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Friday, January 28, 2011

Welcome to Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN), 100 stocks of FTN in my online future trading brokerage

I don't like to hold too much financial stuff inside my portfolio. Bank stocks are expensive and pay a dividend yield of less than 5%. For small investors looking to maximize their investment in order to receive the highest dividend yield payment possible, bank stocks are not a good option. Yes, banks are great investments because they will gain in value over time, but their dividend yield is terribly low.

Financial 15 Split II Corporation (FTN) is a great option for small investor who want to get all the positive exposure possible to the financial sector AND received a great dividend yield payment. Taught it wasn't possible to get it all? Well, you were wrong! But now, at least, your getting to know a fantastic company, Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN). Basically, Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN) is a company that is extremely easy to understand: FTN had been found to provide investors the exposure to high quality financial stocks AND high dividend payment. Sound interesting?

Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN) is a concentrate of the following companies: AGF Management Ltd., Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, CI Financial Corp., Bank of Montreal, Manulife Financial Corporation, Royal Bank of Canada, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Wells Fargo & Co., Bank of America Corp., J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., TMX Group Inc., Citigroup Inc., Bank of Nova Scotia, Toronto-Dominion Bank and US Bancorp.

Financial 15 Split Corp. trades under 2 tickets: FTN and FTN.PR.A. I personally invest in FTN because the dividend payment is higher in FTN. FTN.PR.A is the preferred share of Financial 15 Split Corp. FTN pay a higher dividend than FTN.PR.A. Wonder about the dividend? If you decide, like me, to invest in Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN), you'll earn an annual dividend of $1.5084. Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN) dividend is being paid on a monthly basis. At this time, I don't know if Financial 15 Split II Corporation is eligible for DRIP. But I hope not. That way, for once, I will be able to enjoy the fresh cash.

I only invest in 100 stocks of Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN) to begin with. Why? Because Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN) is a concentrate of the financial sector. I already own many stocks of the financial sector: Sprott Inc. (SII), Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS), Davis + Henderson Corporation (DH), and, I will add it but I know its not exactly financial but its highly related, iShares S&P/TSX Capped REIT Index (XRE). Despite getting a higher exposure to the financial sector, I am happy with this new acquisition. Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN) is being hold by the mountain lion hero himself.

Welcome to New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI.UN), 200 stocks of NFI.UN in my online future trading brokerage

More about New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI.UN) will be post soon!

Welcome to Superior Plus Corp. (SPB), 200 stocks of SPB in my online future trading brokerage

More to come about Superior Plus Corp. (SPB) will be post soon!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

creditsolutions for margin users, a quick view on my debt situation and new commodity investment

I made some changes to my commodity investment portfolio today. I decided to sell 100 stocks of Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS). The value of this sell was of 5 674.01$ through my online future trading brokerage. This sell allow me to extend my portfolio in other companies. I really wanted to grow my dividend earning and I did. Following the sell of 100 stocks of Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS), I trade commodities online. Here's are my latest stock acquisitions:

200 stocks of Superior Plus Corp. (SPB);
200 stocks of New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI.UN);
100 stocks of Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN).

Those companies offer a high dividend yield and all are online stock trades for under 13$ per stock. I wouldn't invest any more in those companies for now, but they are fun to hold because their dividend distribution is very generous.

With those new stock acquisitions, I am now at 6 312$ in dividend earning (excluding my RRSP dividend). All of the dividend I earn are enroll into a DRIP related to my online future trading brokerage own at TD Waterhouse securities. So as you can imagine, I am very exciting with my new comers. I probably won't invest in new companies for the upcoming months because I hold more than 60 000$ in debt and reader debt busters comments make me realize that yeah, I am getting heavier in debt and I have to be careful. I had received a good debt advice. Who knows if another stock market crash is just around the corner?

Also, regarding my recent holding in Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX), Superior Plus Corp. (SPB), New Flyer Industries Inc. (NFI.UN) and Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN), I wouldn't recommend you to invest more than 100-200 stocks per those type of companies. Why? All of those companies trade below 20$ per stock. In case of another stock market crash, it could hurt badly your margin (if, like me, you hold a margin account) and/or your portfolio. And, also, never hold too much of the same company, that's the diversification rule online stock investing that I like to stick to. In order words: diversify your assets while investing in a online future trading brokerage. And as you can see in my commodity investment portfolio latest update, I like to diversify my assets in different companies, different sector. But I do not have specific allocation rules.

My way to invest is very free. While investing in stock market, I invest in whatever interest me. That's my rule. I prefer dividend payer. But one of my recent investment was an exception: Sprott Physical Silver Trust (PHS.U).

As for now, I wanted to bust my dividend income for the fun of it, because today, I didn't have better things to do than to online stock trades. But also, I have to say, reaching 6 312$ in dividend income, in an income that I can cash in if I want well, I have to say, it's something I am very happy about!

