
Monday, January 31, 2022

Is it time to partly sell my investment in ATCO Ltd. (ACO.Y)?

Nice gains for the TSX today, which is backing a comeback in the marvelous 21,000 points - closing at exactly 21,098.29 points. I just love days like this! Days with a +300 points gain are quite rare and need to be celebrated when it happens. My non-registered portfolio closed today session at $138,405.17, my US portfolio at $4,830.32 US, my RRSP portfolio - stocks only - at $66,194.89 and my TFSA portfolio at $125,492.09.

I received earlier today a "contest" email from National Bank Direct Brokerage saying if I contribute $1,000 to my TFSA or $500 to my RRSP account by March 1th, I was entitled to win one of the 20 prices of $1,000. That's quite nice. It's all I needed to quickly push my TFSA contribution. It's a real shame, but so far for 2022, I didn't contribute to my TFSA, but I, however, contribute to my RRSP. I wasn't really excited to contribute to my RRSP, but now that I am getting quite established, and that my net worth is still probably in the $320,000-$330,000, I decided that investing a few thousand in my RRSP wouldn't hurt, especially to enjoy a little tax break. I am probably close to an income of $70,000 for 2021. I think I will be able to contribute to a 1k for my TFSA portfolio before the end of February.

Tomorrow, we'll already be in February. Time is passing by more or less quickly. The weather was still cold today. We have a mix of days where the weather is very cold, and then it became a bit better. I usually don't go out when it's a -20. While dealing with this bad weather, I watch closely my stocks and my investment portfolios I am just hoping that 2022 will bring it a bit of stability. All that volatility is a bit hard to take, especially during this pandemic. It seems like the stock market is the only place to enjoy somewhat of a comfort zone. I am looking forward to hitting on the $140,000 inside my non-registered portfolio.

ATCO Ltd. (ACO.Y) had always been of a difficult holding of mine. Inside my TFSA portfolio, ACO.Y is currently on a loss of -3.15%. Nothing terrible or too hard to see, but after holding ATCO Ltd. (ACO.Y) for such a long time, I would have really appreciated seeing something more sustainable as a reward. I hold many stocks on my portfolio, but I watch closely all of them. Today, ACO.Y gains +3.365%, which is good. Following this happy event, I am asking myself, would it be a good time to partly sell my investment in ATCO Ltd. (ACO.Y)? 

I began to feel a bit impatient. For me, selling something like half of the shares I hold of ACO.Y could help me to be more satisfied with my TFSA portfolio. I may do so.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Experiencing extreme cold weather in New Brunswick and flat gain for the TSX (yesterday)

This morning, the weather is super cold in New Brunswick. Where I am located, the temperature is currently -32. Let's say that I am making sure that my cell phone is fully charged... I cannot sleep properly in my bedroom when I feel the heat of the electric heater, which I just hate. It makes me feel like I am in a microwave or something. I prefer when my room is cold, and I sleep comfortably in my bed with some layers of blankets. Actually, I just have two blankets, but it's enough for me. We experimented with some very cold weather earlier this winter, but we had been ok so far. We only have an electricity outage for an hour or so a few days ago, right after dinner.

This past night, it hit -39. At those cold temperatures, the heat pump stops working. It actually needs to be close because a heat pump will just not work when it's -39... We also have some ice that shows up at the bottom of inside old windows that look like this. 

This is what happens with old windows - and why it's costly to have a home because eventually, many things need to be fixed or changed in a home - including windows, roof, the bathroom... I don't think it is worth it for the middle class to be homeowners, especially in big cities where housing and just everything basically, is so costly. I way prefer to have been a renter and have my money work for me and generate dividend income, through dividend payer stocks. Mortgage debt is just a creator of financial stress and even worst, it makes you become a slave to your job. 

