Teeth, sorry man, but I got approve for the RSP loan (read previous comments in one of recent post to have an idea of who’s Teeth).
Since Monday, I cannot think, I only have one thing on mind: will I get approve for my RSP loan? Well, I gave a call to the representative this morning since today Wednesday was supposed to be the day. But of course, it didn’t happen this way. The representative told me I had to wait until Friday. So I said ok… and went to work. I was upset because I hold number of assets, like I am f****** rich lol, I am working and so on. So what’s taking so long? Why couldn’t I get approve for a RSP loan right away? Is it because I am not rich enough? Geesssssss those Quebeckers are definitely going to kill me!
So I did the following: I gave a call to the bank customer service. And there, what a surprise: I learn that I got approve for a 7 600$ RSP loan! But the representative at the branch never told me about this approval. At the branch, I had been told that I had been refused, and that they had to send my request I don’t know where so I can get approve. Never it was questioned of a 7 600$ RSP loan at anytime. Taught I was going to get ripped off by Quebeckers? Helloooo not me.
Anyhow, I was quitted happy to learn the great news. When I spoke to the person of the bank customer service over the phone, it’s only there that I had been told that I had been approved, but not for the full amount that I requested, 10 500$. The representative told me that the approval waiting delay was taking longer because they were looking forward to approve me for 11 000$ RSP loan. Ok… But I haven’t been giving this information by the representative at the bank…
Lesson learns: There’s basically jerks a bit everywhere and I strongly recommend to anyone to deal over the phone for loans or whatever else because face-to-face, some bankers really do not have it. One way or the other, at the end, I am getting approved. So why in the world those bankers are willing to make me loose my time? JERKS. I already hate my new bank as you can see.
Later on during the afternoon, I received a message on my famous pager from the branch representative. He sound pretty pissed off that I call the customer service. He re-confirms again that I was going to get approve on Friday and so on and that he had made it clear… I am so terribly upset that I am going to visit the branch tomorrow and make hear the message of that representative to the director of the branch. JERK. JERK. JERK. JERK.
I have enough of stupid Quebeckers. But one day, I will have my revenge.
Just to talk about something else than stupid Quebeckers, this is never been seen before on My First 50 000$ blog: my stocks and units investment portfolio is almost at 40 000$. Today was an extraordinary day on the stock market. I got approved for the RSP loan. I am now at 67 753.62$ in assets. I am invincible. I am the best. I am a genius.
Now, tell me who’s the best between those guys of BMO Bank of Montreal (my late employer who unfairly lay off me) or me Sunny alias The Dividend Girl? Can someone tell me? Who’s the best?