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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I finally gave up on my taxes declaration

I renew my taxes this last Sunday and at the end of the day, it was not 2000$ or something that I had to pay back in taxes… But it was 3000$. The more time I spend on my taxes declaration, the more I had to pay in taxes!

After what, I told myself it was time to get some help! I get organize and just yesterday, I bring my paper to the proper professionals’ lol. I still consider the fact that it cold happen I might have to pay 3 000$ on taxes, like if I had not paid enough already! Tomorrow with my newest pay, it’s 1 600$ I will have in my banking account, so I plan to use some checks I got form my credit card to raise the rest of the sum of money – in case I need it. This year is very awful for my taxes. But I will survive. Doing personal taxes can really be annoying and exhausting. The worst that can happen is that I actually have to pay 3 000$ in taxes, which I will be surprise. Nightmare. But is worst is paying taxes or having to give my $$$ away to some Quebec government that is now mine? LOL!

I learn a lot by trying to do my taxes and I am looking to share what I had learn really soon. Cool exciting projects coming on.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Go Hanwei go!

Hanwei Energy Services (HE) is up up up! Not that I stop believing in Hanwei, but it was a lovely surprise to see its value rise to 1.71$.

I cannot access my broker account at this time, but from what I remember, I had purchased 300 units of HE at the price of 2$ or so per unit. And of course, this investment – like other that I have – made me lost some money! Now, HE is at 1.70$ - which is extraordinary. I might even be able to make money from this investment one day. And one day, Hanwei Energy Services could even begin to distribute dividends to its shareholders. Maybe in a close future.

I really like Hanwei Energy Services and I believe it have good potential to grow over time. Hanwei is a BUY and HOLD forever lol!

Why? Hanwei has present in emerging markets, more especially in China and the company promote green energy. And this might be one of the reasons why Hanwei price had been rising lately. Among their activity, Hanwei deliver Wind turbines and had growing business opportunities in Asia. Hanwei is also having interests in coal power, among other.

I am looking forward to see the price rising in the upcoming weeks.

Dividend Joy in April… and it’s not over yet!

I was very happy to received 75$ in dividend from Sprott Asset Management. But great news – the dividend earnings for April is not over! In the upcoming weeks, I am expecting a 51.20$ from Pengrowth Energy Trust (PGF.UN), 13$ from Pembina Pipeline Income Trust, 4.28$ from Livingston International Income Fund (LIV.UN) and 49.49$ from Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS).

Which mean its make almost 200$ I will earn in dividend earnings for the month of April. Very great!

I now have a 1 300$ sleeping in my bank account but that’s money is taxes money. I did my taxes – all by myself – and it wasn’t too difficult. But very exhausting and very long, but the software I use is quite good and I plan continue to work on my taxes declaration this weekend and finish it up and move on.

was entering the data and I was getting anxious while entering my T4 for my 3 jobs because once they were all enter – it was making almost 4 000$ I had to pay extra in taxes! From that point I told myself, I will continue to do it by myself and if I see I still that much to pay, I will make someone else do it for me. But at the end, once I enter my RRSP amounts for 2008, everything turn out well, as I only have to pay 1 800$ in taxes. Which of course, it’s a lot of money, but in 2008, by running everywhere, I make a bit more than 44 000$. After 41 000$, I get into a higher level for the taxes and from my point of view, the whole thing make sense.

But at the same time, I am quite disappointed in having to pay almost 2 000$ in taxes because I really wanted to purchase 100 units of Energy Savings Income Fund (SIF.UN), like next week or so. But it’s seemed it won’t be before next month. Life sometime is boring like that.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I just received a "free" 75$ on April 6th

I just come from my new morning job. Well, not exactly new because I was working there only during weekends. The supervisors seem to be surprise to see on weekday’s lol. The survey is ok and I hope to be working 36 hours at that job until the end of August. I just hope everything will go well. As for the rest, I still had my evening job. We begin to receive a bit more calls, and I am feeling better now as I was beginning to worry about loosing another job of mine... again lol. Look like recession is no more just "as seen on TV" deal for me...

Wonder what’s that free 75$ is all about? I received yesterday 75$ from Sprott Asset Management (SII). They had provided a special dividend – 15 cents per stocks. Since I own 500 stocks of SII, I just earn a fantastic 75$. It’s not that much, but it makes a nice little deposit on my credit line and around those times, I need money – whatever the provenance lol. So basically, I just transfer the 75$ as a payment on my credit line.

