The Dividend Girl
Because life is all about money and a bunch of other things
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Sunday, March 13, 2016
The very fabulous Dividend Girl
Ever since I return from Varadero, Cuba, my portfolio is going all the way up up up! My portfolio is now at $210 072.35. This leave me a ne...
My investment portfolio on date of March 11, 2016
On date of March 11, 2016: Non registered Investments: Stocks and Units investment portfolio $CAN Timminco (TIMNF): $0.26 Bank of Nova Sco...
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Sunday, March 6, 2016
Overview of my financial situation from April 2015 to now
Yesterday, I update my portfolio holdings and my debt situation. I haven't post a portfolio update since April 2015 . At that time, the...
Saturday, March 5, 2016
My debt on date of March 4, 2016
$ 65 057.90 at 4.25% (margin money coming from my broker account) = $ 2 764.96 in annual interest [In date of March 4, 2016]
My investment portfolio on date of March 4, 2016
On date of March 4, 2016: Non registered Investments: Stocks and Units investment portfolio $CAN Timminco (TIMNF): $0.24 Bank of Nova Scot...
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
My vacations at Mercure Playa de Oro in Varadero, Cuba - Part 1
I came back from my trip in Varadero last week. Going back to work in the snow, rain and slush was quite rough and it seem like I saw nothi...
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Brian Gallant is stealing the show at Tout le Monde en Parle. Way to go Brian!
New Brunswick economy never been on a golden road, and it seem like now more than ever, my hometown province is suffering from the current ...
Monday, February 1, 2016
Again, JFT Strategies Fund (JFS.UN) playing with my nerves
Sorry to begin this new post this way, but I still didn't received my JFT Strategies Fund (JFS.UN) dividend. Tomorrow, I am going to ca...
Sunday, January 31, 2016
JFT Strategies Fund (JFS.UN): where are my dividends from the January 15 special distribution???!!!
It was a released to see the TSX going back to almost 13 000 points. My non-registered portfolio almost closed at 125k. It actually closed ...
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
You don't need Weight Watcher to lose wait, common sense is the key
My non-registered portfolio closed today session at $119 098.23 - which is way better than what I had been on lately. These days, I spend a...
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