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Thursday, March 21, 2019

My non-registered portfolio on the $125 000 value

Lightspeed POS Inc. (LSPD) decided to perfrom good again today, but I didn't place any trades on it today. But Ichecked it from time to time, how knows if I will try another day trading move on that one. At this point, LSPD doesn't have anything I am looking for as an investment, that stock is only an investment to play on for day traders.  My non-registered portfolio closed today session at a good $125 267.36. This is among the first time that I had been in the $125k value for my non-registered portfolio - its the only reason why I am writing this blog post right now. I hope tomorrow will be another good day for the TSX, that way I will be able to publish a portfolio update. I may be able to hit in the $223 000-225 000 net worth, if lucky. And lucky I am.

Belive it or not, Derek Foster's General Mills Inc. (GIS) US stock is gaining 8.69% in my US portfolio - it took a really long time for this little one to generate some capital gain. My US portfolio, I don't ever really write about it because it only contains two stocks - closed today session at $3 250 US. My TFSA portfolio closed today session at $69 930.5, and my RRSP portfolio - stocks only - at $42 300.96.I think its the first time ever that my RRSP stocks portfolio is on the $42 000 value. So that's quite good too. Fun thing with stocks is that if you pick the right ones, your asset grow over time and it make it easier and easier over time to reach the big bucks. If I can get a good stock situation this year for the TSX, I could easily be on my way for a $250 000 net worth - if not more. 

Currently, I am looking fro stocks involved in the health sector - I don't have any stocks in that sector. I would also like to invest in a stock involed in water treatment and environment - but I find those stocks to be hard to find. This is going to be my little project on the side with Stockopedia for the weekend.

In my TFSA portfolio, I am thinking about selling my investment in Sienna Senior Living Inc. (SIA), but I am not sure yet. Its about all for now. If I need to sell something in order to pay my 2018 taxes, SIA will be the one that I will be selling.

My tax declaration for 2018 is now completed

I got my 2018 tax declaration done this evening, but it wasn't without any pain. About two days ago, I received an email saying that my tax declaration was now completed and that I could go get the papers at any time. I manage to have that done today. As soon as I got the declaration in hand, I check if my financial fees were correctly declared. And as I expected it, it hasn't been entered.

It had been checked as being entered by the accounting on the paper, but it hasn't been entered in my tax declaration. The amount was quite important and as I notice the mistake, I immediately asked to have it fixed, especially since that I had paid for the service as soon as I stepped inside. I was told that I need an appointment with the accountant. I had to explain that it was a mistake from their part and they need to have it fixed now, since I had already pay for the tax declaration. I managed to get their mistake fix. That brings the amount that I needed to pay back in taxes from $4 856 to... $2 996. 

Following what, I walked my way back home, I stopped at a coffee shop and made my way back home. Once home, I had the really good idea to verify my tax declaration. Its when I had found a second big mistake, that time was with the amount of dividend income that was declared for 2018. I called myself a taxi to hit back to the accounting office. I was quite upset. They had fix again their mistake. That time, the amount I have to pay back in taxes (federal and provincial) went from $2 996 to... $2 049.

At first, $2 049 may seem as being a big amount to pay back in taxes, but I don't if you remembered my investment year of 2018: I made several thousands of $$$ in capital gain by selling RNX and PBH, among other things. 2018 was the year when I decreased my margin account usage from $100 000 to less than now $45 000. $2 049 is a really small amount to pay back in regards to everything that been positively accomplished in 2018. I am not upset about the fact that I have to give back $2 049 in taxes to the federal and provincial government, but I am however pretty upset on how Impôts Ici completely fuck up my tax declaration this year. I am certainly not going to deal with them next year, that's for sure. If I continue to review my 2018 tax declaration, I am pretty sure that I am going to find other mistakes. I am not a specialist, so it's quite difficult for me, trying to figure out if more mistakes had been done or not from Impôts Ici, as I am working on impressions and comparisons to my 2017 tax declaration.

This is how it goes with Quebeckers, always so pure incompetent. Always double check everything with them. It's the number one rule for outsiders trying to survive in Quebec province.

