
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

It feel like my rich girl problems just began

With the TSX that closed today's session in the 19,356.95 points, my numbers are much better today. My non-registered portfolio closed today at $123,991.87, my US portfolio at $4,209.06 USD, my TFSA portfolio at $117,297.79 and my RRSP portfolio, stocks only, at $57,889.92. I suspect my net worth to be in the $296,434.17. Who knows, maybe I will be able to hit on the magic 300k net worth in May.

In my TFSA portfolio, Aphria Inc. (APH) gains +8.78% over the TSX today, which is the main reason back my TFSA portfolio was able to get back in the 117k value. Inside my non-registered portfolio, one of my oldest holding - Methanex Corporation (MX) - recently began to be back in the game. Back in the days, I invested in Methanex Corporation (MX) following the 2008 stock crash. The only reason why I am enjoying MX inside my non-registered portfolio is that it's among one of my oldest holdings. I wouldn't however recommend Methanex Corporation (MX) as an investment because this one is super volatile. I am on good gains on MX, but it's only because I had been holding to it so such a long time.

Another of my old old holding inside my non-registered portfolio is Pembina Pipeline Corporation (PPL). Lately, PPL had been slowly moving to the $40 per share. Let's goooo Pembina Pipeline Corporation (PPL)! And I even have more good news. I barely ever write about this stock that I hold, also inside my non-registered portfolio: K-Bro Linen Inc. (KBL). This one is a Susan Brunner stock. You can read her here.  

This is the kind of stock that I like. something quiet, that usually goes under the radar, that no one writes about or cares about, except Susan Brunner. I like old fashion, I only like kinds of industrial stocks and I am in love with Toromont Industries Ltd (TIH), Fortis, EMA. I never heard about KBL on BNN and I listen to BNN quite regularly. But don't you dare underestimate my little baby because KBL can certainly kick some ass lol. For your information, inside my non-registered portfolio, K-Bro Linen Inc. (KBL) is on a gain of +121.13%. Today at the TSX, KBL gains +10.67%. And the reason behind this fantastic gain is that K-Bro Linen Inc. (KBL) announced that they will clean the dirty laundry for Alberta Health Services ("AHS") for the entire province. That makes a lot of ding-ding-ding $$$. 

I don't like every single stock that I am naming as old fashion. For a reason or another, I am not in love with Leon's Furniture Limited (LNF), which could be considered as old fashion, but I am holding this one inside my RRSP portfolio because LNF is a Derek Foster stock. Otherwise, LNF wouldn't be from my RRSP portfolio, trust me.

Otherwise, while being so close to the 300k net worth, I find myself in somewhat a strange place where I am thinking about doing different things with my money, of course, but I don't really know what to do next and I am somewhat lost. And the worst being that I have over $14,000 left in contribution room for my TFSA portfolio! It's a big shame. Over the years, I mostly contribute to my TFSA portfolio by doing contribution in kind, which means by taking stocks that I hold in my non-registered portfolio that getting them transferred over my TFSA portfolio. I had been doing so with stocks on which I was experiencing light or no gain at all for a reason or another, but always with stocks that I wanted to hold for the long run. Currently, if I check my non-registered portfolio, all of the stocks that I hold there are on great capital gains.

iShares S&P/TSX Capped REIT Index (XRE) could be a good candidate for a contribution in kind from my non-registered portfolio to my TFSA portfolio. However, XRE had been from my non-registered portfolio since my early beginnings and it feels like if I move or sell that little one, it could destroy everything and shade away my good luck fortune.

The relationship I have with my stocks and portfolios is really complex and sometimes even difficult to explain and probably that most of the stuff I write about probably doesn't make any sense at all to you, which makes you a total normal human being.

You can certainly say that at now being close to 300k net worth, I have rich girl problems. 

Kind of.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Timelo Investment Management Founder and Portfolio Manager Jean-François Tardif at BNN's The Open this morning

I currently have a little in savings and I just recently did what I wanted to do for a long time: I put some money in other saving accounts that I had with other banks. So I now have my savings in 3 accounts, with 3 different banks. I also decided to pay down my margin a bit. My margin debt is now at $48,535.57. My non-registered portfolio closed today session at $122,166.31 and my TFSA portfolio at $115,825.80.
If you listen to Jean-François Tardif's interview at The Open this morning, I think it would give you the motivation you might need to pay down any debt you may have. According to Tardif, from 2 to 4 years from now, inflation will be a lot worst than what we think. In the short run, we need to get our ass ready to see inflation. Knowing this, my best advice is: do the best you can to build up some savings, and I will be doing the same. And now knowing this, I don't feel like investing, but that being just for now.