Yesterday, the Bank of Canada didn't increase interest rates, but it will eventually. I guess that the fact that we are still in this pandemic plays a role in that decision, but we are dealing with some heavy inflation and our government is basically doing nothing to preserve our financial environment. It appears that the only way to decrease inflation is to increase interest rate. By not taking action, Bank of Canada is not being responsible and is not helping Canadians. It's a real shame.

We were about to score some serious points back yesterday for the TSX, but unfortunately, it didn't turn around like expected and we closed the day on a little 20,595.89 points. We are no longer in the 21,000 points, but at least, we are still on the 20,000 points... We basically gain kind of nothing yesterday, it was a flat day, leaving my non-registered portfolio at $135,106.30, my US portfolio at $4,768.54 US, my RRSP portfolio - stocks only at - $64,738.92, my TFSA portfolio at $122,269.25. Days with no gain are boring.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Welcoming a few new stocks inside my RRSP portfolio!

Today also had been quite volatile for the TSX, but not as much as yesterday, that's for sure. The TSX closed the session at 20,590.98. I guess we can all be happy to be - at least - in the 20,000 points. Under the circumstances, I think overall that my investment portfolio is reacting quite well. My non-registered portfolio closed today session at $134,531.88, my US portfolio at $4,768.83 US, my RRSP portfolio - stocks only - at $64,702.67 and my TFSA portfolio at $121,721.98.

BNN's Market Call show was quite interesting today. Andrew Bell welcomed David Baskin, president of Baskin Wealth Management. You can watch the whole show right here. In my opinion, David Baskin gave very good pieces of advice during that session.

I had contributed to one last $1,500 for my RRSP a few days ago. That money hasn't been invested yet, it was in my RRSP portfolio doing nothing. So since the TSX is acting crazy, I decided to go crazy all the way and to have a little investment party of my own. I invested in a bunch of stocks today. Before checking on my list - because I know you will AND you should lol - please keep in mind that I don't disclose the number of stocks that I hold per investment - so don't you ever believe that I made some super huge investment today (in term of $$$ amount). But in terms of quality, the quality is HUGE.

Here are the stocks I invested today for my RRSP portfolio:
Bank of Nova Scotia (The) (BNS)
National Bank of Canada (NA)
Maple Leaf Foods Inc. (MFI)
Finning International Inc. (FTT)
Information Services Corporation Class A Limited Voting Shares (ISV)
ATS Automation Tooling Systems Inc. (ATA)
Algoma Central Corporation (ALC)
Guardian Capital Group Limited (GCG)
Vitreous Glass Inc. (VCI)
TELUS Corporation (T)
Interfor Corporation (IFP)
Taiga Building Products Ltd. (TBL)
Nutrien Ltd. (NTR)
Open Text Corporation (OTEX)

BNS, NA, T, and NTR are no strangers to my portfolio, I already own some of those shares. Below $30 per share, Telus shares are kind of a nice deal for me. It's getting harder and harder to find good quality stocks under, let's say, $50 per share. I had been interested in ATA for quite some time and I am now happy to have it in my RRSP portfolio. As for OTEX, it's been in my portfolio a long time ago, but now it's back in my RRSP. 

I wrote about ALC in a previous post. I got in MFI just to get a bit of exposure to the "food" industry if I can say. TBL is one of my great finds on Stockopedia, just like IFP and ISV. And also FTT. FTT is a bit rocky, it's for me in the same kind of operations as TIH.

I had spotted Vitreous Glass Inc. (VCI) quite some time ago on Stockopedia. For me, VCI is a bit like Richards Packaging Income Fund (RPI.UN). And with VCI, you can certainly say that I am now a "glass" specialist investor kind of.

Despite it all, today had been quite a fun day. And the best thing is, I still have money at my disposal to invest inside my TFSA and RRSP portfolios :-)

Crazy Monday for the TSX!