Currently, I have 64 218$ in debt. I am currently using 35% of my margin. At this point, I won't go deeper into debt, I won't use more than what I already use on my margin account. Things will remain the way they are. For tomorrow, I plan to make a payment of 1 400$ on my 8.75% line of credit. After what, I will have left 3 581.77$ to pay on the 8.75% credit line. I really need to pay off that debt completely. I will try to concentrate on the payment of this debt.

Also today I had received 150$ in dividend distribution from Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS).

My latest trade for today

I sell 100 stocks of BNS, for an amount of 5 674.01$. I purchase 200 stocks of SPB, 200 stocks of NFI.UN and 100 stocks of FTN.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My stock investment portfolio on date of January 26, 2011

2 056.57$

Non registered Investments:
Stocks and Units investment portfolio
Sprott Inc. (SII): 9 088.20$
Timminco (TIM): 100$
Blue Note Mining (BNT): 46$
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS): 17 238.05$
Hanwei Energy Services (HE): 117$
Methanex Corporation (MX): 3 071.46$
Fortis (FTS): 3 640.14$
Pembina Pipeline Corporation (PPL):
9 482.70$
Just Energy Group Inc. (JE): 11 888.64$
Yellow Media Inc. (YLO): 2 956.80$
Bell Aliant Inc. (BA): 5 483.03$
Pengrowth Energy Corporation (PGF): 2 689.98$
Enbridge Income Fund Holdings Inc. (ENF): 5 614.29$
Corby Distilleries Limited (CDL.A): 3 559.24$
Davis + Henderson Corporation (DH):
4 266.24$
Premium Brands Holdings Corporation (PBH):
3 022.24$
EnCana Corporation (ECA): 6 496.32$
Sprott Physical Silver Trust UTS (PHS.U): 2 404$
iShares S&P/TSX Capped REIT Index (XRE): 2 151.38$
Horizons Gold Yield Fund (HGY.UN): 1 986$
Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX): 1 492$
Cash: 0$

TOTAL: 96 793.71$

Tax-free savings account (TFSA):
RBC O’Shaughnessy Canadian Equity Fund:
3 020.34$
EnerCare Inc. (ECI): 3 222.84$
Dumont Nickel Inc. (DNI): 330.63$
Cash: 7.79$

TOTAL: 6 581.60$

RSP investment portfolio:
Sprott Canadian Equity Fund: 7 162.04$
Claymore Gold Bullion ETF (CGL): 4 086.42$
EnCana Corporation (ECA): 3 232$
Emera Incorporated (EMA): 6 608.48$
Cash: 87.06$

CIBC Dividend Growth Fund: 560.60$
CIBC Emerging Markets Index Fund: 424.26$
CIBC Monthly Income Fund: 1 046.11$

Energy and Base Metals Term Savings (Indexed term savings):
Natural Resources Term Savings (Indexed term savings):

GIC National Bank: 1 251.85$
GIC Plus: 500$

TD Canadian Bond: 114.90$
TD Monthly Income: 109.80$
TD Emerging Markets: 88.95$
TD Energy: 97.94$
TD Precious Metals: 140.36$
TD Latin American Growth: 104.49$
TD Entertainment and Communications: 125.57$
TD Dividend Growth: 209.11$
TD U.S. Mid-Cap Growth: 118.04$

Maritime Life International Equity Fund
(Templeton): 685.65$
Manulife Simplicity Growth Portfolio: 936.44$
Maritime Life CI Harbour Seg Fund: 1 093.24$
Maritime Life Fidelity True North Seg Fund:
1 051.95$
Manulife GIF MLIA B World Invest: 659.81$

Great-West – various: 1 834.72$

RBC Canadian Dividend Fund: 552.83$
RBC U.S. Mid-Cap Equity Fund C$: 2 023.99$
RBC Global Resources Fund: 1 271.54$
RBC O’Shaughnessy International Equity Fund: 677.80$
RBC O’Shaughnessy All-Canadian Equity
Fund: 1 211.59$

GIC Canadian Market: 1 000$

TOTAL: 40 073.06$

Social Capital at Desjardins Membership share
for 3 accounts: 40$

Savings + Stocks, units, mutual funds + Tax-
free Savings account + RRSP + Online Income
145 671.63$

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Welcome to Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) in my online future trading brokerage!

Canfor Pulp Products Inc. from the Toronto stock exchange market is my latest financial trading. I had acquired 100 stocks of Canfor Pulp Products Inc. and I am still very happy with this new acquisition. Canfor Pulp Products Inc. Toronto stock exchange quote is CFX.