Monday, April 6, 2009

My first 50 000$ is now from Twitter

Check my cool profile:)

Twitter is very fun to use. You write short paragraph and just post them, to whoever is reading you. I find out about Twitter first by watching Rick Sanchez on CNN. But it’s just very recently, yesterday actually, that I register. And of course, I am following Rick Sanchez on Twitter :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

My watch list

This post is about stocks and units I would like to purchase next.

I watch the index and of course, I am looking to extend my portfolio and invest more and more into current and other companies. Those are the stocks and units I would had purchased right away… if I would only have some money left.

My love’s one:

Bell Aliant Regional Communications Income Fund (BA.UN)
Current value: 24.73$
52 Week High: 30.55$
52 Week Low: 21$
Annual dividend: 2.904$

Time to buy before it’s become unaffordable!

I really like BA.UN. That’s actually a real one from the Maritimes and it rock! The annual dividend is huge! Almost 3$ per unit. This is an optimum BUY and HOLD lol :)

Great-West Lifeco Inc. (GWO)
Current value: 18.58$
52 Week High: 35.94$
52 Week Low: 11.21$
Annual dividend: 1.232$

For me, it’s seem a good one. Great-West Lifeco offers services to other companies like RRSP along others. GWO is a BUY.

Manulife Financial Corporation (MFC)
Current value: 16.40$
52 Week High: 40.59$
52 Week Low: 9.020$
Annual dividend: 1.04$

A buy? Maybe, maybe not. Analysts seem not to thrill about Manulife. I personnaly prefer GWO rather than MFC. But other than that, if I had a lot more than what I have now, I would have for sure invest in MFC. But in the conditions that are mines, I prefer Great-West Lifeco.

Energy Savings Income Fund (SIF.UN)
Current value: 11.25$
52 Week High: 15.40$
52 Week Low: 6.32$
Annual dividend: 1.236$

This is a good one. SIF.UN is kind of like Pembina Pipeline Income Trust on the sense that they plan to keep paying dividend (and no plan to cut) to their shareholders and its sound – by reading different press release – very well organized and stuff. It’s all I kind say about them, with all the knowledge I have. Among other, I would also like to purchase some other PIF.UN units and Fortis stocks. PIF.UN is affordable and pay good dividend. I just cannot imagine DF at the moment he had sale his PIF.UN units! Unimaginable!

On what happen at the job interview

I had an interview this late Friday, on April 3 for the job I had been referred to by the place I used to work during the morning. It was not what I expected and I was badly hurt to be offering such job. I was expecting something better. It was my first job interview in about near a year now.

Basically, the job was as a self-employed and it was about calling CEOs, directors of bank (was TD in the list, I don’t know lol) and others like that. I was about asking questions; see if they qualified for a project and than, ask if they were available to come for a one hour interview on site. I find it incredibly stupid, asking such things to supervisor and other. I was very upset to be referring to such job. I left the job after saying I didn’t want to occupy a job as a self-employed – that’s a good excuse that cross my mind. That’s excuse came by after she asked me if I it was because I was not feeling like I could do it. Wow!

The job was very terrible like that and I cannot imagine one minute asking a CEO some questions but worst part being me asking them to come onsite and so on.

And the worst being that I wake up early that morning to print a copy of my update resume. As I was leaving, I was feeling a lot of sadness in my heart and during that time, in the state of New York, 13 innocent persons were shot to dead.

After learning those 2 bad news, I was able to catch up with my weekend job and by finally saying I was available to do some hours during day time. Which had been accepted.

On my lovely weekend

I just cannot believe such individual can posts such comments on my blog! Like this is not a professional blog or something like. It’s just something I am doing for myself and for the fun of it. And I really enjoy blogging. I have several blogs and it might be poorly written, but I am not looking into winning a literature prize. Some individual can really be disturbing. And I am talking here about a comment that I had been left on my last posts. Anyway, I got the picture right. But what actually I like about this is how much I can write and tell in this sort of basic by nature English of mine. It could surprise since I am from New Brunswick but I am not originally from the English part of the province. Anyway, let’s pass on.

But something worst disturb me this week. It shouldn’t be something disturbing but it did disturb me – because I had been very tired in the last couple of days. I am tired of my daily routine, tired of it. Of me working so hard for my money. And I got stress about the taxes I have to do. This is stressing me more than anything else. Sometimes, just the accumulation of different things just make it too much at the end. And for me, I meet the end when I received the package to vote for Methanex. Like enough and enough. I want some free time. And this remains me of the old days when I was only working on weekdays with one pay check. Like everything was nice and gees, what did I did with myself.

And this weekend was one of them, like I had the whole Saturday for myself. I was working – thankfully – this Sunday. I really need the money to pay off my credit line. In this difficult time, it might had been better if I would had just pay more on my student loan, but I am too excited about reaching 2000$ in dividend earnings – probably by the end of the summer.