You can watch Timelo Investment Management Founder and Portfolio Manager Jean-François Tardif at BNN right here.

Jean-François Tardif believes that inflation will hit us hard and that we'll have to print less money, and interest rates will have to increase. Bonds will be at risk. Tardif focuses on COVID recovery stocks, specifically on COVID beneficiaries, as well on stocks that will benefit from the after COVID. This inflation environment is bad for bonds, as well as for some type of stocks.

Here's a little of stocks list that Jean-François Tardif has a positive review, that makes a great investment for the current time:

Among those stocks, the most interesting one for me is CIX.

Just in case you feel a bit lost by all this, you can always invest your money in the JFT Strategies Fund Class A Units (JFS.UN), which's the fund managed by Jean-François Tardif. 

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Thinking about Healthcare Special Opportunities Fund (MDS.UN) as my next investment for my TFSA portfolio

The TSX closed this past Friday session on 19,102.33 points. My numbers are of course lowers, but they are not too bad either way. Today, my non-registered portfolio closed at $121,574.12, my US portfolio at $4,215.94 US, my TFSA portfolio at $115,259.20 and my RRSP portfolio - stocks only - at $57,983.50. Overall, my numbers are doing ok.

I currently have over $550 in cash inside my TFSA portfolio. That cash is coming from the dividend distribution that I earned inside my TFSA portfolio. I won't invest that money right now, but I am currently looking around to find something that could be a good fit for my already awesome investment portfolio, so I did some searches on Stockopedia, which I didn't consult in a little while. I went through all Stockopedia's screens and I came with a list of stocks. And this evening I reduce that list to a few stocks, and I came with the following list of stocks as new investment ideas:

TransAlta Renewables Inc. (RNW), $19.79 per share, Dividend: 4.75%

North West Company Inc. (The) (NWC), $36.32 per share, Dividend: 3.965%

Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (AQN), $20.18 per share, Dividend: 3.89%

National Bank of Canada (NA), $88.04 per share, Dividend: 3.226%

Information Services Corporation Class A Limited Voting Shares (ISV), $24.91 per share, Dividend: 3.212%

Sylogist Ltd. (SYZ), $17.29 per share, Dividend: 2.892%

Intertape Polymer Group Inc. (ITP), $29.09 per share, Dividend: 2.714%

Healthcare Special Opportunities Fund (MDS.UN), $13.38 per stock, Dividend: 2.042%

Intact Financial Corporation (IFC), $163.51 per share, Dividend: 2.03%

PFB Corporation (PFB), $20.90 per share, Dividend: 1.722%

Vecima Networks Inc. (VCM), $14.75 per share, Dividend: 1.492%

Empire Company Limited Non-Voting Class A Shares (EMP.A), $39.41 per share, Dividend: 1.31%

Hardwoods Distribution Inc. (HDI), $33.88 per share, Dividend: 1.181%

Enghouse Systems Limited (ENGH), $57.24 per share, Dividend: 1.118%

Equitable Group Inc. (EQB), $132.09 per share, Dividend: 1.12%

Winpak Ltd. (WPK), $43.56 per share, Dividend: 0.275%

While establishing that list, I tried to stay away from any stocks related to the financial sector. National Bank of Canada (NA) is in as a little exception, as well as Intact Financial. I already express previously my interest in Empire Company Limited Non-Voting Class A Shares (EMP.A). It could be a good idea as an investment. But right now, I have a fixation on Healthcare Special Opportunities Fund (MDS.UN). Other than maybe Savaria Corporation (SIS) that I hold in my non-registered and TFSA portfolio, I don't have any exposer to the healthcare sector. For that reason, I found Healthcare Special Opportunities Fund (MDS.UN) to be quite interesting. However, that fund is quite mysterious. No one talks about the Healthcare Special Opportunities Fund (MDS.UN), it's hard to find any insight or opinion regarding that fund because just no one seems to be excited by the fund. Also, LDIC Inc. seems to be a low-profile and old fashion firm, which I don't exactly dislike.

