Lately, so call "financial journalists" of the name of Stéphanie Grammond of La Presse and Rob Carrick of The Globe and Mail had decided to come forward and testify against the raise of the TFSA contribution limit.
I love my country because its possible, even while earning very little to hit big on the stock market. Proof is, I my non-registered portfolio is now EXCEEDING the 140k. My non-registered portfolio is now at $141 156.13. Which mean that yeah, any sexy girl and boy can make huge $$$ on our very dear Canadian market. Knowing that we have the best stock market in the world, we should take advantage of every tools available at our disposal.
I stop caring about the RRSP long ago. At 34, I need my money now, and I need to have my money working for me now, so that SOON (not not in 31 years from oh no) I can enjoy myself and be free of any kind of salvation. And for that, the TFSA is the perfect tool. We currently can invest $5 500 per year in a TFSA. That's great. But imagine that the Tories - yeah! Stephen Haper - want to DOUBLE the amount admissible in a TFSA when our federal deficit will be paid off. It mean $11 000 per year that can be invest in a tax free way! AMAZING.
But those two losers that are Stéphanie "flop" Queen Grammond and Rob "I know it all" Carrick go public about being against the idea, saying that it will only benefit a minority, only tot he rich. Well, to that, I say,you are wrong, bad journalists!
I am a middle class Dividend Girl and I am far from being rich. However, I can very easily save 10k per year - even more. I earn thousands in dividend per year and I plan to earn many thousands more. And I am far from being rich. I guess it might be hard for a Quebecker like Stéphanie Grammond to understand this, but Canada is the land of opportunities. In Canada, its easy to save money, its easy to make money. And in Canada, we should have all of the tools available to push it.
So hell yeah, in Canada, there're too much losers in the public scene.