I don't like to hold too much financial stuff inside my portfolio. Bank stocks are expensive and pay a dividend yield of less than 5%. For small investors looking to maximize their investment in order to receive the highest dividend yield payment possible, bank stocks are not a good option. Yes, banks are great investments because they will gain in value over time, but their dividend yield is terribly low.
Financial 15 Split II Corporation (FTN) is a great option for small investor who want to get all the positive exposure possible to the financial sector AND received a great dividend yield payment. Taught it wasn't possible to get it all? Well, you were wrong! But now, at least, your getting to know a fantastic company, Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN). Basically, Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN) is a company that is extremely easy to understand: FTN had been found to provide investors the exposure to high quality financial stocks AND high dividend payment. Sound interesting?
Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN) is a concentrate of the following companies: AGF Management Ltd., Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, CI Financial Corp., Bank of Montreal, Manulife Financial Corporation, Royal Bank of Canada, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Wells Fargo & Co., Bank of America Corp., J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., TMX Group Inc., Citigroup Inc., Bank of Nova Scotia, Toronto-Dominion Bank and US Bancorp.
Financial 15 Split Corp. trades under 2 tickets: FTN and FTN.PR.A. I personally invest in FTN because the dividend payment is higher in FTN. FTN.PR.A is the preferred share of Financial 15 Split Corp. FTN pay a higher dividend than FTN.PR.A. Wonder about the dividend? If you decide, like me, to invest in Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN), you'll earn an annual dividend of $1.5084. Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN) dividend is being paid on a monthly basis. At this time, I don't know if Financial 15 Split II Corporation is eligible for DRIP. But I hope not. That way, for once, I will be able to enjoy the fresh cash.
I only invest in 100 stocks of Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN) to begin with. Why? Because Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN) is a concentrate of the financial sector. I already own many stocks of the financial sector: Sprott Inc. (SII), Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS), Davis + Henderson Corporation (DH), and, I will add it but I know its not exactly financial but its highly related, iShares S&P/TSX Capped REIT Index (XRE). Despite getting a higher exposure to the financial sector, I am happy with this new acquisition. Financial 15 Split Corp. (FTN) is being hold by the mountain lion hero himself.