I conduct some searches on Google and the most interesting find was probably Genevieve Roch-Decter, who used to be a fund manager at LDIC Inc. Roch-Decter now has a blog, Grit Capital. You can even have a look at her investment portfolio, right here. You can register for her newsletter, it seems to be free to enroll, which I did. It's always interesting to know what other people hold in their portfolios. In the case of Genevieve Roch-Decter, it's quite interesting because she had worked in the financial sector. Roch-Decter may be the daughter of Michael B. Decter, who's the CEO of LDIC Inc. It's easy to be successful when you are a daddy little princess. Michael B. Decter had been involved in politics, which for me is not a turn-on. I wouldn't invest big money via any funds managed by LDIC Inc. Politicians are rats and it's better to stay away from anyone who actually got involved so directly in politics.

If I decide to invest in Healthcare Special Opportunities Fund (MDS.UN), it will only be a small investment, less than 2k. I don't think an investment in Healthcare Special Opportunities Fund (MDS.UN) can bring on a lot in terms of capital gain. It's a fund that will try to preserve the initial capital invested and pay some dividends, but this is not a fund that I can possibly get rich on. I will need to continue my search to get on the big bucks.

I never heard of Information Services Corporation Class A Limited Voting Shares (ISV) before, and I don't really get what they do, but this one could be a good option for a small investment.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

I am now on my highest net worth value EVER, $297,614.64 AND celebrating 2,021,250 views on this blog!

I was surprised yesterday to see how much my numbers were good. After all, between this past Thursday and Friday, the TSX had only grown by +29.42 points. I was scared that my TFSA portfolio might have fallen because of the situation concerning Aphria Inc. (APHA). APHA closed yesterday's session at $17,69. If the deal with Tilray doesn't go through, it could be bad for Aphria. Since I hold many stocks inside my TFSA, and that it's also inside my TFSA that I hold my Bitcoin fund investments, I am having - in my opinion - great protection against investment like Aphria Inc. (APHA) that decided suddenly to go down. 

Despite that, at now $117,564.27, my TFSA portfolio value is far from being down. That's because I hold on to super-strong stocks that exploded in value in the past couple of months. Two of those super wild dogs being TFI International Inc. (TFII) and Cargojet Inc. (CJT). I must admit that my timing for investing in those two was just perfection. At a moment, without further notice, TFII and CJT just decided to EXPLODE over the TSX. I had been lucky AND smart enough to pick those two for my TFSA portfolio. In my investment portfolio, Cargojet Inc. (CJT) is on a +118.56% gain, and TFI International Inc. (TFII) on a +148.54% gain.

I just notice now that I made a little mistake in my TFSA portfolio: I no longer own Richelieu Hardware Ltd. (RCH). I sell RCH at profit when I have the chance back in August 2020. I now have corrected the little mistake in here and over there.

I currently have $6,216.38 in savings. I would like to push that amount to 10k. With a 300k portfolio, I figure that a 10k in cash will do the thing. Unfortunately, I won't be able to save any money between now and mid-May because I have rent and bills to pay for, and not to forget the something like $200 I have to pay back for my taxes.

A quick last note: this lovely blog is now exceeding the 2 million page views! I just realize that today :-)

Friday, April 16, 2021

My investment portfolio on date of April 16, 2021

Cold cash: $6,216.38

Stocks and Units investment portfolio $CAN
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS)
Methanex Corporation (MX)
Fortis Inc. (FTS)
Pembina Pipeline Corporation (PPL)
iShares S&P/TSX Capped REIT Index (XRE)
New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI)
TMX Group Inc. (X)
K-Bro Linen Inc. (KBL)
TransCanada Corp (TRP)
Canadian National Railway Co (CNR)
Enbridge Inc. (ENB)
Emera Inc. (EMA)
Saputo Inc. (SAP)
Loblaw Companies (L)
Savaria Corporation (SIS)
WSP Global Inc. (WSP)
George Weston Limited (WN)
Power Corporation of Canada Subordinate Voting Shares (POW)
TOTAL: $123,166.28