Yesterday had been quite of a rollercoaster ride for the TSX! At a point in the day, the TSX was trading in the 19 000 points... On that single day, the TSX lowest value had been at 19,912.59 points, and its highest value at 20,577.35 points. That's a 664.76 points difference right there and I don't remember the last time I went through such volatility in one single day. This market shit is getting just too intense for my nerves.

It wasn't pretty to watch. I had quite a busy day at work yesterday, I didn't have too much time to watch the disaster. I just told myself, ok, the TSX is probably going to recover from this tomorrow... And I quickly move on to what I needed to do. My non-registered portfolio closed yesterday session at $133,487.07, my US portfolio at $4,744.43, my RRSP portfolio - stocks only - at $64,788.26, and my TFSA portfolio at $122,201.85. My numbers are not too bad. This morning, both Bitcoins and Ethereum had gained points. Maybe we are in for good gains overall at the opening.

I know that the investment game is not a day-to-day situation, but I like to have a look at my stocks every single business day, and it's not only because of the margin debt that I hold within my non-registered portfolio.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

My newest investment idea coming straight from Stockopedia: Algoma Central Corporation (ALC)

So far, January hasn't been an easy month. The current COVID situation, the lockdown in New Brunswick - where I am currently staying - the extreme cold weather of the past couple days which made it clearly impossible to enjoy the outdoors, and finally, add to this the extreme volatility over the TSX... Right now, life is a bit rough and tough. Its not all dark, as the weather slowly began to show some signs of normality, at least here in New Brunswick. I had fix my hair problem with a good hair mask and a new shampoo and conditionner, so no need to bring the scissors. I was trying to save up some money using my mother products. It work for a while, until I reached the broking point. I was able to enjoy the outdoors this weekend. Not being able to go outside to take some walks is more than I can handle. Here is what outdoor is looking like these days.

You may have notice, this past Friday, the TSX lost over 400 points. I can live with the COVID situation, but I don't like those times when the TSX undergo a market correction. I honestly really dislike it when the TSX is losing points like this. The year 2022 marks my 15th year as a "retail investor". For the past 15 years, do I have to say that I prefer a relatively stable stock market situation, with me in it shining bright like a diamond. Its been the case in 2021, I had shined like never before, hitting my highest net worth ever, at a nice $340,312.77. Currently, with 20,621.39 points, my non-registered portfolio closed this past Friday session at $134,604.46, my US portfolio at $4,776.33 US, my RRSP portfolio - stocks only - at $65,082.45 and my TFSA portfolio at $122,704.11. I am certainly not on a $340k net worth, but we still have a whole year ahead to recover so let's go. 2022 is starting like a slap on the face.

I received this past week my third vaccine dose. I wasn't able to get the Pfizer. I got stuck with the Moderna. I asked for Pfizer, but I was told that they are keeping Pfizer doses for kids and teenagers. I had a preference for Pfizer because my first two doses were actually with Pfizer, and I didn't get any negative effects if not just some pain in my arm. Its actually been the same thing with Moderna. Once I get back in Montreal, I will have to take an appointment to have this third dose register into my  Quebec's vaccine passport.

It feel to me like I haven't invest in something new for the longest time. Like usual, I do from time to time some browsing on Stockopedia. Sometimes, I get lucky and get to find something that make me feel like I has just find a new really unique investment idea. Recently, my prousdest find using Stockopedia had been Algoma Central Corporation (ALC). ALC kind of remembered me of Westshore Terminals Investment Corporation (WTE). WTE used to be in my investment portfolio. I sold WTE because I found that the title was too volatile for my taste. When I hold an investment, I am looking forwatf for both steady grow AND dividend distribution. Sometimes, an investment doesn't turn as expected. It's ok to sell, especially if you have the chance to sell at profit a stock that no longer meet your expectations.

