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Thursday, November 19, 2009

My order to buy 100 units of Bell Aliant Regional Communications Income Fund

This week was really fantastic. I pay my little student loan (the amount was of 1 087$, which is now pay off). I also pay my TD credit line with the money I had receive from my credit line at a very low interest. But I couldn't help it, I just place an order to purchase 100 units of Bell Aliant Regional Communications Income Fund (BA.UN), at the maximum price of 28$... FINALLY!!!! I wanted to own some BA.UN for so long!!!! Their dividend is so fantastic! 2.9004$ per year per unit!

I wanted to stay at 0$ on my TD credit line, but I wanted to extend my stocks and units portfolio, and I could'nt wait. I wanted to purchase some Bell Aliant Regional Communications Income Fund for a very long time now, and this seem to be the perfect occasion. I calculate roughly, and I should earn around 2 500$ in dividend for the year 2010... Which make my 200$ per month I wanted to achieve and which make now more than 55 000$ in assets, and just a little bit of debt...

I just can't wait for the weekend to come, I really want to calculate how my investments worth now. A TSX at more than 11 600 points, isn't great? IT HAVE to remain the same until the weekend!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Busy-busy week

I had many things this week with my training for this new job I have and also the exam I got.. I pass the exam! By looking at my mistakes, I think there’s some stuff I taught I had understood but didn’t understand… So I guess I will read again banking stuff this weekend… Time goes by too quickly and things are getting pretty rough. Very difficult to follow a training, study for it, work 30 hours on top of that at my regular evening job… But money really worth it.

I also transfer money into my banking account in order to pay off one my student loan, at 1 087$... I am almost done with this, I only need to contact my Caisse on Monday to get the payment done and completed.

So far so good, I pass the exam, I continue the training. I might open an account with them in order to trade online very soon.

I received my Just Energy Income Fund (JE.UN) for the month of October. I now own 3 new units of JE.UN. Very nice. I am now at 408 units… Nothing extraordinary yet, but my portfolio slowly taking form and I am always amaze when I received my dividend. Currently, my stocks and units portfolio is at 26 725$, an increase of 206$ compare to October 10th… A little increase is better than nothing at all…

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I got the loan, but failed my first quiz

I don’t have any training tomorrow; which is perfectly fine with me. I have so much to do, excluding studying. And surprise, my credit line of 5 000$ at a super low interest had been approved! Today, I provided some proof of incomes. But my credit line is not open yet as I had to take an appointment. By Friday, my credit line at TD will be all pay off, I won’t have to pay the regular TD interest rate of 8%. So I am quite happy with that part. I also ask a question of what will happen if I loose my job at the bank (which is not TD by the way lol), if the interest rate will remain the same, super low? And I was told yes, over the phone… But I would be quite surprise if it would be the case… Anyway, I don’t really mind for now. It make a lot of things to do for me to do at the same time and at a point, I won’t be very sad if I got fired because I had failed the exam or what so ever. Of course I will do my best not to fail, but I mean, if I fail, I won’t be too sad, because I miss my free time, I miss getting up late, drinking coffee late at night, I miss HubPages… Even if I fail, I am pretty happy with all the things I had been able to do. With the pay I will receive this week, I will pay off one of my student loan. After what, I will only have left less than 9 000$ in student loan. For the upcoming months, I would like to pay off some student loan debt, invest in something new for my portfolio, like BRC.UN or EMA, and plan something for my RRSP contribution of 2009. I will probably turn non RRSP investment into RRSP, just like I did last year. But this time, it will be with stocks and units. I have around 10 000$ to invest in RRSP and I will contribute to the maximum into it, in order the save as much as I can on taxes. I have a lot to do and I don’t like too much the training I am following right now because it’s a bit too much of fast food training as everything is being explained quickly and a lot of information is being provided at the same time. Everything is just not fitting well all together and to tell the true, I am not too happy with this. Low salary, great benefit and a training on-the-go. Really not for me. Anyway, I will continue. I am just praying my investment plan will work out and that everything will work out at the end. I really dislike living in the province of Quebec and I just want to escape from here. In God I trust.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Work-work-work, shop-shop-shop

I didn’t blog during the whole week that just pass and at a point, I really wanted to just open my laptop and write up something, but I couldn’t, since I was in training for my new job from 9AM to 5:30PM. After that, I was working at my regular evening job from 6PM to midnight. It’s not as terrible as it can be seen at first sight. I actually went thought this without too much problem. So far so good… The week and the weekend pass way too quickly.