My feelings are always right. I didn't get myself that $220 000 net worth out of poverty because I am an ordinary girl. My intuition is my best tool and I always obey it. I knew, even by entering Impôts Ici door that I had to check if my financial fees had been probably declared. I just knew it. This year, they probably made new hiring and there must be a new accountant that shouldn't be working there. I never had any problems with Impôts Ici before, but this year had been quite catastrophic and it had made lose my precious time. It's now past 10 pm and I didn't even have time to check out on my precious stocks. Quebeckers are quite good at this, making lose my time and my temper. And trust me, you don't want to be there when it happens, give me what I ask or just be ready to see how evil and mean I can be. No matter what happens, I will always be the last one standing. At the end of the day at least, I only have $2 049 to pay back... and not $4 856. It had worth the fight.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Great day for my net worth, but bad day for Canadians

I have never been a fan of Justin Trudeau, but today, baby face Andrew Sheer and members of his Conservative Party really pissed me off. The scene makes me remembered of when the poor Theresa May was desperately trying to get a consensus for the Brexit, but members of the government were just making so much noise! Its such a childish attitude coming from so-called representatives of the people. Back at the time, I was a bad girl and taught of Ukers were such a bunch of miserable people. But today, it was our turn. This is not supposed to happen in Canadian society. We are perfect, we are the best. The federal budget is quite something important, but by creating such a chaotic scene, the Tories made it impossible to listen to Bill Morneau presentation speech of the 2019 federal budget. I would like to listen to what Morneau had to say, I was waiting for it. I was actually listening to BNN, but I taught the problem was coming from BNN... Anyway, I am really not impress by Andrew Sheer, I sincerely prefer having another 4 years with Justin Trudeau, rather than having Andrew Sheer as Prime Minister. In my belove New Brunswick province, things are slowly getting better. We had been able to pay down some debt and generate some income.

Despite being an English man, our representative Blaine Higgs is not cutting off into the bilingualism of the province, which is quite good. French communities don't have to be scare. And as you might know, I am a New Brunswicker coming from one of those Acadian French communities. I am saying Acadian French, because being French, and being Acadian French is not the same thing. I wasn't able to vote at the last New Brunswick elections for the simple reason that I, unfortunately, live in Quebec province, but I was quite scared of Blaine Higgs and I saw only in him an English man who doesn't speak any French, despite the fact that he had all of his life to learn. Higgs is quite an old man, he doesn't have the fresh years of Brian Gallant, but at least, it's looking like New Brunswick is going somewhere, for once. While coming from such a poor province where finding work is so hard, you get to appreciate your money, even more, when you get the chance to have some. And not only do you get to appreciate that money, but you certainly do something with it, because you learned, a long time ago, how much those bucks are precious, you get to be smarter than anyone else - as you might know it.


The federal budget presents a few good things, but it's being said that it's not a budget that will protect us much in the eventual case of a recession. That upcoming recession, it's being talked about so much that I think that all investors, major or small, see it in their soup. We are waiting for it to come. But I don't want it to come. Can I please have it easy for once? Maybe we are in a recession right now and we don't even know it. Anyhow, recession or not, my non-registered portfolio closed today session at a really good $124 212.53, my TFSA portfolio at $69 403.15 and my RRSP portfolio, stocks only, $42 074.45. The numbers are only getting higher. I believe my net worth is in the $220 000 right now. Let's go. I am not going to stop here. No sign of recession in my investments. I am just too good to be real.

Lightspeed POS Inc. (LSPD) is no longer so good and keep going down. I am not expecting to repeat any day trading move on this one. Since last week, when I quickly sold LDPD, I didn't get back in and I am quite happy I didn't. 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Lightspeed POS Inc. (LSPD): my best Canadian stock for day trading

This past week had been an interesting one. My non-registered portfolio closed this week session at $123 319.022, my TFSA portfolio at $69 518.37, and my RRSP portfolio - stocks only - at $41 808.09. Many great things are going on. Currently, my investment is Pembina Pipeline Corporation (PPL) is exceeding the $31 000 value. In my TFSA portfolio, Derek Foster stock, General Mills Inc. (GIS), remains in the positive zone, with a tiny, but still, again, at least, of 3.17%. 

It's been a long road for GIS but now we are all set, and I hope for more gain. Sometimes, a stock will register quick gains inside of my portfolio - and sometimes, it's not the case, it somtimes takes some time. In that matter, I can only think of my Richards Packaging Income Fund (RPI.UN). I acquired RPI.UN for my RRSP portfolio back... in 2016! It took some time for my investment to register some capital gain, but it eventually did. And I am currently on a gain of 63% with Richards Packaging Income Fund (RPI.UN).