For me, Algoma Central Corporation (ALC) is a better version of Westshore Terminals Investment Corporation (WTE). I wouldn't invest a super big amount in Algoma Central Corporation (ALC), but I would feel comfortable to place a small investment in ALC, especially now that I have some cash available to in my RRSP portfolio.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

The newest TSX's hottest stock of 2022: Ovintiv Inc. (OVV)

As predicted, the weather is super cold right now in New Brunswick. It will remain cold again tomorrow, after what, we'll get a little break, but later in the week...we'll have - again - some cold temperatures. So this is making it really a perfect time to check out my stocks and do some browsing over Stockopedia. Yesterday, I did it, I contribute one last $1,500 over my RRSP portfolio. Following what, I am done with contributing to my RRSP for 2021. Now begin for real my financial journey for 2022!

This past Friday session, my non-registered portfolio closed the session at $137,896.93, my US portfolio at $4,962.80, my RRSP - stocks only - portfolio at  64 915,32, and my TFSA portfolio at $124,843.69. I hold on to many stocks in my portfolio, and I had been holding many of them for a long time. Ovintiv Inc. (OVV) is one of those stocks. I hold OVV inside my RRSP portfolio. Before trading under the name of Ovintiv Inc. (OVV), this company was known as Encana Corp. I don't know for you, but personally, I preferred the name Encana over Ovintiv. 

Back in the day, Encana Corp. was a Derek Foster's stock. Even though OVV used to be a Derek Foster's stock, I haven't done well on that stock. I had done so badly on OVV that I am currently on a capital loss of -67.44% on that stock. This had been a hard hit to take in, but sincerely, I always taught I was going to recover from my losses on that stock, so that's why Ovintiv Inc. (OVV) had remained in my RRSP portfolio. 

This past Friday, I got a nice surprise concerning Ovintiv Inc. (OVV). For a reason or another, OVV gained +7.23% on that one single day. I still have a long way to go before I can recover that -67.44% loss, but I remain confident, still to this day. On January 12, Simply Wall St published an article regarding Ovintiv Inc. (OVV) explaining that its intrinsic calculation "suggests it's 48% undervalued". I am not exactly aware of what is an intrinsic calculation, but a 48% undervalued sound like being a pretty good thing to me. 

Does a 48% undervalued mean that Ovintiv Inc. (OVV) is currently trading at a bargain price? It could be because OVV appears in one of Stockopedia's bargain stocks screens. And surprise, surprise, Stockpedia rate Ovintiv Inc. (OVV) as a Superstock. Fine enough, however, I wouldn't recommend Ovintiv Inc. (OVV) as an investment idea, I kind of suffer too much on that stock.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Embracing F COVID Lockdown (!Level 3!) in New Brunswick

The weather had been very cold in New Brunswick for the past couple of days. Today was a lot better, but we are expecting again some very cold temperatures this weekend. By very cold temperature, I mean a mean -20C. I forgot just how cold it could get here in New Brunswick. We are getting a cold rush right on time for the lockdown. We are getting some tighter restrictions here in New Brunswick starting tomorrow, at exactly 11:59 pm. This lockdown is not really changing anything for me. I warn my old folks not to go eat at restaurants and not to do any interior activities. COVID shit is not for us. Working remotely from New Brunswick is going quite well so far.

I never cut my own hair before, but I am willing to try to cut the ends of my hair just a bit because it began to feel a bit rough. I think I can do a great job cutting my own hair. The trick is to cut, but only a bit at the end. I have curly hair so it doesn't really matter if the cut is not super straight. One thing for sure, with this lockdown, I won't be able to get a haircut from a professional for at least the next two weeks. And actually, I prefer to cut my hair by myself. With Omicron going on, New Brunswick had been quite slow at calling for a lockdown, it's a real shame. With the COVID, everything you took for granted - including your own health - is at risk. It's no joke. You really have to stay away from people outside your immediate family members as much as you can.  

