I hope you had all a good Thanksgiving. This is the first Thanksgiving in a really long time that I had spent not being in New Brunswick. Just to make things worst, the hunting season was just been absolutely amazing this year in New Brunswick. My father killed a massive big moose early in the hunting season - which is unusual. Mooses are not of an easy hunting. In my life, I saw mooses only two times (but keep in mind that I never stay for the whole hunting season in New Brunswick, only a few days each year).
Also, partridges can be easily seen a bit everywhere, as well as deers. I remember years when partridges were really difficult to hunt, as there seem like there wasn't much of them in the woods. Well, those days seem to be over. Basically, 2020 was the year for hunters and I miss it thanks to COVID. Around Thanksgiving, for the past several years, I always been able to take a few vacation days and it's always been the best time ever to be able to go home at that time of the year. Because going hunting is way too much exciting!
The TSX is still on a good shape, closing the day on 16,468.80 points. Anywhere in the 16 000 points is quite a really good place, knowing that we are still in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. My non-registered portfolio closed today session at $102,940.36, my TFSA portfolio at $94,231.08 and my RRSP portfolio stocks only at $50,014.38.
Today, a stock that I had been holding on for a really long time in my non-registered portfolio, Methanex Corporation (MX), gains 3.91% today. It's been a rocky road for MX, but I am still on a good position on this stock, and that being because MX had been in my portfolio for a really long time.
And now, on how to easily save $30 per month, that's quite easy: go for a cell plan that is lower in data, that way, you'll save certainly close to $20 per month. Now that we are spending more time at home, it doesn't worth it to have a cell phone plan high on data. I did that switch, and now I only have a 1 Go data plan, for $35 unlimited talk & text within Canada. I am with Chatr.