Stocks and Units investment portfolio $US:
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B)
General Mills Inc. (GIS)
Cash: $81.06
TOTAL: $4,218.42 US: $5,291.59 CAN
Tax-free savings account (TFSA):
Dumont Nickel Inc. (DNI)
CT Real Estate Investment Trust (CRT.UN)
Canadian National Railway Co (CNR)
Exchange Income Corporation (EIF)
Brookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P. (BIP.UN)
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners L.P. (BEP.UN)
Andrew Peller Limited (ADW.A)
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD)
Boyd Group Services Inc. (BYD)
Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (CAR.UN)
Data Communications Mgmt (DCM)
Morneau Shepell Inc. (MSI)
Royal Bank of Canada (RY)
Park Lawn Corporation (PLC)
Toromont Industries Ltd (TIH)
BCE Inc. (BCE)
Boralex Inc. Class A Shares (BLX)
Savaria Corporation (SIS)
Northland Power Inc. (NPI)
Calian Group Ltd. (CGY)
Canadian Utilities Limited (CU)
WSP Global Inc. (WSP)
Granite Real Estate Investment Trust (GRT.UN)
Cargojet Inc. (CJT)
Nutrien Ltd. (NTR)
TFI International Inc. (TFII)
Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce (CM)
SIR Royalty Income Fund (SRV.UN)
Aecon Group Inc. (ARE)
Brookfield Asset Management Inc. Class A Limited Voting Shares (BAM.A)
Metro Inc. (MRU)
Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. (ATD.A)
Fortis Inc. (FTS)
CGI Inc. (GIB.A)
TMX Group Limited (X)
Brookfield Infrastructure Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BIPC)
Brookfield Renewable Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BEPC)
Suncor Energy Inc. (SU)
Rogers Communications Inc. (RCI.B)
Telus Corp (T)
JFT Strategies Fund Class A Units (JFS.UN)
Aphria Inc. (APH)
Bitcoin Fund The Class A units (QBTC)
Purpose Bitcoin ETF CAD ETF non-currency hedged units (BTCC.B)
Cash: $492.53
TOTAL: $117,564.27

RSP investment portfolio: 
Emera Incorporated (EMA)
Ovintiv Inc. (OVV)
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD)
Telus Corp (T)
Royal Bank of Canada (RY)
Savaria Corporation (SIS)
Thomson Reuters Corporation (TRI)
Park Lawn Corporation (PLC)
Richards Packaging Income Fund (RPI.UN)
Toromont Industries Ltd (TIH)
CAE Inc. (CAE)
CGI Group Inc. Class A Subordinate Voting Shares (GIB.A)
Boralex Inc. Class A Shares (BLX)
Quebecor Inc. (QBR.B)
Logistec Corporation Class B Subordinate Voting Shares (LGT.B)
Brookfield Renewable Partners L.P. (BEP.UN)
Leon's Furniture Limited (LNF)
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS)
Brookfield Renewable Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BEPC)
Cascades Inc. (CAS)
JFT Strategies Fund Class A Units (JFS.UN)
Cash: $344.65
Total: $58,150.24

CIBC Dividend Growth Fund + CIBC Emerging Markets Index Fund + CIBC Monthly Income Fund: $3,409.98

Energy and Base Metals Term Savings (Indexed term savings): $577.30

Natural Resources Term Savings (Indexed term savings): $502.45

NBI Income Fund: $1,365.87 $

Manulife Fidelity NorthStar GIF CAP
Manulife Simplicity Growth Portfolio 
Maritime Life CI Harbour Seg Fund
Maritime Life Fidelity True North Seg Fund
Manulife GIF MLIA B World Invest
Total: $8,436.20

Other various: $22,238.93

TOTAL: $94,680.97

Social Capital at Desjardins Membership share: $35
Online money: $48.04
Savings + Stocks, units, mutual funds + Tax-free Savings account + RRSP:
On the date of April 16, 2021

Thursday, April 15, 2021

At now $296,307.38, my net worth is at its highest value ever

As soon as the market close today, I quickly updated my portfolio because with a beautiful TSX closing at 19,321.92 points, I knew I was up for some hot stuff. And so I did! My net worth is now at $296,307.38. I am now really close to the so wanted $300,000. The idea to reach that amount before my 41 birthday is making me feel quite happy. It's just strange that all this is happening while we are still stuck in a pandemic. All of my fantastic results are kind of not making any sense at all! However, I won't complain more than that.

For this year, I think we are in for even more gains on the stock market. It's been said that in the US, they begin to go see somewhat of a financial rebound. Here in Canada, I don't really know, since we are still so badly hit with COVID, not even half of the population got vaccinated yet. The whole vaccination process is simply taking way too long and it will eventually slow down our economic recovery. But fact that the US is on the good track is a good factor for us.