I am getting my third COVID vaccine here in New Brunswick. I was able to get an appointment for later this month. Things are a bit more complicated for me since my health assurance is with Quebec province, but I was able to take an appointment over the phone. For the website, it only works with a New Brunswick health card. Once I will get back to Montreal, I should be able to have my third vaccination validated for my Quebec VaxiCode, but it will require an appointment. I plan to go back only later at the end of Spring. I am just hoping that my third dose is going to be a Pfizer one.

I don't like going out when the weather is too cold, but I spent around 1 hour outside today, spending a part of it doing my favorite winter activity: removing snow from the driveway. If there's not too much, I can do the job in less than 30 minutes. If there's a lot of snow, it can easily turn into an hour job. I especially loved it when it heavily snows in the morning so I can go clean it up during my lunch break, and I go clean again once I am done at work. Otherwise, my father takes care of it with his snowblower. I never used that machine myself. For the snow, I prefer the workout with a simple snow shovel. I never actually used a lawnmower of my life, or either way a snowblower.

I am getting ready to invest another $1,500 for my 2021 RRSP, Following what, it's close to 6k that I would have contributed to my RRSP for 2021. It really costs me to do so, but I don't really have a choice if I don't want to pay too much in taxes. My job income exceeds $60,000. On top of that, I will have a bit of capital gain to pay, and I also have a dividend income inside my non-registered portfolio on which I will have a bit to pay in taxes... Overall, I won't be that far away from a $70,000 income. It could seem like a lot of money, but sincerely, it's not. It feels tight being in my shoes, trust me.

I don't expect to invest any more money in my RRSP, except that upcoming $1,500.

In 2022, I am just going to try not to spend too much money and I will do my very best to stay in control of my money. It's sincerely all that I hope for, financially speaking.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

What's next for my investment portfolio?

Those 21,084.45 points of this past Friday left my non-registered portfolio closing at $136,771.07, my US portfolio at 4,886.92 US, my RRSP - stocks only - portfolio at $65,034.43 and my TFSA portfolio at $125,034.67. At a point, I don't if you had noticed, but the TSX went under the 21,000 points this past Friday and it killed me. I don't like to watch disasters in real-time. Luckily enough, the TSX saved the day all by itself, closing a bit high than the 21,000 points.

Currently, I am trying to see what can be done in a better way. There's always room for improvement with an investment portfolio. Even if I find that mine is very very close to perfection, I want to have a sense of what's going in there. For a reason or another, the month of June is always very good for me, and more specifically around June 24, which is a Quebec holiday. I always had great success around that time of year doing some trading operations, selling-buying stocks, and thinking about my finances. January is also a great time to look over a bit deeper into things. 

For example, inside my RRSP portfolio, I have the following for a really long time:

Energy and Base Metals Term Savings (Indexed term savings)

Natural Resources Term Savings (Indexed term savings)

Those guaranteed investment certificates had now expired, leaving me with a bit over $1,100 to invest in something new, which I need to pick up. Also, a new year also means a new TFSA contribution. It's a new $6,000 that can be contributed over a TFSA portfolio, which represents quite a good sum of money

Over the years, I had used the "contribution in kind" system as a way to contribute to my TFSA portfolio. This is the main reason why I hold so many stocks inside my TFSA portfolio. It's because, over the year, I transferred stocks that I was holding inside my non-registered over my TFSA portfolio.

This is my way of doing it with the contribution in kind: I take stocks from my non-registered portfolio, and I transferred them "as is" over my TFSA portfolio. I learned the words "as is" just a few months ago while transferring my entire stocks investment portfolio from TD Direct over to National Bank Direct Brokerage. I try to pick stocks from my non-registered portfolio that are not experiencing an extremely good capital gain. It's because capital gain taxes need to be paid on stocks that you transferred from a non-registered to a TFSA portfolio.

