The Dividend Girl
Because life is all about money and a bunch of other things
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Friday, November 5, 2021
Historic of my Total assets and Net worth values on date of November 5, 2021
So far for 2021... Total in assets: $387,068.51/Net worth: $338,959.91 - HIGHEST NET WORTH VALUE EVER! November 5, 2021 Total in assets:...
My investment portfolio on date of November 5, 2021
Cold cash: $7,153.93 Stocks and Units investment portfolio $CAN Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) Methanex Corporation (MX) Fortis Inc. (FTS) Pembi...
My debt situation on date of November 5, 2021
Margin account debt: $ 48,108.60 @ 3.75% Annual interest: $ 1,804.073 On the date November 5, 2021 **For a complete update regarding my d...
Friday, October 29, 2021
Welcome in my RRSP portfolio Suncor Energy Inc. (SU)!
Yesterday, since I had a little amount available to invest inside my RRSP portfolio, I decided to invest in Suncor Energy Inc. (SU). Do I re...
Monday, October 25, 2021
Welcome in my TFSA and RRSP portfolio Rogers Communications Inc. (RCI.B)!
It's only earlier this morning that I decided to invest in Rogers Communications Inc. (RCI.B). It wasn't exactly planned. During The...
Sunday, October 24, 2021
Does Stantec Inc. (STN) worth the excitement?
The TSX didn't register super great gains this past Friday. However, it closed on a good 21,216.15 points. It seems like the 21,000 poin...
Thursday, October 21, 2021
I reached my highest value EVER on October 20: welcoming a SUPER $336,781.52 NET WORTH
Yesterday was quite a good day for my investment portfolio. I was able to close the day with a total of $384,785.92 in assets, and a net wor...
Historic of my Total assets and Net worth values
So far for 2021... Total in assets: $384,785.92/Net worth: $336,781.52 - HIGHEST NET WORTH VALUE EVER! October 20, 2021 Total in assets...
My investment portfolio on date of October 20, 2021
Cold cash: $7,315.44 Stocks and Units investment portfolio $CAN Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) Methanex Corporation (MX) Fortis Inc. (FTS) Pem...
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Historic of my Total assets and Net worth values
So far for 2021... Total in assets: $382,580.80/Net worth: $334,576.40 - HIGHEST NET WORTH VALUE EVER! October 19, 2021 Total in assets: ...
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