Let'sssss gooooooo. The $320k net worth is now not far away. And the 400k is just around the corner so watch out.
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
My investment portfolio on date of July 28, 2021
Cold cash: $7,914.59
RSP investment portfolio:
CIBC Dividend Growth Fund + CIBC Emerging Markets Index Fund + CIBC Monthly Income Fund: $3,475.21
Energy and Base Metals Term Savings (Indexed term savings): $577.30
Monday, July 26, 2021
Welcoming my highest net worth EVER: saying a warm hello to a super HOT $315,407.64
It's official, I now had reached my highest net worth ever with a lovely good-looking $315,407.64. I didn't listen much to BNN today, but like always, I listened to The Open and I am glad I did because today, Jon Erlichman interviewed Jean-François Tardif. You can listen to the interview right here.
It's too bad, but my Pembina Pipeline Corporation (PPL) had been kicked out of Inter Pipeline Ltd. deal. During this morning interview at BNN's The Open, Jean-François Tardif named a few stocks. One of those stocks was AirBoss of America Corp. (BOS). I never heard of that stock before and I find it quite interesting. Basically, BOS is in the "rubber" industry lol. According to Tardif, they have military contracts. BOS overall chart is looking good. AirBoss of America Corp. (BOS) is also very well rank in Stockopedia and the company appears on many screens, which is interesting. I may consider BOS as a potential future investment for my stocks portfolio.
It's just really funny that I had reached today my highest net worth value ever because these days, I am more or less following the stock market and I am more or less watching BNN. And because I am not really into the game these days, I haven't invested in that hot stock that I just keep writing about: PFB Corporation (PFB). And guess what. These days, PFB value just keeps growing and growing. It's a shame that I haven't invest in PFB Corporation (PFB) yet. And the worst thing is that again today, PFB made some interesting gains!
I am just feeling in a strange place right now for some reason with Montreal sky being full of smog. I may check again PFB tomorrow at the opening to see where it is going.
My investment portfolio on date of July 26, 2021
Cold cash: $7,748.99
RSP investment portfolio:
CIBC Dividend Growth Fund + CIBC Emerging Markets Index Fund + CIBC Monthly Income Fund: $3,492.18
Energy and Base Metals Term Savings (Indexed term savings): $577.30
Friday, July 23, 2021
My debt situation on date of July 23, 2021
Margin account debt: $48,664.88 @ 4%
Annual interest: $1,946.60
On the date of July 23, 2021
**For a complete update regarding my debt, click on the label "Debt situation" located at the right column of this blog.
My investment portfolio on date of July 23, 2021
Cold cash: $7,748.99
RSP investment portfolio:
CIBC Dividend Growth Fund + CIBC Emerging Markets Index Fund + CIBC Monthly Income Fund: $3,492.51
Energy and Base Metals Term Savings (Indexed term savings): $577.30
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
I like it when the TSX is in the 20,000 points, that's all
The TSX got into a little correction, but today at least, the TSX closed again in the 20,000 points, making it to 20,110.05 points. This is an happy place. The TSX had been doing quite really well this year. I made it to my first $300,000 net worth just back in May of this year. And now, when a little correction is going on, I am feeling kind of bad. I am just not used to it anymore. It's like we had been in that really rich happy place and when the market decided to take it away from me, it's hurting pretty badly. It's rough and tough and not enjoyable. However, believe it or not, my non-registered portfolio closed today session at a good $128,525.37, my TFSA closed today session among what I believe is it's highest value of this year, at $120,955.82. Same thing with my RRSP stocks only portfolio, which closed the session at $59,593.57, which is in its highest value ever.
The new normal for the TSX is definitely in those 20,000 points. I cannot see the TSX in the 19,000 points anymore. It feel reassuring to have a TSX in the 20,000 points.
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
In the search of a new investment
Today, Brian Madden was a guest at BNN's Market Call. I find his comments quite interesting. One of Brian Madden's top tips is a stock that I had been from my non-registered portfolio for many years now: New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI). He had a positive review on NFI. Its been a tough road for New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI) and Brian Madden's good words about the company came in as a little reward. In my non-registered portfolio, I am on a +118.62% gain with New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI).
I also really like to hear Brian Madden's opinion concerning Air Canada, you can listen to it here.
I agree, no one should invest in a company that is requesting government money to remain operational. I like Brian Madden's common sense on that matter. In that matter, Quebec businesses like Air Canada and Bombardier are the top queen, and a big no-no when it comes to any serious future investment pick.
The TSX closed yesterday in its highest value EVER and as result, my non-registered portfolio closed the session at $128,360.77, my TFSAP portfolio at $119,829.52, and my RRSP portfolio - stocks only - at $59,195.71. My numbers are quite strong. I estimate my net worth to be still in the $311,000 because I am not yet exceeding my good portfolio results of June 15, 2021.
Today, my non-registered portfolio closed at $128,413.27, my TFSA portfolio closed at a really good $120,031.97 and my RRSP portfolio - stocks only - at $59,355.69.
So far, I am having a quiet summer, in which I don't expect to make major expenses. And this of course will be leaving me with plenty of cash to do whatever I want with it! It's exciting, but it's a headache to find something to invest in. I don't want to overpay for a brand new investment, I want to invest in a really good stock that pays dividend distribution and that will also bring on a good capital gain in the long run. Actually, with this new investment, I want to hit the jackpot and it needs to be a super good investment pick! I am in no rush, and I can take all my time.
I like to use Stockopedia to find new investment ideas. Since I start using its platform back in XXX, Stockopedia had been a real life-changing experience because allow me to find new investment pick on my own. No more need to wait desperately before finding something new, fun, and lucrative to invest in. I had taught a lot lately about PFB Corporation (PFB), and for many reasons.
PFB Corporation (PFB) appears in Stockopedia's Free Cash Flow Cows Screen, which targets stock at a fair trading value that has full of cash aside.
I previously announced that my next investment was going to be in Hardwoods Distribution Inc (HDI), but HDI doesn't appear in Stockopedia's Free Cash Flow Cows Screen. Also, HDI share values are pricier than PFB. Luckily, Susan Brunner reviews lately Hardwoods Distribution Inc (HDI). According to Susan: "This stock price testing suggests that the stock price is relatively expensive."
Since I am trying to play this smart, I won't invest now in a stock that Susan Brunner considers as being expensive because it would be somewhat a stupid investment move.
Also, I previously wrote about Stelco Holdings Inc. (STLC), saying I would like to invest in it. But I am having now a second taught. In Stockopedia, STLC ranking in so-so, and just to make things a bit more difficult, Stelco Holdings Inc. (STLC) appears in 2 short selling screens.
One thing I am sure of, I will probably invest in PFB Corporation (PFB) quite soon.