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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Waiting for my Pengrowth dividends

Tomorrow, I will received 50.50$ in Pengrowth Energy Trust (PGF.UN) dividend. I just hope the stock price remain low – if possible less than 7$ – so I can earn 7 brand new units at no cost.

After what, I will have 512 units or so. I enroll in a DRIP for all stocks or unit I have in my portfolio and expect to DRIP until I have enough to financially live from the income but I guess I will have to work for while to see such things happen. And than I could move someplace else than in Quebec! Problem being that there’s just no easy way. And its not easy for me to have to stay in Quebec. And with this recession going on, I just feel more miserable, like I am stuck here forever. Just as miserable as that. But one day I will have my revenge and I will be able to leave and never came back to this horrible province. And I will get back on the reason why I dislike Quebec province – maybe as much as I dislike TD Waterhouse – but even on a upper lever lol.

For now, I just continue the way I am doing right now and I hope to see positive results in my portfolio. At this time, its almost the only thing who make me happy and I can’t wait to see my portfolio to grow from a couple of more units of Pengrowth.

A beautiful weekend spend... at work

I was basically depressed all weekend long! The sun was out, the weather was perfect to enjoy the beginning of spring, but I was inside, working at doing surveys lol. I would like to enjoy the weather a bit more. On Saturday evening, I finish my shift at 18h, so I went out after that. I went to see the new movie Watchmen. After what I walked on St-Catherines, and I got back home. And it was about it of what I did exciting during my weekend. I believe winter is over and I just hope I won’t have to wear any heavy boots anytime soon.

I was looking at a local paper and I find an interesting job offer, part-time job this on, located near my evening job. I was thinking maybe to apply to the job to replace my morning job that just keeps cutting my hours. It will be so nice to have a fix part-time income of, let say, 300$, or even more if it can pay more. I just don’t know if the time is right. It’s kind of a rough decision. Like I don’t know what to expect anymore from my current morning part-time job and I feel so lost. Like for tomorrow, I don’t even know – again – if I am working or not.

My status of registration with Gomez PEER is still Pending. And after all this time past, I wonder if the program is just a scam of what’s going on with it. Not that I make tremulously money from the program; I am actually at 2 cents now. But before getting the program run on my computer on a regular basis, I want to find out if I will actually get approved. Anyway, I find the delay annoying.

And talking about delays, I am waiting to have a tax-free savings account with my TD Waterhouse account. And at the same time, I was thinking of switching to a cheaper broker. At 29$ per transaction, TD Waterhouse is not cheap. Like me who trust no one, and especially TD Waterhouse lol – I need to get a broker who will be cheaper than 29$ for my little transactions. I just can't wait to me completly done with TD Waterhouse.

Friday, March 13, 2009

On the special dividend of Sprott Asset Management on April 6th

Special dividend for A SPECIAL LADY.

I just learn the great news a couple of days ago. And I was like WOW! This is what I need. Especially after loosing so much money with Sprott Asset Management (SII). I have the good idea to purchase 500 stocks of Sprott when the price stock was of 10$ or so… lol… And now each unit worth less than 5$. On April 6th, the dividend is supposed to be of 15 cents per share. And since I hold 500 stocks of Sprott, its 75$ I will receive on April 6th, in real cash…. Not Internet money lol. A 75$ just for me.

Will there be a special dividend for my other investments?

And about Internet money, my status for Gomez PEER is still pending… And so far, I didn’t enroll in any other money making online. I just been working like hell and I just don’t have any time left to invest in it. It’s possible to earn some money online, but its take a lot of time and energy to start with at first and right now, I am missing both of those things, time and energy. But sometimes, I wonder if it’s just some laziness of mine. One day, I will wake up, fully determine and I will say to myself: let’s do it, like right now. It’s been a tough week for me. I got a cold and have to buy some medications. I complete a form to have a tax-free account with TD Waterhouse. And here am I, this morning, at my morning job – there was no work. But it was a good week – only for this morning, I wasn’t able to work. And I wasn’t too upset about it – I was feeling tired because of the cold medication.