Sometimes, before starting giving some positive results in a portfolio, a stock will need to take the time it needs to breath, take its air and just be, for a little while. It's always kind of frustrating when a stock is not performing well as quickly as we would want. Another example of a stock which I had difficulties to hold at first: Nutrien Ltd. (NTR). Its been a rough road for NTR, but the current Nutrien Ltd. (NTR) performance has nothing to do with my late Agrium shares - but at least, NTR had started provided some serious $$$. Inside my TFSA portfolio, Sienna Senior Living Inc. (SIA) is sitting on a shy 2.29%. However I am glad because I started getting scared that SIA may be caused some capital loses when I started realizing that this little one wasn't going to be a top-notch performer, but it didn't - at least so far.

This past Wednesday, I placed a quick buy-and-sell move on Lightspeed POS Inc. (LSPD), and ever since, I had been carefully watching how LSPD had been doing. I had in mind to go back in LSPD again and place another hot sell in the fire, but the title had been going more down than up, so I didn't proceed. LSPD is on a hot momentum right now. I had been day trading, and many others are doing the same damn thing. That's what this reader doesn't seem to understand. That's where is coming LSPD volatility: from sweet day traders like myself who had been smart enough to target Lightspeed POS Inc. (LSPD). I am not in tech stocks, so I proabably ever be investing in LSPD, but I may, again, day trade it's ticket - one more time.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Day trading Lightspeed POS Inc. (LSPD): this one is fun for real!

I wrote about Lightspeed POS Inc. (LSPD) and it only "light-up" the idea for some little day trading. I had been waiting for the right stock to proceed and thankfully, Lightspeed POS Inc. (LSPD) appears to be on the right momentum, enjoying intensive spotlights. Currently, on the TSX, LSPD is highly popular, LSPD is among the most actively traded companies on the TSX! And guess what, your little favorite took part into the action!

I am mostly what you may consider an "investor", and mostly a dividend oriented investor for the biggest part. I like to target stocks for the long run. I had been investing in stocks for now over 10 years (actually 11 years now), and it's quite nice to see that I still hold stocks that I had been holding on for 11 years. I love to invest, but I also like to trade from time to time. What I define as trading is holding a stock for a short period of time, and selling quickly while it's possible to make some money out of a quick buy-and-sell move. It's easier for me to be an investor rather than a trader because I had an "investor" for 11 years now. And I didn't place many quick buy-and-sell moves during those 11 years. My instincts are mostly on the investment side, and not trading. But in 11 years, I saw different things and it helps me to understand that, even if a trade move is done for a quick move, once money is invested, you need to invest it into something solid. Always target quality stocks, and you'll even be able to day trade on them once in a while if you really want to.

Internet and YouTube is full of so call traders. You'll find many investors being at the search of penny stocks to trade. Personally, penny stocks are out of my lead, but the idea of day trading penny stocks is quite appealing. And many personalities play on that "easy money aura", like for example Timothy Sykes who's my little favorite on that field. I even taught about following his courses at one point. For now, I still don't like penny stocks. I prefer to invest and trade more solid stocks.

Personally, I find that Lightspeed POS Inc. (LSPD) is the perfect stock for day trading - at least for now. Today, it took me only 43 minutes to make $106 - after commission fees - out of LSPD. I place the trade using my margin account. I was anxious at first, but quickly following my buy move, LSPD registered some serious gain. If I would have wait more, I would have made even more money, but while trading, I always choose to escape from the trap when I can, rather than being find stuck there - not being able to sell for profit.

I think that LSPD is in the game for even more growth. I can easily see the stock reach the $25 per action. But here again, it's only based on impression, on the current momentum that the stock is on right now. But remember that this momentum could eventually stop without any warnings. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

All spotlights on Lightspeed POS Inc. (LSPD)

Many great things are going on right now for the TSX. Currently, my non-registered portfolio closed today session at $123 769.33, my TFSA portfolio at $69 515.62 and my RRSP portfolio at $41 655.85. It's quite exciting to see my RRSP stocks portfolio exceeding the 40k mark. A great stock of mine that I had been holding on to since 2017, CGI, is doing quite great. CGI Inc. (GIB.A) recently made an offer to acquired an IT firm that operated in Europe: Acando AB. Those are great news for all CGI investors. Inside my RRSP portfolio, CGI Inc. (GIB.A) is on a 32% gain, which is quite great. Truly,  CGI Inc. (GIB.A) is the perfect stock, with the perfect chart, please see for yourself:

CGI Inc. is really perfect, but every bad girl has it's little glitched. And CGI is that it doesn't pay any dividend distribution. CGI is a company based in Montreal and its probably one of the best of all Quebec companies trading on the TSX, if not THE BEST Quebec company that is currently trading on the TSX.

