Monday, December 30, 2024
You’ve got to watch Derek Foster’s interview with Robin Speziale on YouTube!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Thinking about Derek Foster
I remember my reading of Stop Working. In his first book, Derek Foster, somewhere in his introduction, talked about things he would like to do rather than working. One thing was about building Web site, another one to do the military training, among other. Now that he had sold out biggest part of his investment, I wonder what Derek Foster is now doing, if he had joined the military or what else lol.
Derek Foster should start a blog of its own and applied Google AdSense ads into it. Wouldn’t be cool lol?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Earning New Dividends
Saturday, March 28, 2009
About Derek Foster selling his investments or what love is all about
I do not judge him on what he did, but I do have an opinion on it. I read an article online of the Toronto Star. DF was explaining that he had soled it all because of some search he did. I do not know what he had found, but gees, he is totally out of track lol. Like if I know what I am talking about or something lol. I do not know what he had learned about, but no matter what he did, its clear for me that I will never sale my precious little assets. Those are going to stay with me until the end. And I still plan to invest more in stocks in the next upcoming months – unless I got lay off from the 2 jobs I had left lol.
I guess I have to respect his position. And its true is position is not the same, knowing he had a family to support. I guess he did what he believe was in the best interest for him and his family.
In that article, at the question if he would continue to sale his books, DF answers yes. And this disturbs me. He continues to sale his books on his Web site (, free of any kind of advertisements by the way lol. Like man, you are selling a strategy you do not even believe in yourself! Come on!!! That’s disturbing. But who am I to judge. It’s not now or ever that I am going to say bad stuff on the man who makes me discovers the fabulous and painful (lol) world of stocks. And make me discovers TD Waterhouse bad services.
DF is out of the stock market, but I am still in. And I plan to invest at least 30 000$ per year for the next 4 years or so in order to achieve financial freedom. I might continue to work just to have more cash to invest and become, basically, a multimillionaire lol.
It’s true I own DF a lot like: awful services from TD Waterhouse and lol, loosing more than 10 000$ of my very own money in the stock market. But more seriously, what DF did – trying to explain the stock market to small people well, its extraordinary, its give strength to proceed and just « go for it » lol. If it wouldn’t be of his books, I would probably still and only investing in mutual funds. My Td Waterhouse portfolio had an initial value of about 30 000$ and now, the 30 000 worth 20 000. Which I consider still good knowing the stock market conditions. It’s not like my initial 30 000$ worth now 5 000$ or so. The stocks market worth it a try.
I do not have the best portfolio ever – but it’s not the worst one either. For me, my portfolio is – well, let’s say... show up some great potential to grow overtime – lets say it that way lol. And I am never going to sale any part of it.
But what’s nice about DF is that he decided to go public with it. He could have sale and not telling no one – it will only had been between him and… those guys at TD Waterhouse… lol. His public move is very courageous. I wonder what his projects are now. He might be trying to do some money online lol!! Just hilarious knowing that’s what I had been trying to do those last days.
It’s hard to believe he had decided to grudge into his 400 000$+ for his living. If DF had decided to move out of the stock market, it might be because things might be pretty rough out there. But of cause, I know almost anything about it.
Why investment is also about love and on why I love the stocks market
I believe in Barack Obama more than anything. That’s basically why I am still in « it », because I believe in him and in his administration. More than anything else. And knowing how much we, as Canadians, depend on the US, just knowing that its BO who’s taking care of business, I sleep well at night and I never intent to sale any of my investments – ever since I saw Barack Obama the first time on television lol. For me, I believe Derek Foster lost that confidence and that’s what make him sale all of his investments. Maybe because he is a man and didn’t fall in love with BO like I did. It’s pure love. BO is a black angel and he’s going to fix EVERYTHING. This is how a strong believer I am.
And a true believer like myself do no fear the market in bad times. But this is the perfect timing for me. This is what I had been waiting for! A bad stocks market, low prices and a lot of time ahead. And right now, the combination of those 3 elements are united for my own benefit.
I had been following the stocks market since something like 2005. Back than, I had purchased Fidelity Frotiere Nord with Desjardins. It was a 1 000$ initial investment. Its not now that I am going to sale anything for sure.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Ignatieff calling Mulroney: WHY? (or happy birthday criminal)

So far on this blog, I haven’t written at all on politic. But this time, I just had too, as I find the event very disturbing.
Weak, superficial and arrogant, this is how I describe what a Mulroney family spokesperson had called a "class act."
That poor man accept more than 200 000$ to promote a friend, arms dealer Karlheinz Schreiber, and in date of today, did everyone forget about this? In this affair, Brian Mulroney had been very arrogant. And from my point of view, Mulroney DO NOT deserves any public reconnaissance – especially coming from a politician. Now, if Michael Ignatieff thing he will get closer to Quebeckers because he had wished a man without loyalty and desperately suffering from a lack of judgment, well, Ignatieff than, is not better than Mulroney and I wish him GOOD LUCK. He will need some! How disturbing!!! I just hope Mulroney will be send to jail!