I am getting my first exam next week, just after November 11. Since we are off that day, I will have major part of the day to study. I didn’t work this weekend as I was studying. I also went shopping. I purchased an external DVD player (mine from my laptop just doesn’t want t open anymore, after 5 years of usage). The external DVD player was under 80$.

I purchase a Banana shampoo and conditioner from The Body Shop. You read it right, Banana shampoo and conditioner! Isn’t cool? I just cannot wait to see the result on my hair. My hairs are actually oily. I have to wash my hair every 2 days if not… Its itch, my hair get oily and it’s simply disgusting lol. Tomorrow when I wake up, I will take a shower and try my new Banana shampoo and conditioner.

I also purchase something that I wanted for a really long time now: an external disk drive of 1 TO, which was at 129$. Both items were purchases at Staples. I find Staples a lot cheaper than FutureShop. I already begin to use my external disk drive and it’s allow me to save 1 GB on my laptop so far. I want to save all of my pictured on the external disk drive too eventually and all of my files… Just a lot to do.

And I also purchased, just today actually, a brand new camera! My current digital camera was very old. I purchase a new one, it’s a really cool Kodak EasyShare Z915. It has a 10X optical zoom with optical image stabilization. And the Koday EasyShare Z915 had won the Best-in-Class picture-capture speed! The camera I had before was also from Kodak, so I just wanted to purchase a brand new model of digital camera. I am use to their EasyShare software, and really like it. I just cannot wait to try it. I should be able to do that on this upcoming Wednesday.

I plan to work Saturday the whole day next week if overtime is available. Studying is good, but after a while, all of those banking terms just don’t make any sense after 3 hours of reading. So I read a lot, write a lot… It’s all new and it’s difficult. But even if it’s all new, I apply for a credit line. I just cannot wait to see if I am going to be accepted for it. I should know within the next 2 days. My plan is to use that new credit line (at a very low interest rate that I won’t expose here) to pay off my TD credit line. Would it work or not? I don’t know. But at the salary they are paying, and knowing I have a pretty good credit score, I should be able to get it. Those people now know everything about me! I told the agent who create the request how many credit card I have, how many debts I had and also, how much money I have… So there’s someone out there who actually know that I own more than 50 000$ of my really own money in investments and that’s pretty scary. So if I don’t get the credit line, it’s going to be toooo bad for them, not for me lol. It will be bye bye and I am out of here! LOL!!! But really, if I got refused, I am just going to ask for another consideration and so on. I am going to make them hate me very very much.

Regarding the shopping of this weekend, it all went to by CIBC Visa. And since I had received an offer for a balance transfer coming from TD Visa at an interest rate of less than 5%, guess what will happen very soon? Another balance transfer! I just want to pay off the 6$ left to pay on my TD Visa before…

Just MARVELOUS. This balance transfer should be around 1 500$, including the shopping of this weekend. It’s nice to accumulate investment, pay off debts and stuff, but it’s actually nice to spend some money over stuff I want. But those are not major debts. I currently have 700$ I want to make in deposit to pay part of my student loan. It’s really annoying because I have 2 student loans, from the federal government and the other one from my fantastic province, New Brunswick. So what I want to do, is pay off my provincial student loan, which is only of 1 087.40$. Once completely pay off, I will only have 98$ per month to pay in student loan. Eventually, it will completely be paid off.

