Let's go Methanex Corporation (MX)! MX had been in my non-registered portfolio since the early beginning. Back in the day, my MX stocks were trading below $20. I had made a nice return on MX and I had been holding it ever since. Personally, I did very well on Methanex Corporation (MX) for the only reason that I invested in it a very long time ago. But I wouldn't recommend MX as an investment because its title is just super volatile. The volatility doesn't show up that much when you look at the overall chart, but you can trust me on that one, MX is volatile:

I never really mind MX volatility because my entry point was quite low - below the $17 per share - and my capital in MX had grown a lot over the years, making it quite easy for me to endure any volatility at all. For a newcomer, I wouldn't recommend MX. Other stocks in the same kind of chemical sector also seem to be dealing with quite some volatility of their own as well. Just take for example Chemtrade Logistics Income Fund (CHE.UN). CHE.UN is even more volatile than my baby MX, take a look for yourself:

I am not looking forward to investing in any more Methanex Corporation (MX) stocks, or anything related to the same kind of chemical sector. At this time, I have much more of an appetite for conservative stocks, and for savings as well. I paid my rent a few days ago and my savings are now at $9,224.85. For years, I had been living paycheck per paycheck - because I was investing most of it in my investment portfolio. But now I am very proud to be in the 10k - or around 10k - in terms of savings. I would actually like to see that amount in the 15k-20k. I feel like 10k feel is a bare minimum, especially knowing that I will have to buy a new laptop at some point in the near future.
With Methanex Corporation (MX) latest dividend increase, my overall dividend income is now just a few dollars shy away from the $11,000, which was about time. If I consider the dividend earns inside my non-registered and TFSA portfolio, I earn an equivalent of $761.55 per month, which is enough to cover my rent, my cell phone bill, and a few coffees. Next, I would like to have enough to cover my Internet and cable bill. Currently, I am under a billing suspension with Videotron while I am in New Brunswick, but on regular months, my Internet and cable bill reaches $179 per month. It's now too much for me. Before I hit back Montreal, I will call Videotron to work on something, like cutting the cable to a bare minimum. As for the Internet, I cannot really cut on that but maybe they can offer a better deal. Possible to make it to $90 after taxes, Videotron? I would like to keep my cable because I like listening to LCN and BNN during the day while working.
The TSX closed this past Friday session at 20,762.00 points, losing 359 points. It's certainly not a fun time to be an investor. My non-registered closed today session at $142,488.48, my US portfolio at $4,976.05, my RRSP stocks-only portfolio at $65,334.24, and my TFSA portfolio at $125,525.36. It wasn't a good day for a couple of my stocks, including my beloved New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI) which went down Friday by -14.996%. These days,
NFI is having a hard time. During an economic downturn, New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI) always goes down but always recovers at some point.
Some other stocks are mine, when they are not increasing their dividend distribution like Methanex Corporation (MX), are going quite well. Its the case with
TFI International Inc. (TFII) and
Whitecap Resources Inc. (WCP). It's not all dark out there but let's say I am not enjoying the market super volatility and I am mostly extra careful with my spending.
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