These days, another Quebec company is stealing the show on the TSX: Lightspeed POS Inc. (LSPD). Lightspeed POS Inc. entered the wonderful world of the TSX just a few days ago. At first, LSPD made me taught of Shopify Inc., but Lightspeed is not exactly like Shopify. From what I understand, LSPD is an inventory platform for businesses and Shopify is an eCommerce platform. Currently, Lightspeed POS Inc. (LSPD) is enjoying strong momentum. Since the stock is a newcomer on the TSX, Stockopedia doesn't have any data on LSPD yet so I can't get this time that second opinion, a second opinion that I am now too use to get. I am really spoiled. However, my idea on Lightspeed POS Inc. (LSPD) is that it could make an interesting stock pick for a quick hit-and-run move.

Like CGI, LSPD doesn't pay any different, but the similarities between the two stocks stop right there. Lightspeed POS Inc. (LSPD) doesn't have, and won't have any time soon the same really strong historic that CGI Inc. (GIB.A) has. So if you want to play, and play only, LSPD is a good one, to play in the short run. I made a quick comparison between Shopify and Lightspeed, but Lighspeed also include some eCommerce stuff, and I am pretty sure that Shopify also offers some inventory feature... Maybe one day Shopify will be looking forward to buying Lightspeed POS Inc., it would be quite a logical move. We'll have to see about this prediction but so far, I have the feeling of quite a really fresh arrogant management team coming from the side of Lightspeed POS Inc. Is LSPD a good stock for the long term? No. But if you want to play, go for it. As I feel LSPD has super fresh management, typical of Quebeckers. I am however confident that LSPD is relatively secure in the short run. I will keep watching this one and we'll see if I go for a quick buy-and-sell move on this one. It seems to me that I didn't play in a long time. So this is it. Lightspeed POS Inc. (LSPD) could be the perfect partner for a hot one night stand that could be quite lucrative. $$$ As for CGI, its forever everrrr love.

Other than that, inside my TFSA portfolio, my newest investment, SIR Royalty Income Fund (SRV.UN) is doing great, I had registered a little gain on the investment. Latest proud is making mommy proud. Go go go!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Another stock: Brookfield Asset Management Inc. (BAM.A)

The TSX closed this past Friday session under the 16 000 points. My non-registered portfolio closed the session at $122 982.92, my TFSA portfolio at $69 089.73, and my RRSP portfolio - stocks only - at $40 937.27. My numbers are not too bad. TD WebBroker had launched a new fun "Goal" feature. You might know it by now, I am obsessed with one thing, and its to reached a net worth of $300 000. Good news being, that "Goal" feature calculate that I will be able to reach and even exceed the $300 000 net worth in 3 years, which is not too bad, with my moderate risk profile. Its a fun little feature, but what I need, more than time to reach my goal, is a good stock market condition, and some savings please.

Speaking savings, I am expecting to save in the $2 600 cash this month, which is quite a good thing because I will need that money to pay down my taxes. My tax declaration will be complete in about 12 days from now. Once completed, I will to pay what need to me paid. I estimate that amount to be in the $3 650. Its a lot, but not that much knowing that I made several thousands in capital gain by trading RNX, and by selling all of my PBH shares. I don't regret selling PBH - I feel much better now that my margin usage is lower than it been in ages.

This wasn't expected, but I just find a great stock on Stockopedia: Brookfield Asset Management Inc. (BAM.A).

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Welcome in my TFSA portfolio SIR Royalty Income Fund (SRV.UN)!

The TSX closed on a positive note today, but its looking like my favorite stock market is having a bit of trouble to jump over the 16 000 points.

It hasn't been an easy road for Aecon Group Inc. (ARE). I own this stock since October 2017. Before October 2017, I have just no idea that this brilliant Aecon Group Inc. (ARE) was even alive and existed. Ever since Canada rejected the acquisition offer for ARE coming from China, the stock has never been completely a winner stock. ARE never registered great capital gains inside my non-registered portfolio. But all that is about to change. 

Despite its lack of capital gain - remember that this situation had remained the same for about 3 years!!! - I never taught of ARE as being a bad stock pick. Personally, I love those engineering kind of stocks, like WSP, Toromont Industries Ltd. (TIH). TIH is not exactly engineering, but its certainly one of my greatest proud inside my portfolio. Those kind of stocks fit me well. Today, Aecon Group Inc. (ARE) announced record revenue AND an increased of their dividend distribution.With my newest investment, my dividend income, excluding RRSP, is now at $7 488.60.