At the present time, I only see one potential candidate inside my non-registered portfolio for a contribution in kind over my TFSA portfolio, and that's Saputo Inc. (SAP). My investment in Saputo Inc. (SAP) had been in my non-registered portfolio for quite a long time. I am on a capital gain of +17% on SAP. This specific capital gain represents less than $200. I am ok to pay a capital gain tax on this little sum. On the other hand, this, unfortunately, reveal that Saputo Inc. (SAP) is not a super performer, it's only an ok stock. I am however willing to keep in my portfolio because it brings on a bit of diversification.

Another thing I want to take care of is to switch the CIBC Emerging Markets Index Fund's units that I hold inside my RRSP portfolio for another CIBC mutual fund. I was thinking about CIBC Canadian Equity Value Fund.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Two investment ideas to start the New Year: Open Text Corporation (OTEX) and Suncor Energy Inc. (SU)

I just realize now that I still had PFB Corporation (PFB) in my latest portfolio update, under the list of stocks that I hold inside my TFSA portfolio. Unfortunately, PFB got acquired by a company that's not trading over the TSX, and as result, PFB Corporation got delisted. This means that now, PFB Corporation (PFB) is nowhere to be found over the TSX. It's a bit frustrating because I work really hard at trying to find new and reliable stocks to invest in. For me, it was clear, PFB Corporation (PFB) was my next pot of gold. It had actually, in a way because I received a dividend, a special dividend and great cash following PFB delisted, but my idea was more growth in the long term, rather than a quick and easy $$$.

Also under the list of stocks hold inside my TFSA, I finally modified the name of Morneau Shepell Inc. (MSI) to its current name, LifeWorks Inc. (LWRK). Overall, I am a gain of 39.32% on LifeWorks Inc. (LWRK). It seems impressive, but that's only because I had been holding on to my LWRK stocks for a very long time, at a time when LWRK was trading under the name and ticket of Morneau Shepell Inc. (MSI). For the past 3 years, LifeWorks Inc. (LWRK) chart hasn't been really impressive. And on top of everything, LWRK is not really well ranked on Stockopedia. I hold LWRK inside my TFSA portfolio only because I had been holding to it for a really long time. However, I wouldn't recommend LWRK as a new investment. You can find much better stock ideas for your investment.

Earlier today, I received a couple of alerts from my Yahoo Finance application regarding Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.B), Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD), and Royal Bank of Canada (RY) indicating that they had reached an all-time high value. However, the TSX didn't close on a high note today. With today's 21,039.66 points, that left me with a non-registered portfolio at $134,953.28, my US portfolio at $4,816.30 US, my RRSP portfolio - stocks only - at $65,789.17, and my TFSA portfolio at $125,858.30.

While the TSX was losing -0.93%, the JFT Strategies Fund Class A Units (JFS.UN) was gaining +0.476%. This is the reason why I like to have some JFS.UN units in my portfolio because it bring in a sort of stability within the chaos.

I am still checking around for new stocks to invest in. However, I don't plan to do my first investment in 2022 in the next few days. In my previous post, I explained that I plan to put some money aside on my margin, as well as or my savings. For that reason, I prefer to wait until the end of the month before investing in anything, just to make sure it remains within the limit of my budget. 

While remaining patient, I may have spotted at least two stocks to invest in. For 2022, its been said that energy stocks might be a good investment. And I agree with this article regarding Suncor Energy Inc. (SU). I already own some Suncor Energy Inc. (SU) stocks in both my RRSP and TFSA portfolios. I have a bit of room to increase my intake on Suncor. Now that I am trading with National Bank Direct Brokerage, I have the liberty to invest whenever and whatever amount. The $0 commission fee is giving me all the liberty of the word.

Another investment idea I have is Open Text Corporation (OTEX). Earlier in November 2021, Open Text Corporation (OTEX) CEO Mark Barrenechea talked on BNN. You can listen to his interview right here. I find Barrenechea quite interesting. A couple of years ago, Open Text Corporation (OTEX) was in my investment portfolio. I get rid of it because I wasn't satisfied with its growth, but now, I am ready to get back in OTEX. I wouldn't mind placing a small investment in Open Text Corporation (OTEX). this time, I would buy my shares in OTEX and just forget about them. It would be an investment made in the long run. In one of her latest posts, Susan Brunner refers to a site, and on it, I find this article regarding OTEX.