I know I should pay the loan with the higher interest first but gees, I am getting tired of that debt, of having 2 student loans to pay each month, one at 65$, the other at 98$. So I am paying off completely the student loan I can pay off. And that’s my provincial student loan. Just a problem: I wanted to pay online 700$ on my student loan, but the ACCES-D system is not allowing me to do so, so I guess I will have to call those really charming people of Desjardins once again… which s***.

I notice that my stocks and units portfolio is at a bit more than 26 600$ right now, which is really great, because I am exceeding the 26 519$ had back on October 10… So I should be around 53 000$ or more right now. Isn’t great?

Let’s say I am taking care of business here, live from Montreal lol.

Until I hit the 150 000$ in investment that will allow me to stop working just like Derek Foster :)))) I will continue working, studying and praying for my loan at a really cheap interest rate to be approve. Does God want this to happen or not?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tomorrow is the day

It’s been one of those weekends. I enjoy my shopping days. Today, I wake up late, clean my place, do some laundry and dye my hair. I actually hate my last coloration. Within a month, roots were showing up. So I color my red, dark auburn today. It’s a beautiful rouge dark auburn and I think I wear it well. I am very happy with all the things I was ale to do this weekend. Those were things I was not doing for a couple of weeks now, while being busy with my overtime. And since I hate to do cleaning, laundry and stuff like that, I always pushes those tasks to the last minute… Or until I got enough. After dying my hair, I just return the 3 DVDs I couldn’t listen to because the DVD player in my laptop is not coming out… I always took pretty good care of my laptop, so I don’t know what happen. But after 5 years of intense usage, at one point, my laptop got enough. And I have enough of my laptop. So I guess I will be purchasing myself a nice Christmas present: a brand new laptop.

I can now focus on my 2 jobs. Tomorrow is the big day: my first day of training at my new job.

Hot hot hot.

A very busy weekend and a lot fun

My schedule for my evening shift had been arranges. So I will be doing from 6PM to midnight, from Monday to Friday I have my training during daytime between 9AM until 5:30PM. I will be off on Saturday and Sunday. And since there’s always overtime during the weekend, I can always do extra hours if I want. This being, of course, the situation at my evening job.

I had been quite busy lately. I went for some shopping. I purchased 2 pair of pants greatly needed. I also purchase a pair of shoes. We are aloud to wear jeans, but I couldn’t see myself in a bank atmosphere wearing my very old jeans and my black and pink Nike shoes on, even if they are pretty cool. I did a lot of stuff today, I took it off from my job, I wasn’t schedule, but I wanted to do overtime. My goal was to do overtime and reach the 1 000$ paycheck, but I decide to do my shopping and stuff on today. I also did some of it on Friday afternoon, so I didn’t overtime either on Friday. I finish the day by renting 3 DVD but my DVD player on my laptop is not working anymore. It’s just won’t open, and I try several times. Anyway, I might quickly going to check tomorrow if I can purchase an external DVD for my laptop and if it’s cheap, I am going to buy one. It’s just too frustrating, having those great DVDs and not being able to listen to them. I don’t even own a TV. It’s been 2 years since I had been living without a television and I don’t miss.

I am in need of a new laptop. The one I own had been purchased back in 2005. It’s an Aspire 3502 WLCi, just 60GB HDD and 512MB DDR… I saw some laptop with a 250GB HDD at a fair price. Or was it DDR? I don’t remember, but it was certainly better that what I have now. If I see that things are going well with my new job, I will probably spend some cash on a new laptop. This drive us to Christmas, and there’s always good deal around at that time.

Or I might simply return them without having the chance to see them. Guess I won’t wake up early tomorrow as it’s already pass 1AM.