Knowing I lost so much money in the market, it makes it quite nice and enjoyable to earn a bit here and there from regular and special dividend. Only it’s not possible to DRIP from Sprott Asset Management (and their dividend is super low!). I guess I will transfer the money over my credit line to pay it off a little. I am not really preoccupied by the market volatility, but I am more getting frustrating on dividend cuts. But it worth it to purchase and hold.

I would like to be able to reach 3 000$ in dividend earning by the end of 2009, but I don’t know if it’s another impossible goal to reach of mine. Like I had been working to reach 50 000$ in investment for about… 3 years now lol!

And talking about dividend earnings, let’s calculate them again, for the upcoming year to keep us motivated:

Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) [1.96$ annual dividend]: 197.96$

Fortis (FTS) [1.04$ annual dividend]: 105.04$

Livingston International Income Fund (LIV.UN) [0.504$ annual dividend]: 50.904$

Methanex Corporation (MX) [0.7975$ annual dividend]: 80.5475$

Sprott Asset Management (SII) [0.10$ annual dividend + 0.15$ special dividend]: 50$ + 75$

Pengrowth Energy Trust (PGF.UN) [1.20$ annual dividend]: 606$

Pembina Pipeline Income Fund (PIF.UN) [1.56$ annual dividend]: 156$

TOTAL: 1 321.45$

I am in love with my portfolio.


I post in my blog a new section call My Dividend Earnings Calendar Year 2009. Its show up somewhere on the right column. I post in it the dates of the supposedly dividend earnings. I find the question mark (?) pretty hilarious. My calendar is unfortunately incompletes. I cannot find the dividend distribution dates for MX and my brand new PIF.UN. But the information is essential.

I just purchase 100 units of Pembina Pipeline Income Fund at 12$

And now, the price unit is of 11.92$... lol

When I learn I was not working, I did another payment of 329$ on my TD credit line. Just the day before, I had gave 700$ on it. Than I took the metro, when back home, connect to the Internet…. And did what I had to do lol…. I purchase 100 units of Pembina Pipeline Income Fund. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t have enough money to purchase more.

I just couldn’t wait until April. Since I saw the price rising again, I was afraid the units’ price will become just too high in April…

I was quite tempting by PGF.UN, which is lower than 7$ per unit at this time, but I felt it was important to diversified a bit my portfolio and Pembina is a good choice from my point of view for different reasons, but mostly for its rich dividend of 1.56$ per unit.

And I think I did a great move because the lowest price for the past 52 weeks was of 11.68$. And I purchase the units at 12$, which is quite close to 11.68$. As soon as I can pay at less 1029$ on my credit line, its just too tempting to purchase something else and I am now happy to have Pembina Pipeline Income Fund in my portfolio.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I am officially trying to make money online

Why it’s cool? Because with Gomez, my computer is doing all the work for me. And I have absolutely had nothing to do. It’s like Money for Nothing of you know who kind of deal! Basically, with Gomez PEER users get paid while their computer is connected to the Internet. It’s possible to earn money even when you’re not actually actively surfing the Internet. Like me right now.

The only thing that is needed is to download software. And the program is really easy to download. It’s work with Windows 2000/NT/XP/2003.

Once the download is completed, it’s taking up to 14 days to get fully registered in order to earn cash. I download the software about 4 days ago. I didn’t how it works, but than, I register my user name and the type of connection I am using for the Internet in a Window that appears. Starting from there, the process began. It’s possible to see the earnings in real time. For 120 minutes I had been connected to the Internet, I earn 0.01 cent. This, of course is really nothing at all. But the concept is really interesting. From the search I did on Gomez PEER, some people consider it as a SpyWare. But I install the Gomez PEER program on my laptop in which I have Kaspersky Internet Security, all new from this year, and nothing happen, and I run updates and virus searches quite often.