While trying to catch on to some good stocks to invest in, I like to take some walks, whenever the weather is not too cold. Other than working, watching TV, and searching for stocks, walking is my main activity. This being said, I rarely go out when the weather hits behind -15. Here are some pictures of what I can see around: trees, trees and... more trees :-)

Monday, January 3, 2022

Happy New Year, Investors!

Well, it seems like I am closing the year 2021 with a net worth of $339,434.39. Unfortunately, I am not exceeding my highest net worth reached back on November 8 - of now last year - with a super nice $340,312.77. It doesn't really matter, but it would have been quite fun to close the year on my highest note ever.

I had been enjoying a few vacations days. COVID is hurting hard here in New Brunswick. I am just confused about what I should do regarding the third vaccine dose against COVID. Anyway, my age group is not concerned yet. Later on, in 2022 I will be turning 42. Luckily, I didn't get the COVID so far, but that's involved a lot of sacrifices, like not going to the gym or the movies, not going to the restaurant, etc... From the sort, I told myself that I wasn't going to get sick from that Chinese virus. There's only one way not to get infected. It's quite simple: stay away from people, and reduce contacts to the extreme minimum. It's not too hard because I kept myself busy. I work full-time, I try to exercise regularly... I also have my investment portfolio to watch, and I sometimes browse on Stockopedia, searching for new investments. Currently, the only thing I am missing on is a good haircut. With Omicron, just getting a haircut is super risky right now. I like to get a haircut every 2-3 months. 

At the end of the year 2021, Stelco Holdings Inc. (STLC) made some great announcements. STLC will get involved in the recycling of electric vehicle batteries. It's a big deal that left STL on almost a 6% gain on the last trading day of 2021.

For 2022, I came with quite an ambitious monthly plan for my money. Other than my regular monthly expenses, I came with the following numbers:

Margin debt: $533 per month

TFSA contribution: $417 per month

Saving account: $334 per month

RRSP contribution: $208

Vacation: $200

Overall TOTAL: $1,692

I have quite a list of big payments in there, especially knowing that nothing of this concerns my rent, regular bills, and groceries, which I estimate roughly around $1,600 per month, sometimes less. A payment of $533 a month on my margin account debt is quite huge for me. Fortunately enough, I can count on my steady dividend income. For example, in the month of January, instead of costing me $1,692, it's only $752.72 that will come out of my pocket to cover my margin debt, TFSA, savings, RRSP, and vacation saving.

I never put away money specifically for my vacation. I never really strictly plan my budget before, but that didn't stop me from being able to reach over $300,000 in net worth. Putting away a bit of money for my vacation is something I am starting this year. I probably won't do much because of COVID, but I like the idea to have x amount of money available at my disposal for when I will need it. I am also planning to put away a monthly $334 in savings. What I am actually trying to do here is to break down my habits of living paycheck per paycheck. Not that I am not in a good place, but I would like to be more, let say, establish financially speaking.

This year, I would like to pay down my margin debt, which is currently at $46 545,27. I am now with National Bank Direct Brokerage. I don't have a bank account or credit line yet with National Bank. This is making it difficult for me to navigate safely the stock market with my margin account debt because I cannot transfer cash immediately in my margin in case I need it to. I currently have a great buffer, I do not fear. However, I like to have the option to easily add cash to my margin account in case of need. I prefer to play on the safe side. Currently, if I want to add cash to my margin account that I hold with National Bank Direct Brokerage, I need to wait something like 2-3 days. The cash fund, since coming outside National Bank, is not being transferred in real-time. That's something that is quite annoying for me. And it's the main reason why I am looking forward to pay down my margin debt in 2022.