.A): +3.17%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: Not find yet.
JFT Strategies Fund Class A Units (JFS.UN): +3.16%. RRSP portfolio. Inspection: December 2020.
Boyd Group Services Inc. (BYD): +1.03%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: June 2016.
Before, the name of this stock Boyd Group Income Fund (BYD.UN). 
Canadian Utilities Limited (CU): +0.52%. TFSA portfolio. Inspection: January 2012.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Montreal under January's snow

We received quite massive snow yesterday in Montreal. I went outside for a walk. When I came back, my coat was all wet, which makes me realize that it isn't exactly waterproof. That snow was heavy and real wet. I saw people walking around with umbrellas, which I should have done too. I didn't take any pictures because the snow kept falling yesterday, but here's my view I got from my apartment's window. The tree facing my window had been covered with heavy snow. I like that tree. It is my protector. I sometimes see little birds playing around, which I adore. It makes this apartment a bit more enjoyable.

I like to go outside when it snows like that. With no surprise, COVID cases continue to rise in Quebec province, but not only. I continue to build on my food reserve here and there, even if I find it to be an extremely annoying task. My fridge is pretty much pack. I cannot fit anything more in my freezer section. I am thinking about buying a few other things, like rice. Currently, in Quebec province, we have a curfew starting at 8 pm, but since COVID cases are still heavy in numbers, I think we may face other restrictions, which may include an earlier curfew, and maybe even the impossibility to go outside if it's not to only go to the drugstore and do grocery shopping. In Europe, some countries had established such rules, but either way, it doesn't seem like such measures successfully stop the progression of the COVID. Europeans, like Quebeckers, are not doing enough. And it seems to be the case with Ontarians too, who are just not pandemic smart. Like always in New Brunswick, my home province is the best. We are currently dealing with only a few hundred cases, at least for now.  

In the meantime, Montreal is not a bad place to be. I am going through this pandemic quite smoothly, and strangely, I own this for living in Montreal. Here, I have my favorite spots that I visit all the time. Today again, I went to one of my favorite Montreal parks. And I notice that some tree branches had failed down because of tall the snow that we had received. For some trees, it's only small damages. But for others, the damages had been bigger.

When I saw the big branches, I taught: we need my father's chainsaw here!
While building up my pantry, I quickly realize how little I had. I couldn't find my flashlight, so I buy another one, among with some batteries. I even buy some lighters. I tried to pack a bit on my necessities. I think that in Montreal, we may face some more severe measures. It could lead to some waiting lines in front of grocery stores, among others. And who says waiting lines mean more chances to get exposure to the COVID virus. While shopping for necessities, I try to pick my stores carefully. I am avoiding Dollarama stores, which don't seem to be respecting basic sanitary rules.

Recently, many problems had been reported link to Dollarama stores, even back home in New Brunswick. Cheap store with cheap ways to take care of business. I like to do my shopping at Jean Coutu, and mostly Pharmaprix (Shoppers), which gives the impression to be well maintained. The next eight months are going to be quite critical. It will be interesting to see if the vaccine has any positive effect on the radiation of the COVID. We can only pray that it will help.