Its really a day-to-day situation when it comes to the market these days. My non-registered portfolio is not back yet to its old 150k value, but overall, things are getting better. At its lowest point, I was losing $500 in Smith & Wesson Holding (SWHC). Now, my lost is of $306. Nothing better than a bit of volatility to shake up things and make us remember that the stock market is a risky place to be and that maybe I should work at putting some money far away from the markets, aside in a saving account.
My mom desperately want to travel with me again this winter, so I said yes. At her age, who knows how many years she has left to be good enough to take place and travel. I have to say, I prefer to keep my money and invest it rather than spending it on some fancy vacation. I am not a big traveler. Its not something that is really important for me. Now the question being were are we going to travel this winter. I am a bit afraid of Mexico. And I really don't want to visit Dominican Republic for ethic reasons. Cuba is safe and affordable, and Cuban men are just so hot that I could easily throw my clothes off, its unbelievable. Too bad my mom has to come with me! Hola Cuban pretty boys, here I am. lol
That the news for now.