I am still closely watching my two Bitcoin funds: Bitcoin Fund The Class A units (QBTC) and Purpose Bitcoin ETF CAD ETF non-currency hedged units (BTCC.B). Currently, if I would be selling those two investments right now, I would be collecting $613 in profit. Nice amount, but I do not need money and I am willing to wait for even more before selling those two investments.

I don't have new investment plans in mind, I am just trying to control my expenses and save more money.

My investment portfolio on date of April 15, 2021

Cold cash: $6,216.38

Stocks and Units investment portfolio $CAN
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS)
Methanex Corporation (MX)
Fortis Inc. (FTS)
Pembina Pipeline Corporation (PPL)
iShares S&P/TSX Capped REIT Index (XRE)
New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI)
TMX Group Inc. (X)
K-Bro Linen Inc. (KBL)
TransCanada Corp (TRP)
Canadian National Railway Co (CNR)
Enbridge Inc. (ENB)
Emera Inc. (EMA)
Saputo Inc. (SAP)
Loblaw Companies (L)
Savaria Corporation (SIS)
WSP Global Inc. (WSP)
George Weston Limited (WN)
Power Corporation of Canada Subordinate Voting Shares (POW)
TOTAL: $122,788.36

Stocks and Units investment portfolio $US:
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B)
General Mills Inc. (GIS)
Cash: $81.06
TOTAL: $4,170.58 USD: $5,246.17 CAN
Tax-free savings account (TFSA):
Dumont Nickel Inc. (DNI)
CT Real Estate Investment Trust (CRT.UN)
Canadian National Railway Co (CNR)
Exchange Income Corporation (EIF)
Brookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P. (BIP.UN)
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners L.P. (BEP.UN)
Andrew Peller Limited (ADW.A)
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD)
Boyd Group Services Inc. (BYD)
Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (CAR.UN)
Data Communications Mgmt (DCM)
Morneau Shepell Inc. (MSI)
Royal Bank of Canada (RY)
Park Lawn Corporation (PLC)
Toromont Industries Ltd (TIH)
BCE Inc. (BCE)
Boralex Inc. Class A Shares (BLX)
Richelieu Hardware Ltd. (RCH)
Savaria Corporation (SIS)
Northland Power Inc. (NPI)
Calian Group Ltd. (CGY)
Canadian Utilities Limited (CU)
WSP Global Inc. (WSP)
Granite Real Estate Investment Trust (GRT.UN)
Cargojet Inc. (CJT)
Nutrien Ltd. (NTR)
TFI International Inc. (TFII)
Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce (CM)
SIR Royalty Income Fund (SRV.UN)
Aecon Group Inc. (ARE)
Brookfield Asset Management Inc. Class A Limited Voting Shares (BAM.A)
Metro Inc. (MRU)
Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. (ATD.A)
Fortis Inc. (FTS)
CGI Inc. (GIB.A)
TMX Group Limited (X)
Brookfield Infrastructure Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BIPC)
Brookfield Renewable Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BEPC)
Suncor Energy Inc. (SU)
Rogers Communications Inc. (RCI.B)
Telus Corp (T)
JFT Strategies Fund Class A Units (JFS.UN)
Aphria Inc. (APH)
Bitcoin Fund The Class A units (QBTC)
Purpose Bitcoin ETF CAD ETF non-currency hedged units (BTCC.B)
Cash: $492.53
TOTAL: $117,231.55  

RSP investment portfolio: 
Emera Incorporated (EMA)
Ovintiv Inc. (OVV)
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD)
Telus Corp (T)
Royal Bank of Canada (RY)
Savaria Corporation (SIS)
Thomson Reuters Corporation (TRI)
Park Lawn Corporation (PLC)
Richards Packaging Income Fund (RPI.UN)
Toromont Industries Ltd (TIH)
CAE Inc. (CAE)
CGI Group Inc. Class A Subordinate Voting Shares (GIB.A)
Boralex Inc. Class A Shares (BLX)
Quebecor Inc. (QBR.B)
Logistec Corporation Class B Subordinate Voting Shares (LGT.B)
Brookfield Renewable Partners L.P. (BEP.UN)
Leon's Furniture Limited (LNF)
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS)
Brookfield Renewable Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BEPC)
Cascades Inc. (CAS)
JFT Strategies Fund Class A Units (JFS.UN)
Cash: $344.65
Total: $57,974.12