I try to do the shopping, laundry, cleaning and grocery shopping in one day but it was too much for me. And when I couldn’t listen to my DVD, I was upset and went to bed. I just wake up, trying to do some laundry… I have tone of laundry to do! I am glade I wake up. My places had been a real mess and I try to get it clean. I don’t like doing my usuals, but I have to do them. I hope its going to work out at the job I am going into. Everything is working well so far, at least with the schedule of the 2 jobs. I did some spending over the weekend, but it was stuff that was really needed and that I didn’t have.

So it’s now almost 1:30AM and I still have stuff of mines in the laundry room. Just crazy. It doesn’t seem like it, but working 50 hours weekly take all of my time. It doesn’t provide me any time for laundry, cleaning, etc.. or so little. So I now have to do everything in one little weekend. Tomorrow is going to be cooler, I will only have my cleaning and my cooking to do, which I should be able to do very quickly, and will have time for myself. I am quite happy to be almost done.

I wanted to give a check at my TD Waterhouse portfolio, but I forget about their Saturday night maintenance. For the month of October, I am only missing my Bank of Scotia (BNS) dividend. But I guess they are not in yet, not during the weekend

I received my new credit card. It’s at the rate of 11.5%. My credit is of 4 000$, which is ok. I would very much like to open a broker account at where I will be working because we are eligible to trade at a discount price. I would very much like to invest in 100 units of BRC.UN. I really want to extend my portfolio as much as I can. And I would like to reach the 80 000$ in investment by my next birthday – I will be 30. Is 80 000$ too much asking? It will depend on how things turn out for my current investment and for the next one I am planning to do. But the 80 000$ is a nice goal.

The time just change on my laptop, now 1:04AM while it should be 2:04AM. Hour change. My laptop is smarter than me lol.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Things are getting better for now

I wake up at 9AM while I wanted to wake up at 7AM. Soon after I begin my day, I went to see the person I wanted to see regarding my schedule. I don’t know which schedule I will got, but something will be done about my request. So far, seem to me that me schedule problem will be resolve. It’s always difficult to deal with such things. But I was told it was going to be alright and I didn’t have to argue… Which, of course, I was ready to do. So I consider lucky because I will be able to work at both job and I am very happy about it.

But I am glade I did something about it today. My investment portfolio lost a lot of value, but I don’t worry to much about it. The stock market is so volatile. Myself, most of time, when I invest, I invest in order to hold. I am not a major seller. But seem like some other fellow investor are selling like crazy because all of my investments, in different sectors, had lost in value today. But that’s how the stock market is. The key is to invest in dividend paying stock. That’s what Derek Foster said in an interview. Even if he sold his investment portfolio, Derek Foster is so right about everything.

If I take a look at my portfolio, all the money I lost came from investments I pick, some penny stocks and other. I lost money from companies who were not paying dividend at the time I purchase them. This is the case with Timminco (TIM), Sprot Inc. (SII), Hanwei Energy Services (HE), Blue Note Mining (BNT) and Dumont Nickel (DNI). Those companies were not dividend payers at the time I had invested in them and I lost money from them. I still want to invest in more in stocks.

I am currently doing overtime again at my job. I am desperately looking for a 1 000$ paycheck. I will be able to do it, but only if I do some hours again tomorrow and again Saturday lol. I really need the money and money is so difficult to earn, but so easy to loose… I am very temps by a 100 units of PGF.UN right now, since I have 6 units of them in my investment portfolio right now… So many things I want to do and so little money available! I know this can sound strange, knowing I sell my 650 units not too long. But remember I sell at profit? I want a little slow down for PGF.UN. PGF.UN target price is 12$. If I can purchase 100 units at 10$, I could possible sell them later on at 12$ and sell again if I want, to make a profit. Wouldn’t be marvelous? I have the possibility to open a broker account and my trading will be under 10$... So I really need to open the account as soon as possible and get ready. But just too many things to do right now.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Work problems

I have so much to say on what happen today! My evening job really sucks! They are so rude! Or I should say one of the managers with no education was rude with me today. I know the schedule for next week is not out yet, so it’s giving me all the time of the world to have my schedule change to the new one I wanted to submit. But I was told I couldn’t select my own schedule and so… Just of a remembrance of whom I am: a simple employee… So when I ask for an update of my request later on in the afternoon, I was told by the poor man that he had a meeting…