I finally did it, I had today invested in SIR Royalty Income Fund (SRV.UN)! I made only a small investment. Another great thing I done today was getting my paper ready for my 2018 tax declaration. I hate everything that include paper work, and the taxes are just another one of those pains. I probably going to have to pay something like 3 to 4k in taxes, but I prefer just to pay instead of investing money inside my RRSP. I would need to invest at least 10k to have a real effect on my taxes. And I think its too late now to invest in my RRSP for 2018. Anyway, I am not a fan of RRSP. But we'll get back on the taxes and RRSP topics soon enough.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Getting ready to welcome SIR Royalty Income Fund (SRV.UN) in my TFSA portfolio

TOk, this is going to be a quick post because its getting late. Ready? I am, but don't be distract in case there's spelling mistake - you know the usual anyway.

Over the years, I had bought and sold different stocks. And one of those stocks had been Keg Royalties Income Fund (The) (KEG.UN). I had hold on to that one for a little while inside my TFSA portfolio, but at a point, capital gain on KEG.UN were so-so and Susan Brunner review of the stock wasn't so great. All things combine, I decided to sell KEG.UN and I don't regret the move. Once I sell a stock, I rarely go back in. And this time, I am not interesting in getting into KEG.UN. Back in the time, I discovered KEG.UN by watching the Desperate Housewives of Vancouver - which is hilarious in a way. As long as you make great deal and fun money, there's absolutely no good or bad ways to pick up some hot stocks among the way.

As you might know, I am currently desperately searching and searching for a new investment for my TFSA portfolio. I don't know if I own this smart decision to my newest short hair cur à la Marilyn Monroe (I had to run for a hair cut this past weekend, my hair had grown so long andit haven't been 3 months since my latest hair cut!! Curly hair that grown too much too fast can be quite hard to take)., but I made this wise decision: SIR Royalty Income Fund (SRV.UN) is going to take the place of my past KEG.UN inside my TFSA portfolio.

Isn't great? I now can stop searching, at least for now.

With Spring eventually hitting in, I was in need of a new investment anyway. With an annual dividend distribution of $1.26 per unit, SIR Royalty Income Fund (SRV.UN) is the perfect stock to be holding inside a TFSA portfolio - dividend earned are tax free and SRB.UN dividend distribution is richly juicyyyyyy. So enjoy my latest finding, investors, because you know it, it can't get any better than this. Try to beat me up on this one if you can.

Thank you,you are really welcome, and good night.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Welcoming warmly a $217 000 net worth

While checking over my stocks this past Friday, I notice some interesting things going on for my portfolio. I decided it was the perfect time to update my investment portfolio. Among the first thing I notice, my investment in Jamieson Wellness Inc. (JWEL) is back in the positive zone, with a gain of 5.93%. My investment in PPL keep going stronger: I am now closed to 31k on that stock alone. In the other hand, I had seen better days for Savaria Corporation (SIS).

Inside my little US stocks portfolio, Derek Foster's General Mills Inc. (GIS) is on a gain - and I think its the first time EVER - 2.54% gain inside my portfolio for GIS. I didn't get rich yet on this Derek Foster stock. However, please remember that my PPL is a Derek Foster stock and I am going rich on it.

As for my TFSA portfolio, two of my latest investments Cargojet Inc. (CJT) and TFI International Inc. (TFII) are being named "high flyers" on Stockopedia and I have to admit, Stockeopedia wasn't wrong on those lovely two! In my personal English, the designation of high flyer = volatile stock, a stock that are sensitive to the market fluctuations. However, high flyers are not all bad. Sometimes, a high flyer can be quite lucrative and could be good stocks to target in case you want to do a quick hit-and-run move. 

I never been a huge fan of Nutrien Ltd. (NTR) for the simple and good reason that I never been able to register some capital positive gain ever since my fantastic Agrium stocks transformed into some boring NTR stocks. But surprise, NTR now has decided to please me and is now on... a 15.6% gain! Among other troublemaker stocks, Sienna Senior Living Inc. (SIA) joined my portfolio on a neutral tone, I wasn't expecting extremely huge capital gains on this little one, but surprise, I am now only on a -0.25% loss on this one. When you think about it for 5 minutes, it's quite strange to actually be expected from a stock little or no growth, but it's normal in a portfolio to have a little mix of a bit everything. But for my next investment, I want a winner stock. I want to pick the best stock I can possibly have. Unfortunately, this weekend got busy and I haven't been hunting down my next investment. No rush, but I am really curious to find out what I will be on next.

Other stocks of mine are on a positive gain, that's why I am now sitting on a 217k net worth.

Thank you

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