CIBC Dividend Growth Fund + CIBC Emerging Markets Index Fund + CIBC Monthly Income Fund: $3,387.50

Energy and Base Metals Term Savings (Indexed term savings): $577.30

Natural Resources Term Savings (Indexed term savings): $502.45

NBI Income Fund: $1,358.16 

Manulife Fidelity NorthStar GIF CAP
Manulife Simplicity Growth Portfolio 
Maritime Life CI Harbour Seg Fund
Maritime Life Fidelity True North Seg Fund
Manulife GIF MLIA B World Invest
Total: $8,377.77

Other various: $21,953.10

TOTAL: $94,130.40

Social Capital at Desjardins Membership share: $35
Online money: $47.41
Savings + Stocks, units, mutual funds + Tax-free Savings account + RRSP:
On the date of April 15, 2021

My debt situation on date of April 15, 2021

Margin account debt: $49,387.89 @ 4%

Annual interest: $1,975.52

On the date of April 15, 2021

**For a complete update regarding my debt, click on the label "Debt situation" located at the right column of this blog.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Does 3iQ CoinShares Bitcoin ETF worth the hype?

I think I may have reached $295,000 in net worth, and that being despite the gap created by Aphria Inc. (APHA) who decided to go down by -14.19%. Currently, inside my TFSA portfolio, my investment in Aphria Inc. is down to -18.93%. Today, my non-registered portfolio closed the session at $122,434.61, my US portfolio at $4,176.66 US, my TFSA portfolio at $116,805.36 and my RRSP portfolio - stocks only - at $57,711.73. I am probably in the $295k, but I am just not in the idea of updated my portfolio right now.

Also in my TFSA portfolio, my dividend income generated $418.07 in cash. My investment in Bitcoin Fund The Class A units (QBTC) gains +20.85% and my investment in Purpose Bitcoin ETF CAD ETF non-currency hedged units (BTCC.B) gains +8.86%. If I would be selling now those two investments, I would be caching in a profit of $416.53, after commissions, free of tax. Nice, but I am willing to hold on to those two Bitcoin investments for now. 

Between Bitcoin Fund The Class A units (QBTC) and Purpose Bitcoin ETF CAD ETF non-currency hedged units (BTCC.B), QBTC is by far better investment than BTCC.B. The Bitcoin Fund The Class A units (QBTC) is more volatile than BTCC.B, but this only works in its favor. However, I like to have something less volatile, like BTCC.B. My little favorite, Bitcoin Fund The Class A units (QBTC), is a 3iQ Corp's fund. Recently, 3iQ Corp announced the release of a new fund, 3iQ CoinShares Bitcoin ETF. I don't exactly understand the mix between 3iQ Corp, Bitcoin and CoinShares International Ltd. The 3iQ CoinShares Bitcoin ETF is not yet trading over the TSX. It will be interesting to see how this now fund turn out to be.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

I now had reached my highest net worth value EVER: $294,735.64

I had updated my investment portfolio. I was under the impression that I was in the 250k. It didn't happen for this time, but with now a net worth of $294,735.64, I am getting closer and closer to the $300,000. While being almost there, $300,000 doesn't feel like I felt over it before. Suddenly, $300,000 doesn't feel like being that much money, now that I am so close to it. From there, it will be interesting to see how things are turning out. Over the years, as my investment portfolio and net worth grow, I was able to notice that things just got easier and easier, in the sense as soon as I reached one goal after the other, it just seems that everything was getting into place, and that, after all, I wouldn't have to work that hard to have what I want.

When I started this blog almost 15 years ago, my only goal was to build on a $50 000 net worth. It felt like a huge amount for me at that time, but to my surprise, I was able to reach that amount quite quickly. From there, the idea to build on an even larger investment portfolio value came naturally, there was just no turning back. Money has never been extra important to me, but as I began saving money, earning more, and investing more and more, I kind of just wanted more. More is always better, especially with $$$.