I confirm the deal, I will be able to work 36 hours weekly at what used to be my working job. The plan almost got ruined because of my morning job. Where I used to work on the morning, they refer me to 2 jobs. First I got excited, I taught it was going to be a good job and all that but gees, it was 12$ per hour, « under the table » lol – as a self-employed and it was really just occasionally, very temporary work. But I didn’t accept the offer. It wasn’t paying enough and the reason I gave for refusing was because it was a job as a self-employed.

I do not care about the jobs I am doing or what so ever. What I need is continuous amount of money coming in my banking account. And for that, I need stable jobs, no matter are bad paying they are. But I do not complaint. I can easily myself go like this for another 2 years or 4, depending on how things are working for my portfolio. That occasion job I had been offered could had disturb the plan of me reaching 8 000$ in extra money by end of the summer. That make valuable money I can invest in Pembina or other if I want to. But I had other plan than Pembina Pipeline Income Trust. Those are from my watch list and I am going to write next about it.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

My top performers: Pembina Pipeline Income Trust and Crestsreet Alternative Energy Fund

I didn’t calculate my overall value for quite a time (like do I really care), but I did it intentionally, knowing I might be close to the same amount of money – still after several weeks of waiting for the TSX to come up again. The market had move a lot like always, but no drastic change still in my portfolio. Pembina and Crestsreet are the exception for the rule and they are both very, extraordinary amazing.

Pembina and Crestsreet Alternative Energy Fund are about the only 2 investments who had took some value in my portfolio and I am still impress by the fact that, well, it had taking some value!!!! LOL.

I was very proud of my choices: purchasing 100 units of Pembina Pipeline Income Trust was one of the best ideas I ever had. I purchased 100 units of PIF.UN back on March at 12$. For now, each unit worth 13.42$. Since that time, the highest Pembina reach was something like 14.50$. I was like wow! Like its way too much fun! And for each unit, I earn 1.56$ per year, as the annual dividend is of 1.56$ per unit.

In date of April 3, my 1 000$ initial investment made in Crestsreet Alternative Energy Fund now worth 1 042$! I just hope it will continue this way. It’s seem like in my portfolio, Crestsreet Alternative Energy Fund had taken the place of Sprott Canadian Equity Fund. But that’s now wanted from me. It’s just how things went by.

For me (a while ago lol), Sprott Canadian Equity Fund was the "investment" or was supposed to be the one. Sprott Canadian Equity Fund was supposed to be my mine of gold. But nothing happen. Instead, I lost half of the money I invest in it and I am just upset about it. Anyhow, there is no – officially – no "money lost" until the investment is being sold, so for now, I stick and hold. But eventually, the goal would be to make a huge amount of cash from Sprott and than sell it to purchase high dividend paying stocks. But the question that remain is if Sprott Canadian Equity Fund still represent a good investment and to this question well, I do not have the answer.

Rock on :)

My first vote as a shareholder of Methanex Corporation

I previously vote as a shareholder of Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) a while ago. Now it’s the turn of Methanex Corporation (MX). Actually, my vote for Bank of Nova Scotia was my first vote as a shareholder. I wasn’t prepared to vote for another company any time soon and I was quite happy to have the opportunity to vote for another company… that I own lol. Most hilarious part is that I had received the voting package… in English lol. Very funny. But I understand English enough to take "clearly" decisions or what I believe will be a good decision.

I didn’t begin the reading of the document yet. I am way too exhausted on what had happen to me lately. I am going to explain it all. But for now, my portfolio is taking form and it’s beginning very interesting to be… an investor lol!! No matter how bad the economic situation is, companies like Bank of Nova Scotia, Fortis, Pengrowth Energy Trust, Livingston International Income Trust, including Methanex Corporation among other, continue to pay dividend to their shareholders. And this thing is real. I had received a little more than 300$ in dividends money and I cannot wait to earn more.

If small investor were doing the same thing as me, we could boost the Canadian economy. But unfortunately, it’s not something I can do by myself alone, me and my little thousands of dollars here and there. But the whole investment thing begins to be more and more interesting. The portfolio I own at a broker now worth an average of 20 000$ in value right now and I expect to see it’s growing over the next couple of months. If only the TSX could reach 15 000 points again, my overall value could reach 75 000$ and maybe even more. And what I like about the stocks market is that there is no discrimination of what so ever. You invest in a company, it give you automatically the right to vote for it, to earn dividend and so own. And nothing is done to stop the process by anyone among the way.

And there’s no more powerful tool than the stocks market. I saw it from my own eyes. In a day, I could had make close to 500$ or so by selling some of my investments. This is fantastic.


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