Like for myself, I read the 3 books of Derek Foster so many times – just in order to UNDERSTAND INVESTMENTS and how to do things the right way. But its look like some of today’s leader does not get simple things right like that.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Pembina Pipeline Income Trust all the way in April!
Here where things are getting interesting and hot:
At this time, I am working hard to pay off my credit line in order to be able to use some money from it back and purchase – if not 300 units – at least 200 units of PIF.UN. But for that, I need more cash and save more money.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Some good news
I understand I should probably get ride of them and sale them all, but I prefer to keep them as I feel I don’t have that much money to invest in stocks and if something would had to happen to my stocks whatever the reason could be, I wouldn’t like to be out of money. But I might no more invest in mutual funds.
Regarding my account at TD Waterhouse, I decide to keep the account and use it, even for the reason exposed in the previous post, I really wanted to close it. The thing is that I investigated. If I decide to close the account TD Waterhouse staff will have access to my information for a period of 1 or 2 years. After what, my account will go into their archives for 7 years. After 7 years, but only after 7 years, everything disappears. This is the difficult part for me. That’s the only reason why I will keep the account. And another reason is that since I subscribed to eService, I won’t get any fees for being inactive. So I decide to keep the account. I won’t do what that poor Lisa O’Toole tell me to do (I suggest to read the previous post to understand). I know I shouldn’t complain, but investments are the only thing in my life I have totally the control on, and I want to keep it that way. I don’t want idiot to tell to send my SIN and another ID via the mail. Which I find totally stupid, knowing I had presented those items once I open the account. Anyway, I understand. And no one else seem to understand, especially TD Waterhouse agent, I have to tell. And I have a lot to tell. I won’t put my trust in them to get some advices on how to invest my money. Because I worth more than that.
I had good news this last Friday; I got a call from the place where I used to work on Saturday and Sunday. It’s seemed like they now have work for me… And I now will have 3 jobs. It’s really too bad it’s coming back now, especially during summer time. But I don’t care that much, the only thing I care about, as usual, is the money. I expect to earn 761$ after taxes weekly. This is very good. So this weekend was my last off weekend. I went to the movie and I did a bit of shopping and it was all, after doing the usual.
I also put an extra 4 000$ in the TD Waterhouse account. So now I have 9 000$ to purchase stocks. And I am kind of lost at this point. So iShares or stocks, I am kind of desperate. The best option should be stocks I believe, and maybe I should stick on the ones of Derek Foster book, even if after what happen at TD Waterhouse, I really begin to hate the man. The thing is he explain that he start with a TD Waterhouse account and the eServices, without suggesting his readers to do the same. At some point, the guy has responsibilities toward his readers, even if his books start with a disclaimer. And especially knowing his books are bestsellers. I just hope he is saying right.
Monday, May 26, 2008
About my TD Waterhouse account
TD Waterhouse or not, I plan to purchase 8 000$ in iShares:
2 500$ in iShares CDN LargeCap 60 Index
2 500$ in iShares CDN Materials Sector Index
3 000$ in iShares CDN Energy Sector Index
I hate TD Waterhouse.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Up, up, up!
And also about that DRIP thing he explains in his book, I am not feeling that sure about it. It's too difficult for me to invest monthly. Just like for my RRSP. I prefer to invest all in one time. I didn't register to any DRIP yet.
I had been quite busy at all kind of things. And since I work from 9 to midnight from Monday to Friday, there's not too much I can do during week days. But I like it because time pass really quickly and money just keep coming in my bank account. I work at really low salary job and for the studies I made, I deserved much more. But at this time, let say everything fit well together and I don't mind too much.
Next week is going to be better because I have Saturday and Sunday off and I will be able to do my search and maybe, purchase my first iShare units. Finally.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Reading Derek Foster Books
I have been quite busy this weekend with work and it didn’t give me too much time to do what I really wanted to do: read Derek Foster two books I have bought from the Chapters located downtown on St-Catherine. It’s a good thing that it’s Eastern tomorrow, because I really need a brake and I really need to continue my reading.
It’s getting hard on me, since I finish work at
I want to post that final check to American Express to pay what I have left to pay, about 65$. So by the end of March 2008, I will be finally free of credit card debt. I continue to pay my regular expenses, with a Visa (I love Visa, it’s not like American Express, which seems to barely be accept where I go shopping). Only places I where able to pay with my American Express is at Wal-Mart and Reitmans. Otherwise, groceries store do not accept AE. But I like AE because of its Air Miles. And I don’t give a damn regarding that report that they didn’t want to translate in French. I just dislike living in