During my vacations in October, something happen to Sprott Strategic Fixed Income Fund (SFI.UN). SFI.UN is no longer active on the TSX. They are such a bunch of losers at Sprott Asset Management LP that they decided to terminate the Sprott Strategic Fixed Income Fund (SFI.UN). I had been holding SFI.UN in my non-registered portfolio 2011. Do no ever invest in any of Sprott Asset Management LP investment products because if you do, you'll only lose money. I also lost a great deal of money by investing in Sprott Canadian Equity Fund.
Make sexy proud and DO NOT INVEST in any of Sprott Asset Management LP products. They are only "products" and don't conduct to any richness at all. Please learn from my mistakes and be f aware.
Since Sprott Strategic Fixed Income Fund (SFI.UN) no longer trade, the losers at Sprott Asset Management decided to sell of shares and provide cash tot heir investors. The Sprott Strategic Fixed Income Fund (SFI.UN) is now behind me. And the cash I received from SFI.UN left me with more than $600 cash inside my TFSA. I currently have a $1 400 available on cash, so a 2k+ will go for investment.
The stock market is very volatile right now. Like we are like so f! Options are limited. Everyone agree with this point: 2-15 is the year to maximize your TFSA contribution because after that, starting 2016, the TFSA annual contribution would drop from $10 000 to $5 500. I currently have $19 625 left available to invest inside my TFSA. Soon, $1 400 will get transfer my TFSA. Following what, I will have $18 225 left... Its still a lot of money, where am I going to take the money from? Well, this bitch is full of resources, staring with a 5k at 3.5%. Great, but I will still have $13 225 left...
But hey, read this article, and tell me after if you are still interest in the TFSA.
SOooooo confusing! Like always. LOL.
On another note, my non-registered portfolio is getting better. at $128 306.30. I am looking forward to hit on the $130 000.