My investment portfolio on date of April 9, 2021

Cold cash: $6,216.38

Stocks and Units investment portfolio $CAN
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS)
Methanex Corporation (MX)
Fortis Inc. (FTS)
Pembina Pipeline Corporation (PPL)
iShares S&P/TSX Capped REIT Index (XRE)
New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI)
TMX Group Inc. (X)
K-Bro Linen Inc. (KBL)
TransCanada Corp (TRP)
Canadian National Railway Co (CNR)
Enbridge Inc. (ENB)
Emera Inc. (EMA)
Saputo Inc. (SAP)
Loblaw Companies (L)
Savaria Corporation (SIS)
WSP Global Inc. (WSP)
George Weston Limited (WN)
Power Corporation of Canada Subordinate Voting Shares (POW)
TOTAL: $122,273.26

Stocks and Units investment portfolio $US:
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B)
General Mills Inc. (GIS)
Cash: $81.06
TOTAL: $4,133.30 US: $5,176.96 CAN
Tax-free savings account (TFSA):
Dumont Nickel Inc. (DNI)
CT Real Estate Investment Trust (CRT.UN)
Canadian National Railway Co (CNR)
Exchange Income Corporation (EIF)
Brookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P. (BIP.UN)
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners L.P. (BEP.UN)
Andrew Peller Limited (ADW.A)
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD)
Boyd Group Services Inc. (BYD)
Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (CAR.UN)
Data Communications Mgmt (DCM)
Morneau Shepell Inc. (MSI)
Royal Bank of Canada (RY)
Park Lawn Corporation (PLC)
Toromont Industries Ltd (TIH)
BCE Inc. (BCE)
Boralex Inc. Class A Shares (BLX)
Richelieu Hardware Ltd. (RCH)
Savaria Corporation (SIS)
Northland Power Inc. (NPI)
Calian Group Ltd. (CGY)
Canadian Utilities Limited (CU)
WSP Global Inc. (WSP)
Granite Real Estate Investment Trust (GRT.UN)
Cargojet Inc. (CJT)
Nutrien Ltd. (NTR)
TFI International Inc. (TFII)
Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce (CM)
SIR Royalty Income Fund (SRV.UN)
Aecon Group Inc. (ARE)
Brookfield Asset Management Inc. Class A Limited Voting Shares (BAM.A)
Metro Inc. (MRU)
Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. (ATD.A)
Fortis Inc. (FTS)
CGI Inc. (GIB.A)
TMX Group Limited (X)
Brookfield Infrastructure Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BIPC)
Brookfield Renewable Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BEPC)
Suncor Energy Inc. (SU)
Rogers Communications Inc. (RCI.B)
Telus Corp (T)
JFT Strategies Fund Class A Units (JFS.UN)
Aphria Inc. (APH)
Bitcoin Fund The Class A units (QBTC)
Purpose Bitcoin ETF CAD ETF non-currency hedged units (BTCC.B)
Cash: $418.07
TOTAL: $116,887.58

RSP investment portfolio: 
Emera Incorporated (EMA)
Ovintiv Inc. (OVV)
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD)
Telus Corp (T)
Royal Bank of Canada (RY)
Savaria Corporation (SIS)
Thomson Reuters Corporation (TRI)
Park Lawn Corporation (PLC)
Richards Packaging Income Fund (RPI.UN)
Toromont Industries Ltd (TIH)
CAE Inc. (CAE)
CGI Group Inc. Class A Subordinate Voting Shares (GIB.A)
Boralex Inc. Class A Shares (BLX)
Quebecor Inc. (QBR.B)
Logistec Corporation Class B Subordinate Voting Shares (LGT.B)
Brookfield Renewable Partners L.P. (BEP.UN)
Leon's Furniture Limited (LNF)
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS)
Brookfield Renewable Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BEPC)
Cascades Inc. (CAS)
JFT Strategies Fund Class A Units (JFS.UN)
Cash: $340.30
Total: $57,567.40

CIBC Dividend Growth Fund + CIBC Emerging Markets Index Fund + CIBC Monthly Income Fund: $3,387.16

Energy and Base Metals Term Savings (Indexed term savings): $577.30
Natural Resources Term Savings (Indexed term savings): $502.45

NBI Income Fund: $1,362.79

Manulife Fidelity NorthStar GIF CAP
Manulife Simplicity Growth Portfolio 
Maritime Life CI Harbour Seg Fund
Maritime Life Fidelity True North Seg Fund
Manulife GIF MLIA B World Invest
Total: $8,376.86

Other various: $21,936.06

TOTAL: $93,710.02

Social Capital at Desjardins Membership share: $35
Online money: $27.19
Savings + Stocks, units, mutual funds + Tax-free Savings account + RRSP:
On the date of April 9, 2021