After 2 years being at that job, I never took vacations, I never miss one single day of work, I had always been available to do some overtime. And now what? In return, I am being treated really disrespectfully. Not to talk about the shift trade I had been generously being doing with my colleagues when they where in need of a weekend days. I did several times those kinds of shift trades while I was out of my weekend job. I never ask for anything. And now, with my only request in 2 years, I am being rude. I do not do drugs, I don’t hold a criminal record, I am always at work. And what do I got in return? NOTHING.

More than a year ago, I ask for a regular shift, from Monday to Friday, I ask for the evening shift, and I got it. Now, I am asking for another shift, and nothing is happening. Why? Because the poor guy didn’t want to submit my request right away. Just too lazy. I know he didn’t. Because more than a year ago, the exact same thing happen to me. It took me 2 weeks to get my regular schedule. But this time, it’s going to go faster, I am not done with them. No one have the right to refuse a shift change to me knowing how hard I had been working for them. So guess that tomorrow I will have to wake up early to see the supervisor in charge, another one of course. And we’ll see from there.

Some managers are so lazy; they are not willing to do anything to support their team. But their employees should be their top priority. There’s just no caring in their manners something. Just too often. If I would be a manger, had an employee who never miss a day of work always doing overtime asking for a favor, of course I will provide whatever the employee want. I should be their top priority ad that’s what I am going to say and explain tomorrow: your employees should be your top priority. The schedule change I am asking is not that much as a change. Sure tomorrow I am going to wake up early and go see someone else. And I am going to filed out a bunch of complaints. So lazy, so disrespectful!!!! A I am very upset right now because it’s the second time ever I am facing problem with my schedule at that job.

But could it be it, wouldn’t be just the time for me to move on, concentrate on my training and than, when I get my fix schedule after the 6 weeks training look for a second job if I want to? This could be the perfect solution, depending of the answer I will be getting from my evening job tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I got the job!

I call 3 times today for my upcoming job. I had enough of waiting! I couldn’t wait any longer! So I call… And I call 3 times. On the third call, I told myself I could probably never get hold of the person I wanted to speak to… So I left a message and got a return phone back shortly after… And that’s how I learn everything was ok for me to follow the training for the job next week! And I am pretty happy about it. I am feeling a lot better now, that’s for sure.

Until that time, I have mass of things to do! Like my usuals (too much cleaning and boring stuf like that ;) and also, giving my schedule for my evening job… That schedule will be valid for 6 weeks, after, I will have to make it change again. Just hilarious. The training is during daytime, but we finish late, so I won’t be able to do my regular evening shift… I will probably be able to arrive 2 hours later. So tomorrow, I will try to begin my day earlier to see someone for my schedule.

As for the other thing, too bad, my stocks and units portfolio investment is currently under 27 000$. It was doing a lot better just before I went to work today. In the meantime, I don’t know what happen. Guess we are still in that recession…

Monday, October 26, 2009

Today update

I just wake up by the sound of my pager at 11:30AM. Just received a call, but it wasn’t the one I was expecting! Its actually for another job. But that job even lower paying that the one I waiting for a call… I try to call the person I saw last Monday at the interview, but no answer… So I will try again, and if I cannot reach him, I will left a message or email… But the security check should definitely be ok. If not, someone had done a mistake somewhere… lol.

My stocks and units investment portfolio is currently at 27 176.07$. Which is always better than what we got in date of October 10th. And compare to last Friday, I gain 45$! Super great. At least everything is going ok with my investment portfolio. And how about the job? I truly don’t know. I am going to call again this afternoon, if I am lucky, I might be able to reach the person if not well, life goes on.

For the next following days, I will try to do the things I wanted to do and will do them, even while waiting, and waiting, and waiting…

Thank you

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