My account status with Gomez PEER is still Pending so I don’t know if I will ever be able to touch that 1 cent I already earn from the program lol. But even in the meantime, I let the software run. It doesn’t even slow down my laptop – which is not that new – I have the same machine since, I think 2005. Trying to make money online is fun fun fun. After reading this post, if you decide to give Gomez a try, don't forget my referral: JulieSky.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pembina Pipeline Income Trust all the way in April!

Thanks to DF, I know about Pembina Pipeline Income Trust. I really want to see my dividend earnings rise and the only thing I want right now is to add Pembina Pipeline Income Trust to my portfolio. To see my dividend earnings rise, I need stability, and Pembina can probably provided what I needed – good continously amount of cash!

PGF.UN really put it hard on me. I was expecting something like an annual dividend of 2.70$ and now, almost half of it had been cut off. Experiment dividend cuts at an early stage make me realize that I really need more than just 50 000$ invested in all PGF.UN in order to earn 15 000$ - as I wrote in one of my previous post.

Because dividend earnings is not stable at all, I will probably need way more than 50 000$ and probably need other things than PGF.UN. But things are just sooo simple when it come to investments - it’s all about picking the right stocks – and, also, have enough money to cover the cost of those investments. I expect to invest again in April.

About Pembina – I read somewhere in a title of Stockwatch the following:

"Globe says Blackmont recommends buying Pembina Pipeline". Who’s Blackmont? I don’t know. But that’s not what is more likely to turn me upside down.

Here where things are getting interesting and hot:

"Pembina’s established reputation of delivering stable and reliable distributions to unitholders is supported by premium, energy, infrastructure assets; diversified services; strategic expansions and additions; prudent financial management; and strong stakeholder relationships".

There you go! Seem like Pembina understand it all and if it’s the way Pembina is being managed, my relationship with Pembina will last forever.

And even more interesting:

"As a result of the changes in the way the Canadian government plans to tax certain flow-through entities, including Pembina, commencing Jan. 1, 2011, Pembina’s board of directors has determined it is in the best interest of unitholders to convert Pembina from an income trust to a corporate entity in the latter half of 2010. Based on Pembina’s internal projections and certain assumptions, the fund expects that the current level of cash distributions ($1.56 per unit, annualized) is sustainable through 2013, after the planned corporate conversion. This positive outlook is founded on Pembina’s attractive business fundamentals and substantial inventory of growth opportunities, including the estimated $400-million Nipisi and Mitsue pipeline projects."

I just like that stuff!

Pembina = $$$ lol.

At this time, I am working hard to pay off my credit line in order to be able to use some money from it back and purchase – if not 300 units – at least 200 units of PIF.UN. But for that, I need more cash and save more money.

And after Pembina, what’s next?

Grest-West Lifeco (GWO)! Especially at not even 13$ per stocks! Hope it remain at the same price until… May or June until actually I earn enough to make another purchase. I definitely need more cash!

About Livingston International Income Fund and why I am getting tired of it

I really dislike Livingston International management at this time. I just get through the reading of a press release in date of February 27 – which kind of old now, but it’s better now than never I guess.

In that press release, LIV.UN management explains what they had decided to do in order to face the crisis. The 3 major measures being the following: "Company-wide salary and hours reduction", "Elimination of salary increases", "Voluntary resignation incentive".

I am ok with the "Elimination of salary increases" and with the "Voluntary resignation incentive". But what I am way concern about is the salary and hours reduction. Like wow. Before cutting on the hours of their employees, it will be so much more intelligent to just cut completely off the dividend until things came back to a more normal state.

Because anyway, from 100 units, I will only earn 4.20$. Since the return is so little, I will way find it more professional from them to just announce a dividend cut instead of cutting the working hours of their employees. But life is like that. For me, it's sound almost like LIV.UN is close to bankruptcy.

And it’s in time like those that I am happy to just have purchase 100 units of LIV.UN.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Out of work again

My morning job really begins to drive me crazy! I had been off on Monday morning. Yesterday I work the whole shift, 4.5 hours, but today… there’s no work for me! Let’s say it’s not tomorrow I will be able to purchase my next 100 bundle of stocks! I need more cash.