To make a long story short, I am coming from the north of New Brunswick. The north part of New Brunswick is a bit poorer than the south. The north rely mostly on natural resources to survive. And forestry is an important sector of employment for natural resource jobs. So when it come to forest, pulp, paper and other, I am very close to all that as the vast majority of my family had been employed in that specific sector. I know that the market is very rough in the market pulp. Why can't New Brunswick duplicate a company like Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) to create jobs and do something right with our natural resources? I don't have a clue. There's only one Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) and I am now a holder of it! Without knowing that much of Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX), I am already a very proud stockholder.

Before it's conversion in January 2011, Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) was an income fund known under the name of Canfor Pulp Income Fund (CFX.UN). As Canfor Pulp Income Fund (CFX.UN), Canfor was among those high yield income funds. Canfor Pulp Income Fund (CFX.UN) was paying an annual dividend of 3$ per unit. Canfor Pulp Income Fund (CFX.UN) had paid it's last dividend as in income fund on January 14, 2011.

While trading under Canfor Pulp Income Fund (CFX.UN), the company had declared a special dividend, which been named as a "supplemental cash of distribution" of 30 cents per unit for the units own on date of December 31, 2010. Back in the times, Canfor Pulp Income Fund (CFX.UN) were among the stocks paying highest dividends. (I know, I had missed some very good stuff!!!).

Myself, I like everything that go quick, I don't like to spend too much times over something. I like quick fast deal and voilà. And the result of what they are: interesting. That's the word I will use to describe my very own financial score: interesting. As you might had read previously, I first taught that our Canfor, the newly Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) was still paying a 3$ per stock, but it's not the case. I went too quickly on the blablabla reading I guess.

Because of their conversion into a corporation, many companies, just like Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX), had to decrease their dividend distributions. Bell Aliant Inc. (BA), Davis + Henderson Corporation (DH) and Yellow Media Inc. (YLO) are among those companies, all ex very high yield income funds. A dividend distribution cut is always hard to take. But a distribution cut do not necessarily mean a decrease in the value of the stock. The stock value of Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) did not decrease following its conversion into a corporation set up. It remain relatively stable. Why? Many factors, including this one: the company stockholders had decided to stick to what they have invested in Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) no matter what. New company stockholders had came in also, etc etc etc. But also, I am very tempt to say that Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) is one of those very well manage companies, just like one of my very favorite: Just Energy Group Inc. (JE).

Following it's conversion, Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) still have an interesting dividend yield of 10.26% (from what I calculated and also coming from a reader comment). The annual dividend distribution is of 1.40$. This do not include special dividend. I am also very tempt to say that Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) could probably pay a special dividend for the financial year of 2011 when time will come.

Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) will proceed with the payment of its dividend on a quarterly basis. The first dividend distribution of Canadian stock Canfor Pulp Income Fund (CFX.UN) as Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) will be made just later on in 2011. The initial dividend had been established so far at 35 cents per quarter. According to Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX), the first quarterly dividend is expected to be declared on or about April 30, 2011 regarding its dividend payment.

With 1.40$ in annual dividend distribution + maybe a special dividend, at a dividend yield of 10.26%, Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) represent a good commodity investment in a Canadian specialty sector: certified forest products.

Looking forward to buy stocks online? Than, pick the Canadian stock Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) in your online broker day trading. Purchase stocks of Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX), you won't regret it.

Trade commodities online: my experience with EnCana Corporation (ECA)

Today was the day I invested in Canfor Pulp Products Inc. (CFX) for the first time through my commodity trading broker. but today was also a good day for canadian dividend paying stocks, and especially for EnCana Corporation (ECA). I initially invested 5 946.88$ in EnCana Corporation (ECA) a couple of months ago. Buying stocks of EnCana Corporation (ECA) was a good decision to make, despite the difficult times for EnCana in the past couple of months.

The trouble begins for EnCana Corporation (ECA) when the company announced the investment of millions of dollars into their own company. The major investors didn't like that, so the value of EnCana had drop significantly.

Anyhow, EnCana happen to be a good investment because my stocks of EnCana Corporation (ECA) currently worth a very awesome 6 510.39$, for a great profit of 563.51$! I do not plan to sell EnCana Corporation (ECA) anytime soon, but I am proud to say that I my investment in EnCana Corporation (ECA) is growing in value. I would like to be able to say the same thing with all of my commodity investment, but it's not the case. But I am looking forward for the best in the upcoming months with online stock investing.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

CSN Store 20$ gift certificate giveaway to one lucky reader

THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSE. Thank you! The lucky winner is Amber Gi!

That's right readers, your time have come! You have a taste for modern furniture? So do I! And to help you acquire something very nice for your home, CSN Store is giving away a 20$ US certificate to one lucky reader of the Dividend Girl Blog!

To participate, it's easy, you just need to Follow me. Use the Follow icon located on the right column to register!

The contest is open until January 30, 2011, 10PM Eastern time.

Good luck!

Thank you

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