I was glade to have off on Monday morning as I took an appointment to get an hair cut that I was desperately in need. It’s good to have some free time, but at this time, I really need money as I want to purchase more stocks or units – whatever they are! And there’s also my brother who wants to visit me here in Montreal, that’s just fine with me, but I will feel mean if I don’t pay for a diner or something. My bank account is dry; all the money is invested in mutual funds, stocks and other. And my dividend earnings are automatically being reinvested to purchase more stocks. I enroll in a DRIP.

I complaint a lot here about my morning jobs, but it’s really releasing and I had my laundry to do anyway. And I am looking for ways to make some big cash online lol.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

My first article submitted to Associated Content got rejected

But good news: it wasn’t because of my poor writing skills (!!!). It’s just I had that idea to write a bit on the new Air Miles toolbar that allow users to collect Air Miles through Yahoo! Search. From there, no problems, until I submit the article – which got rejected. But I had the possibility to re-submit the article – but enough is enough, I work 5 hours on that little article lol. Gees! That’s why I post the article write here on my blog - Collecting Air Miles through Yahoo! search engine: the dream now reality. But I won’t be able to re-submit the same article to AC.

I find very cute, like the way its sound, like I am all excited about Air Miles and stuff. Just another marvelous-marvelous post of mine.

Other than getting rejected on my really first submission (which I will explain the reasons for – I didn’t read the guidelines submissions first – part one), I find Associated Content very interesting. It’s a nice way to earn a little extra income via the Internet – way better than just a way-too-boring pay-per-click program!

Unfortunately for me, because I am in Canada – Associated Content do not pay as much as if I will be a US member. It’s part of the reason why I decide just to post the article on my blog – like whatever lol. But I will try again to submit an article to AC later on.

My article got rejected because I insert a Web site address in it. That’s all.

Collecting Air Miles through Yahoo! search engine: the dream now reality

Canada's largest loyalty program now offers a new way to earn rewards! Yahoo! search engine now offer the possibility to earn Air Miles, at no price. I first learn about this exciting opportunity on the cover of free newspaper Metro.

The best marketing combination of all times: Air Miles and Yahoo!

I use Yahoo! search engine on a regular basis. I am also a user of its email and Messenger services. (...).

Air Miles is my favorite rewards program because it’s allowing to redeem loyalty points in order to receive a discount on bus tickets (among other things). Examples: For as low as 150 reward miles, Air Miles program allow users to receive 40% off on regular Greyhound Canada bus ticket. And for only 50 reward miles, it’s possible to receive 40% off on Orleans Express tickets. And here’s where the Air Miles program is getting very rewarding.

The new Air Miles toolbar allows member to collect up to 30 Air Miles per month. Which mean, each month, it makes it almost possible to reach 50 Air Miles in order to purchase an Orleans Express bus ticket at 40% off. Interesting!

Both combined, Yahoo! search engine and Air Miles rewards program are getting very powerful.

How it work?

First, a toolbar is needed. The download is free of charge! The toolbar is available at the following address:

As an Air Miles member, your collector number will be needed. It’s actually being requested before downloading the toolbar. And if you’re not an Air Miles member yet, registered now! The new Air Miles toolbar make it even more rewarding to enroll to the Air Miles program. The toolbar download can be done through Firefox or Internet Explorer. And it takes less than 2 minutes to be completed.

Once the download is completed, restart your computer, and start searching! As soon as the minimum of 50 valid searches is completed, you will earn 5 Air Miles. It’s that easy and rewarding.

And if, like me, you like to track down your Air Miles account balance, you will no longer needed to log in into your rewards account – a simple look at the toolbar will allow you to find out how much Air Miles you have.

As a Canadian resident, I had below described my views on the Air Miles program offered in Canada. The same program is also available in the US, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Spain and the United Arab Emirates.


Thank you

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